5 Materi DR Ida Pain

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Pain Management in

Palliative Care

dr. Idajani Marjadi, M.Med.Pall.Care (ECU)

Surabaya, 29 September 2018

Palliative Care
An approach that improves quality of
life of patients and their families facing
with life-threatening illness through
prevention and relief suffering by
means of early identification and
impeccable assessment and treatment of
pain and other physical,psychosocial
and spritual problems.
Cancer Pain

●More than 70% in advanced disease → poor

physical and well-being.

●One-third of these patients do not receive

appropriate analgesics proportional to their pain
Cancer Pain

Caused by:
● Direct tumour infiltration
●Diagnostic and/or theurapetic
● Unrelated to cancer
Type of Cancer Pain

● Nociceptive
● Neuropathic
● Breakthrough Pain (BTP)
Nociceptive Pain

Caused by ongoing tissue damage →

stimulate nociceptor
1. Somatic (bone pain, non-bone pain)
2. Visceral
Neuropathic Pain

Caused by damage/dysfuntion in the

nervous system
1. Central
2. Perifer
Breakthrough Pain (BTP)

●Transitory flare of pain that occurs on a

background of relatively well-controlled
baseline pain
●Moderate to severe intensity, rapid in
onset, relatively short duration

●A breakthrough dose is usually

equivalent to 10-15% of total daily dose

●If > 4 rescue doses are needed, the

baseline opioid treatment with slow-
release formulation must be adapted
●A breakthrough dose is usually
equivalent to 10-15% of total daily dose

●If > 4 rescue doses are needed, the

baseline opioid treatment with slow-
release formulation must be adapted
Pain Management

● By the ladder
● By the clock
● By the mouth
● By the patient
Attention to

● Patient's general status

● Drug's therapeutic effects
● Drug's side effects

● → continued monitoring
● → pain re-assessment
WHO' Three Step Analgesic
Mild pain (NRS 1-3)

→ non opioid +/- adjuvant

Moderate pain (NRS 4-6)

→ weak opioid +/- non opioid +/- adjuvant

Severe pain (NRS 7-10)

→ strong opioid +/- non opioid +/- adjuvant


Efek analgesik+, antipiretik+, anti inflamasi-

Dosis dewasa: 500-1000mg tiap 4-6jam

Dosis anak : 10-15mg/kg BB tiap 4-6jam

ESO : gangguan faal hati

Diclofenac : 75-150mg/hr dalam dosis terbagi

Ibuprofen : 1,2-1,8gr/hr dalam dosis terbagi

Ketoprofen : 100-200mg/hr dalam dosis terbagi

Meloxicam : 7,5-15mg/hr

Asam mefenamat : 500mg tiap 8jam

●ESO : GI bleeding, menghambat agregasi platelet,

gangguan fungsi hati & ginjal
Adjuvant Analgesic

●Adalah obat-obat yang secara

farmakologis bukan analgesik murni
tetapi dapat memperkuat efek anti nyeri
analgesik utamanya
●Kortikosteroid, anti depresan, anti
convulsan, benzodiazepine,
biphosphonate, hyocin n-butylbromide

● Termasuk weak opioid

● Lama kerja 4-6jam
● Dosis maksimal : 240mg/hr
ESO : konstipasi, sedasi,

mual/muntah, depresi nafas.


● Suatu sintetik Codein

Dosis dewasa : 50-100mg tiap 4-6jam,

maksimal 400mg/hr
●ESO : seperti Codein tapi kurang
menyebabkan konstipasi & depresi

● Termasuk strong opioid

●Sediaan : injeksi, controlled release
●Dosis oral lepas lambat : 15-30mg tiap
12 jam
●Dosis iv : 15mg bolus, diikuti infus
kontinyu 0,8-80mg/jam
●Merupakan semi sintetik opioid yang
lebih larut lemak daripada morfin
● Dimetabolisme di liver
● Dosis dan sediaan :
● Injeksi iv : 25-50mcg/jam
●Transdermal patch : 12-100mcg/jam,
selama 72jam

● Merupakan strong opioid

●Sediaan : injeksi, cotrolled-release
●Dosis oral lepas lambat : 10-20mg tiap
Opioid Switching

Process of substituting one opioid for

another to improve pain relief or reduce
adverse effects
Laxatives must be routinely
prescribed for both the
prophylaxis and management
of opioid-induced constipation

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