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Food analysis or standardization of food

Food sample to be analyzed include

1. Raw material
2. In-process product
3. Finished product

The method used for food analysis should have following criteria:-

Time for analysis should be short
Cost of analsyis
Food analysis or standardization of food

This include:
1. Titratable acidity
2. Moisture and total solid analysis
3. Ash analysis
4. Mineral analysis
5. Carbohydrate analysis
6. Fiber analysis
7. Fat analysis
8. Protein analysis
9. Vitamin analysis
10.Pesticide analysis
1. Titratable acidity

Acidity is determined by using acid base titration, pH meter. When the acidity is
more than 0.2% of a food, they have a strong impact on flavor perception.

2. Moisture determination

MC is determined by microwave drying , IR drying, distillation and Karl Fischer

method. By using equation on can determine the content of moisture in the
3. Ash Determination
3. Mineral Determination

1. Gravimetry method
2. Complexometric method
3. Precipitation
4. Colorimetric
Carbohydrate Determination

Chemical method:
1.Phenol sulphuric acid method (total carbohydrate)
2. Anthone method (total carbohydrate )
3. Polarimeter

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