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動詞   Verbs

べ 読
る む


Only with our actions, we can invite the future.

1.1 Dictionary form and groups
On textbooks, you may often see verbs with the formal ending  ~ます .
However, when you look them up in a dictionary, they will appear in jishokei, or
dictionary form. All of these end with syllables with U sound: う , る , む , ぬ ,
す , く , ぐ , つ and ぶ .
か よ はな およ あそ べんきょう
買う 読む 話す 泳ぐ 遊ぶ 勉強する
to buy to read to speak to swim to play to study
おど し き ま た く
踊る 死ぬ 聞く 待つ 食べる 来る
to dance to die to listen to wait to eat to come

Ⅰ グループ Ⅱ グループ Ⅲ グループ

Verbs ending in: う、 Most verbs ending in 来る and する
む、ぬ、す、く、ぐ、つ る preceded by E or
、ぶ  and many I syllables
ending in る
買う、読む、話す、泳ぐ 食べる 勉強する
、 来る

This ending can be a bit confusing, but there are two small

rules of thumb you can use to classify them:

? 1. If る comes after a syllable with an A, O or U vowel, it always

belongs to the FIRST group:
と もど つく
止まる (to stop)   戻 る (to return) 作る
2. If (to make)
る comes after a syllable with an E or I vowel, it most likely
belongs to the SECOND group, with some exceptions:
と もど つく
止まる (to stop)   戻 る (to return) 作る
(to make)

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