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Topic 3

Functions and Graphs

Lecture notes courtesy of Pearson Education Inc. 2011

Chapter Objectives
• To understand what functions and domains are.
• To introduce different types of functions.
• To introduce addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and multiplication by a
• To introduce inverse functions and properties.
• To graph equations and functions.
• To study symmetry about the x- and y-axis.
• To be familiar with shapes of the graphs of six
basic functions.
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3.1) Functions
3.2) Special Functions
3.3) Combinations of Functions
3.4) Inverse Functions
3.5) Graphs in Rectangular Coordinates
3.6) Symmetry
3.7) Translations and Reflections

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3.1 Functions
• A function assigns each input number to one
output number.
• The set of all input numbers is the domain of
the function.
• The set of all output numbers is the range.
Equality of Functions
• Two functions f and g are equal (f = g):
1. Domain of f = domain of g;
2. f(x) = g(x).
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Example 1 – Determining Equality of Functions

Determine which of the following functions are equal.

( x  2)( x  1)
a. f ( x ) 
( x  1)
b. g ( x )  x  2
 x  2 if x  1
c. h( x )  
 0 if x  1
 x  2 if x  1
d. k ( x )  
 3 if x  1

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Example 1 – Determining Equality of Functions

When x = 1,
f 1  g 1 ,
f 1  h1 ,
f 1  k 1

By definition, g(x) = h(x) = k(x) for all x  1.

Since g(1) = 3, h(1) = 0 and k(1) = 3, we conclude
g  k,
g  h,
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Example 2 – Finding Domain and Function Values

Let g ( x)  3x 2  x  5 . Any real number can be used

for x, so the domain of g is all real numbers.

a. Find g(z).
Solution: g ( z )  3z 2  z  5

b. Find g(r2).
Solution: g (r 2 )  3(r 2 )2  r 2  5  3r 4  r 2  5

c. Find g(x + h).

Solution: g ( x  h)  3( x  h) 2  ( x  h)  5
 3 x 2  6hx  3h 2  x  h  5

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Example 3 – Demand Function

Suppose that the equation p = 100/q describes the

relationship between the price per unit p of a certain
product and the number of units q of the product that
consumers will buy (that is, demand) per week at the
stated price. Write the demand function.
Solution: q  p

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3.2 Special Functions
• We begin with constant function.

Example 1 – Constant Function

Let h(x) = 2. The domain of h is all real numbers.

h(10)  2 h(387)  2 h( x  3)  2

A function of the form h(x) = c, where c = constant, is

a constant function.

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Example 2 – Rational Functions

x2  6 x
a. f ( x)  is a rational function, since the
numerator and denominator are both polynomials.
2x  3
b. g ( x)  2 x  3 is a rational function, since 2x  3 

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3.3 Combinations of Functions
• We define the operations of function as:
( f  g )( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)
(f  g )( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)
( fg )( x)  f ( x).g ( x)
f f ( x)
( x)  for g ( x)  0
g g ( x)
Example 1 – Combining Functions
If f(x) = 3x − 1 and g(x) = x2 + 3x, find
a. ( f  g )( x)
b. ( f  g )( x)
c. ( fg )( x)
d. ( x)
e. ( f )( x)
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Example 1 – Combining Functions

a. ( f  g )( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)  (3 x  1)  ( x 2 +3x)  x 2  6 x  1
b. ( f  g )( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)  (3 x  1)  ( x 2 +3x)  1  x 2
c. ( fg )( x)  f ( x) g ( x)  (3 x  1)( x 2  3 x)  3 x 3  8 x 2  3 x
f f ( x) 3x  1
d. ( x)   2
g g ( x) x  3x
1 1 1 3x  1
e. ( f )( x)  ( f ( x))  (3 x  1) 
2 2 2 2
• Composite of f with g is defined by ( f g )( x)  f ( g ( x))

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Example 2 – Composition

If F ( p)  p 2  4 p  3, G ( p)  2 p  1, and H ( p)  p ,find
a. F (G ( p))
b. F (G ( H ( p )))
c. G ( F (1))

a. F (G ( p))  F (2 p  1)  (2 p  1) 2  4(2 p  1)  3  4 p 2  12 p  2  ( F G )( p )

b. F (G ( H ( p)))  ( F (G H ))( p )  (( F G ) H )( p )  ( F G )( H ( p )) 
( F G )( p )  4 p  12 p  2  4 p 2  12 p  2

c. G ( F (1))  G (12  4  1  3)  G (2)  2  2  1  5

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3.4 Inverse Functions
• An inverse function is defined as f ( f 1 ( x))  x  f 1 ( f ( x))
Example 1 – Inverses of Linear Functions
Show that a linear function is one-to-one. Find the
inverse of f(x) = ax + b and show that it is also linear.
Assume that f(u) = f(v), thus au  b  av  b .
We can prove the relationship,
x b
( f g )( x)  f ( g ( x))  a  b  ( x  b)  b  x
(ax  b)  b ax
(g f )( x)  g ( f ( x))   x
a a
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Example 2 – Inverses Used to Solve Equations

Many equations take the form f(x) = 0, where f is a

function. If f is a one-to-one function, then the
equation has x = f −1(0) as its unique solution.

Applying f −1 to both sides gives f 1  f  x    f 1  0.
1 1
Since f ( f (0))  0 , f (0) is a solution.

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Example 3 – Finding the Inverse of a Function

To find the inverse of a one-to-one function f , solve

the equation y = f(x) for x in terms of y obtaining x =
g(y). Then f−1(x)=g(x). To illustrate, find f−1(x) if
f(x)=(x − 1)2, for x ≥ 1.

Let y = (x − 1)2, for x ≥ 1. Then x − 1 = √y and hence
x = √y + 1. It follows that f−1(x) = √x + 1.

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3.5 Graphs in Rectangular Coordinates
• The rectangular coordinate system provides a
geometric way to graph equations in two
• An x-intercept is a point where the graph
intersects the x-axis. Y-intercept is vice versa.

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Example 1 – Intercepts and Graph

Find the x- and y-intercepts of the graph of y = 2x + 3,

and sketch the graph.

When y = 0, we have 0  2 x  3 so that x  
When x = 0, y  2(0)  3  3

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Example 2 – Intercepts and Graph

Determine the intercepts of the graph of x = 3, and

sketch the graph.

There is no y-intercept, because x cannot be 0.

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Example 3 – Graph of a Case-Defined Function

Graph the case-defined function

 x if 0  x < 3

f ( x)   x  1 if 3  x  5
 4 if 5 < x  7


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3.6 Symmetry
• A graph is symmetric about the y-axis when (-a,
b) lies on the graph when (a, b) does.
Example 1 – y-Axis Symmetry
Use the preceding definition to show that the graph
of y = x2 is symmetric about the y-axis.

When (a, b) is any point on the graph, b  a 2.
When (-a, b) is any point on the graph, (a) 2  a 2  b.
The graph is symmetric about the y-axis.

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• Graph is symmetric about the x-axis when (x, -y)
lies on the graph when (x, y) does.
• Graph is symmetric about the origin when (−x,−y)
lies on the graph when (x, y) does.
• Summary:

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Example 2 – Graphing with Intercepts and Symmetry

Test y = f (x) = 1− x4 for symmetry about the x-axis,

the y-axis, and the origin. Then find the intercepts
and sketch the graph.

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Replace y with –y, not equivalent to equation.
Replace x with –x, equivalent to equation.
Replace x with –x and y with –y, not equivalent to
Thus, it is only symmetric about the y-axis.

Intercept at 1  x 4  0
x  1 or x  1

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• A graph is symmetric about the y = x when (b, a)
and (a, b).
Example 5 – Symmetry about the Line y = x

Show that x2 + y2 = 1 is symmetric about the line

y = x.
Interchanging the roles of x and y produces
y2 + x2 = 1 (equivalent to x2 + y2 = 1).
It is symmetric about y = x.

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3.7 Translations and Reflections
• 6 frequently used functions:

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• Basic types of transformation:

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Example 1 – Horizontal Translation

Sketch the graph of y = (x − 1)3.


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