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Place I want to visit: Brazil

By: Zoran Zafiroski

• Brazil, a vast South American country, stretches from the Amazon Basin in
the north to vineyards and massive Iguacu Falls in the south.
• Rio de Janeiro, symbolized by its 38 meters Christ the Redeemer statue
atop Mount Corcovado, is famed for its busy Copacabana and Ipanema
beaches as well as its enormous, raucous Carnival festival, featuring
parade floats, flamboyant costumes and samba music and dance.
• As the world's fifth-largest country by both area and population (200 million
citizens), it is the largest country to have Portuguese as an official language–and
the only one in the Americas.
• The use of the Portuguese language is due to their colonization in the early 1500,
April 22nd to be precise.
• Brazil claimed it’s independence on 7th September, 1825.
But Brazil turned into a real country in 1894. This was the year when the republican
civilians rose to power after the big economy crises, claiming the government from
the military. Little by little, a cycle of general instability sparked by these crises
undermined the regime to such an extent, that in the wake of the murder of his
running mate, the defeated opposition presidential candidate Getulio Vargas
supported by most of the military, successfully led the Brazilian Revolution of 1930.
Vargas was supposed to assume power temporarily, but instead closed the Congress,
extinguished the Constitution, ruled with emergency powers and replaced the states'
governors with his own supporters.
Since then, Vargas was always accused of being a dictator, so the U.S. and G.B. tried to
take him off the job by several coups, but they never did.
Although, that left suspicion in the Brazilians and they were reluctant to do what was
said by Vargas and the pressure was just rising until he committed a suicide in
suspicious surroundings in 1954.
Brazil today
• Every summer, the city of Rio de Janeiro is a host of the biggest Carnival in the World.

• The Itaipu Dam on the Paraná River, located on the border between Brazil and Paraguay,
is the second largest of the world (the first is the Three Gorges Dam, in China).
Approximately 75% of the Brazilian energy matrix, one of the cleanest in the world,
comes from hydropower.
The biggest economy crisis
• Over the past few years Brazil is having trouble keeping it’s citizens happy.
Simply because they had to invest a lot of the money from their budget for
building football stadiums, because they were hosting the World Cup in
• They hosted a brilliant fiesta for all the football lovers but they left with a
big debt and the city of Rio was in flames because of the protests the
Brazilians organized.
• They were on the verge of reaching the finals but the Germans trashed
them with 7:1, which made the country of Brazil lose hope in football and
even more so in it’s government.
• This year they invested a lot of money AGAIN, in the summer Olympics
and every person in Brazil now is fuming because of their lack of funds,
but the government says that it will all be taken care of in few years and
the country will rise again.

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