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Morning Report

Thursday, April 26st 2018

No Name Gender/Age Working Diagnosis
1 TKA Girl/2 years 10 Simple febrile seizure ec
months acute tonsilofaringitis
New Patient of emergency room at 08.35 pm, TKA, girl, 2
years 10months, address: Stella raya street, Medan
BW : 13,4 kg, BL : 94 cm
W/A : 0<SD<2 H/A: 0<SD<2 W/H: -1<SD<0

Chief complain : seizure

History of disease:
- Seizure was happen ± a hour ago with opened eyes
and stomped hands and feet, one time, < 5 minutes,
fever when convulsion (+), awake after convulsion (+)
History of seizure month ago.
- Fever (+) 2 day before admisson, high grade fever and
relief by drug. She was still fever at emergency room
- Cough (-), cold (-)
- Nausea (-), vomit (-)
- Urinary and defecation were normal
History of previous illness :

History of previous medication :

Sanmol drop 1,2 cc
Stesolid rectal 10 mg (1x)

History of family :
Her mother had the history of febrile seizure

History of growth and development :


History of immunization :
Corresponding her ages
Physical Examination
General status :
Alertness : GCS CM Temperature : 38,6 C
dyspnoe (-), cyanosis (-), edema (-), icteric (-), anemis (-)

Localized status:
Head : Eye : isochoric pupil Ø3mm/3mm, sekret (-/-)
Ear/nose/mouth : nose flare (-), tonsil T2-T2
hyperemis, eksudat (-)

Neck : node enlargement (-)

Thorax : Symmetrical fusiform, no retraction
Heart rate : 120 beat/minute, regular, murmur (-)
Respiratory rate : 22 times/minute, regular, stridor
Abdomen : soft, peristaltic sound (+), no palpable liver and
Extremities : warm extremities, pulse 120 bpm, regular,
capillary refill time (CRT) < 3 second
Different diagnosis
Simple febrile sizure ec - Acute tonsilofaringitis
- Viral Infection

Working diagnosis :
Simple febrile seizure ec Acute tonsilofaringitis
Therapy :
• Paracetamol 4 x 1,5 cth
• Diazepam rectal tube 10 mg when seizure
• Outpatient
Time Sens HR RR Sat. Temp Additional
(pm) (bpm) (tpm) O2
21.00 CM 118 28 98 38,4

22.00 CM 110 23 99 38 Observation

23.00 CM 92 20 99 37,1 outpatient

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