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A. The Cognitive Domain
(intellect-knowledge – “think”)
• Benjamin Bloom , 1956
• University of Chicago
• Bloom’s Taxonomy
• 6 levels divided into 2
– Lower Order of Thinking Skills
– Higher Order of Thinking Skills
Lower Order of Thinking Skill
Level Description Keywords
1. Knowledge Ability to recall Describe, define,
information list, state,
2. Comprehension Ability to Explain, distinguish,
understand summarize,
interpret, translate
3. Application Ability to use an Solve, apply,
understood concept demonstrate, show,
in a new situation construct
Higher Order of Thinking Skill
Level Description Keywords
4. Analysis Ability to separate a concept Discriminate,
into its components in order differentiate ,
for greater understanding of compare, contrast,
how the parts affects the break down
5. Synthesis Ability to put understood Categorize,
parts together in order to compose, generate,
create new meaning design, modify,
6. Evaluation Ability to make judgement Conclude, criticize,
defend, justify,
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Lower Order of Thinking Skill
Level Description
Remembering Retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term
Understanding Constructing meaning from oral, written and graphic
Applying Carrying out or using procedure in order for
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Higher Order of Thinking Skill
Level Description
Analysing Breaking material down into constituent parts in
order to determine the relation of said parts
Evaluating Making judgement based on criteria and standards
Creating Putting elements together in order to form a
functional whole
B. Affective Domain
(feeling, emotion-attitude-”feel”)
Receiving Open to experience, willing to hear Ask, listen, focus, attend, take
part, discuss, acknowledge, hear,
Responding React and participate actively React, respond, seek
Valuing Attach values and express personal Argue, challenge, debate, refute,
opinions confront
Organization / Reconcile internal conflict; develop Build, develop, formulate, defend,
Conceptualized value system modify, relate, prioritize,
Values reconcile, contrast, arrange,
Internalize or Adopt belief system and philosophy Act, display, influence, solve
characterization practice
C. Psychomotor Domain
(physical, skills “do”)
LEVEL BEHAVIOR Example of activity or Keywords
DESCRIPTION demonstration and evidence to
be measured
1.imitation Copy action of Watch teacher or trainer and Copy, follow,
another; observe and repeat action, process or activity replicate, adhere

2. Reproduce activity Carry put task from written or Re-create, build,

manipulatio from instruction or verbal instruction perform, execute,
n memory implement

3. precision Execute skill reliably, Perform a task or activity with Demonstrate,

independent of help expertise and to high quality complete, show,
without assistance or perfect, calibrate,
instructions;able to control
demonstrate an activity to other
C. Psychomotor Domain
(physical, skills “do”)
LEVEL BEHAVIOR Example of activity or Keywords
DESCRIPTION demonstration and evidence
to be measured
4. Articulation Adapt and integrate Relate and combine Construct, solve,
expertise to satisfy associated activities to combine,
a non-standard develop methods to meet coordinate,
objective varying , novel requirements integrate, adapt,
modify, master
5. Naturalization Automated, Define aim, approach and Design, specify,
unconscious strategy for use of activities manage, invent,
mastery of activity to meet strategic need properly
and related skills at manage
strategic level
Psychomotor Domain Simpson
Psychomotor Domain Harrow

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