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8 Habits of Highly

Effective People
Based on the work Stephen Covey
What is Habit ?
Habit #1
BE Proactive
Habit 1
Effective People Ineffective People


Proactive people take responsibility for Reactive people don’t take

their own lives. They determine the responsibility for their own
agendas they will follow and choose lives. They feel victimized, a
their response to what happens around product of circumstances, their
them. past, and other people. They
do not see as the creative
force of their lives.

Made By: Abdul Haseeb

How do you feel on days like

Made By: Abdul Haseeb

What about BRIGHT
days like this?

Made By: Abdul Haseeb

If you could “carry the
weather with you”….

you could have a

good day no matter
what comes your way.
Which Language you
You can choose your language
chose ?
Reactive People Proactive People

 There’s nothing I can do  Let’s look at our

 That’s just the way I am.  I can choose a different
 He makes me so mad.  I Control my own feelings.
 I have to do that  I will choose an appropriate
 I must  I prefer
 If Only  I will.
Circle of Influence
circle of
Things you
can’t control

Things you
can control or
concern change

Focus on things you can

change or influence
Made By: Abdul Haseeb
Habit #2
Begin with the End
in Mind
Based on the work Stephen Covey
o Begin with the End in Mind means
developing a clear picture of where you
want to go with your life.
o Deciding what your values are
o Setting Goals

Made By: Abdul Haseeb

Begin with the End in Mind—What It
o Good reasons to have an end in
▪ The paths you choose now can affect
you forever.
▪ If you don’t decide your own future,
someone else will do it for you.
A Personal Mission Statement
A powerful document that expresses your personal sense of
Purpose and meaning in life. It acts as a governing
Constitution by which you evaluate decisions and choose

 End in mind is very important for everybody.

 When you wake up, you should plan to do
something for today.
 You can start with what is the beginning, how you
will act to others, and where you will end up for

Made By: Abdul Haseeb

Habit #3
Put First
Things First
Based on the work of Stephen Covey
First Thing First

Key Paradigms

“I will focus on importance instead

of urgency.”
Habit Three
Put First things First
The Habit of Personal Management
An activity is important if you personally find it
valuable, and if it contributes to your mission
values, and high-priority goals.

An activity is urgent if you or others feel that it
requires immediate attention.
Importance Vs. Urgency
 Effective Management is putting first things
 Urgent Matters are usually visible
 Important Matters contribute to our
 Effective People stay out of III & IV
Urgent Not Urgent

. Crisis . Preparation

. Pressing problems . Prevention

. Deadline-driven projects, . Values clarification
meetings, preparations . Planning
. Relationship building
. True re-creation
. Empowerment

Not Important

. Interruptions, some . Trivia, busywork

phone calls . Some phone calls
. Some mail, some reports . Time wasters
. Some meetings . “Escape” activities
. Many proximate, . Irrelevant mail
pressing matters . Excessive TV
. Many popular activities
Habit #4
Based on the work of Stephen Covey
Habit Four – Think Win-Win
The Habit of Interpersonal

Win-Win Win-Lose Lose-Win

Lose-Lose Win Win-Win or No-Deal

 Competition can be very healthy. It drive you
to improve to reach and stretch but it
becomes dark when you use it as a way to
place yourself above others.
 Comparing your self with others. This is
cancerous and will only lead to bad news. It
will make us feel inferior to others. The only
thing you should compare yourself to is your
own potential.
Think Win Win

 Win/Win is not a personality technique. It’s a

total paradigm of human interaction. It comes
from a character of integrity, maturity, and the
Abundance Mentality. It grows out of high-trust
relationships. It is embodied in agreements that
effectively clarify and manage expectations as
well as accomplishment. It thrives in supportive

 Win/Win seeks mutual benefits in all human interactions.

 Win/Win means that agreements or solutions are mutually
 Win/Win is the belief that it’s not your way or my way; it’s a
better way, a higher way.
 Win/Lose states If I win you
 In Leadership style,
Win/Lose is a authoritarian
 Win/Lose people are prone
to use position, power,
credentials, possessions, or
personality to get their way.
 Lose/Win stands for no demands,
no expectations, no vision.
 People who think Lose/Win are
usually quick to please or
 They seek strength from
popularity or acceptance.
 Lose/Win people have little
courage to express their own
feelings and convictions and are
easily intimidated by the ego
strength of others.
 When two Win/Lose determine, stubborn, ego-invested
individuals interact-the result will be Lose/Lose.
 Both will Lose. Both will become vindictive and want to “get
back” or “get even,” blind to the fact that murder is suicide, that
revenge is a two-edged sword.
 Lose/Lose is the philosophy of the highly dependent person
without inner direction who is miserable and thinks everyone
else should be, too.
 People with the Win
mentality don’t necessarily
want someone else to lose.
That’s irrelevant.
 What matters is that they
get what they want.
 Win mentality thinks in
terms of securing his own
ends-and leaving it to
others to secure theirs.

Made By: Abdul Haseeb

Win/Win or No Deal
 No Deal basically means that if we can’t
find a solution that would benefit us both,
we agree to disagree agreeably-No Deal.
 No expectations have been created, no
performance contracts established.
Habit #5
Based on the work of Stephen Covey

Seek first to
Understand, Then
to be
The Meaning
 You need to understand other first before you start
wanting other to understand you.
 Listen first, talk second.
 Understand other will have a big effect on how you
judge the person.
 Seeking First to Understand is only half of habit 5.
 Seeking to Be Understood is way more challenging
since it require courage.
 If you can understand other, then other will surely
understand you too.
Habit Five

Ignoring Making no effort to listen

Pretend Listening Making believe or giving the appearance you

are listening

Selective Listening Hearing only the parts of the conversation

that interest you.

Attentive Listening Paying attention and focusing on what the

speaker says, and comparing that to your
own experiences.

Empathic Listening Listening and responding with both the heart

and mind to understand the speaker’s words,
intent and feelings.
Habit #6
Based on the work of Stephen Covey

 Synergizing or synergy is when you
achieve something with more than one
person or in a group to create a better
 Its not my way or your way it’s a better
way to solve or do something.

 When you use synergy in your everyday life

you’re a team worker.You want to hear
other people’s opinions and what they have
to say .

 You don’t ignore them or say no to

whatever they may have to say.
Two are better than one

 An example of synergy is two heads are

better than one. Which is when two people
are thinking you could solve a problem a
better way or have a better solution for that
Habit #7
Sharpen the
Based on the work of
Stephen Covey
Take Time for a Time-Out
 You need to restore your health and take care
of yourself to be prepared.
Caring For Your Body
 Eat good food
 Relax
 Get enough sleep
 Practice yoga
 Play sports
 Take walks
 Stretch out
 Aerobics workout
Sharpen Your Mind

 Read newspapers
 Visit a library
 Write a story
 Debate
 Play board games
 Play an instrument

You have to want

something to get it.
Caring for Your Soul

 Renew and awaken your

inner self.
 Meditate, pray
 Draw, write, read
 Walk, listen to music
 Get real
 You can do it.
 Treat your soul with
Habit #8
Based on the work of Stephen Covey

Find your voice and

Others to find theirs
Find your voice ….&inspire others
to do likewise

Find your voice Inspire others to find their


•Find your voice

•Express your voice

Focus Execution

•Expand your influence •Align goals and system

•Be trustworthy •Empower others
•Build trust
•Blend others voices
•Create a common vision

To find your voice means to engage in

work that genuinely taps your talents
and fuels your passion

Three gifts of nature

 Freedom to choose
 Laws of nature
 The four intelligences

Made By: Abdul Haseeb


mental intelligences spiritual


Made By: Abdul Haseeb

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