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Physical Education

Presented by
Sneha Sosa Koshy
Optional Subject: Mathematics
“Physical education is that part of education
which has to do with the development and
training of the whole individual through
physical activities”
Physical Education

Physical education derived from two separate words;

“Physical” and “education”

Physical-relating to body-relates to one or all of

the bodily characteristics.
Education-systematic instructions or training.
Physical education-
systematic instructions or training
which relate to physical activities or programme of
activities, necessary for
development and maintenance of human body ,
development of physical powers, and
cultivation of physical skill.
Definitions of Physical education:
“Physical education is the sum of those experiences
which come to the individual
through movement”
---Delbert Oberteuffer.

“Physical education is away of education through

physical activities which are selected and carried on
with full regard to values in human growth,
development and behavior”
---Physical Education Platform,
American Association for Health.
“Physical education is that phase of school programme
which is concerned largely with the growth and
development of children through the medium of big-
muscle activities”
----the society of state directors of
physical education and health.

“Physical education is that phase of the whole process

of education which is concerned with vigorous muscular
activities and related responses ,and with the
modification in the individual resultant from these
---Nixon and Cozen
Aims of Physical Education

“Physical education must have an aim

as broad as education itself and as noble and inspiring
as human life.”
---Thomas Wood

Aim of physical education is the wholesome

development of human personality for
complete living.

i. Health , physical or organic development.

ii. Mental-emotional development.
iii.Neuromuscular development.
iv.Social development.
v. Intellectual development.
Importance of Physical Education

Optimum development
Physical growth and development
Intellectual development
Emotional development
Social adjustment
Personal adjustment
Character development
Physical fitness
Mental development
Neuro muscular development
Cultural development
Leadership qualities
Constructional use of leisure time
Mental relaxation
National integration

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