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Kelompok :
• Chaliza
• Erlangga P
• Fitri Aulia
A Brief History of Brunei

– From the 14th to the 16th centuries Brunei Darussalam was the seat of a
powerful sultanate extending over Sabah, Sarawak and the lower Philippines.
Thus, the current Sultan represents one of the oldest continuously ruling
dynasties in the world. By the 19th century, the Brunei Darussalam Empire had
been whittled away by wars, piracy and the colonial expansion of European
– On January 1, 1984 Brunei Darussalam resumed full independence and the
Sultan took office as Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Home Affairs
Minister, presiding over a cabinet of six.
Climate and Location

– The climate in Brunei is tropical equatorialand humid subtropical at higher

altitudes with heavy rainfall. Most of the country is a flat coastal plain with
mountains in the east and hilly lowland in the west. The lowest point is at sea
level and the highest is Bukit Pagon (1,850 m or 6,070 ft).

– brunei is a country in Southeastern Asia, bordering the South China

Sea and East Malaysia. Its geographical coordinates are 4°30′N114°40′E.
Culture and Language

– The official language of the state of Brunei is Standard Malay. English is also
widely used as a business and working language. Other languages spoken in
Brunei include the Chinese, Indian and Native languages spoken by the minority
ethnic groups.
– The culture of Brunei is strongly influenced by Malay cultures and the Islamic
religion. The culture is also influenced by the demographic makeup of the
country: more than two-thirds of the population are Malay, and the remainder
consists of Chinese, Indians and indigenous groups such as Dayaks, Dusuns and

Muara Sea ports Seria

Economic Business

– Brunei’s economic freedom score is 64.2, making its economy the 70th freest in
the 2018 Index. Its overall score has decreased by 5.6 points, with an 80-point
drop in the score for fiscal health far outweighing improvements in judicial
effectiveness and government integrity. Brunei is ranked 16th among 43
countries in the Asia–Pacific region, and its overall score is above the regional
and world averages.
The following are the attractive business opportunities in Brunei for
both local and foreign investors:

1. Oil and Gas industries.

2. Export / Import industries
a. Distribution industries;
b. Supply chain and logistics industries.
3. Manufacturing industries
a. Pharmaceutical industries;
b. Halal food products industries.
4. Service industries
a. Financial services industries;
b.Information and communications technology (ICT) industries;
c. Technology industries created by women entrepreneurs for women;
d. Retail industries.
Information on staring and registering a
business in brunei

1. A tax resident business requires at least two shareholders and

2. On director of any nationality and a minimum share capital of just US$1
3. A brunei resident director must be appointed upon incorporation of your
4. Registering the company can be quite.
Cost of Living in Brunei

Cost of living in brunei is 29.36% higher than in

indonesia (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not
taken into account). Rent in brunei is 145.37%
higher in indonesia (average data for all cities).
Thanks for attention

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