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Direct, Purposeful

Experiences and Beyond

Implies that these direct experiences must
not be the period or the end. We must be
brought to a higher plane. The higher plane
referred to here is the level of
generalization and abstraction.
What are referred to as direct,
purposeful experiences?
Direct,purposeful experiences
 Concrete first hand experiences that
make up the foundation of learning.
 Experiences that our senses bring
construct the ideas.
 They are sensory experiences.
Direct activities
 Preparing meals.
 Making a piece of furniture.
 Doing power point presentation.
 Performing a laboratory experiment.
 Delivering speech.
Indirect Experiences-They are
experiences of other people that we
observed read or hear about. They are not
our own self experiences but still
experience in the sense that we see, read
and hear about them.They are not first
hand but rather vicarious experience.

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