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1 Supply On Time Delivery – Need by Date

KPI PO Lines On-Time to Need by Date with Early/Late Tolerance


No. of (PO Lines Received on time with-in PO Need by Date +/- Tolerance Days)
Total No. PO Line Items Received

• PO Line item Need by Date - Date the MRP system expects the item to arrive on-site
• PO Line item Receipt date - Date the MRP system receives the item on-site which is Doc Date
• If items are received in multiple batches, consider Maximum received date of line items
• PO Line item Receipt date should be greater than PO Line original due date MINUS early tolerance
• AND PO Line item Receipt date should be less than PO Line original due date PLUS late tolerance
Definition • Consider PO Line Item where Transaction type =“Receipt”
of values • PO Lines with status CLOSED should be considered for calculation.
• Early Shipment Tolerance (# of working days) – This is ideally defined at inv item level and then can be
overwritten @purchase order level.
• Late Shipment Tolerance (# of working days) – This is ideally defined at inv item level and then can be
overwritten @purchase order level
• Consider Emerson’s Fiscal Calendar

Input EBS

Reported Supplier, Preferred Supplier or Not, ABCD Code, Variation Code, Commodity Code, Part Number,
Buyer/Planner, Transportation Mode, Freight Term, Ship To Site, Fiscal Year, Period, Work Week,
Region/Geography, Operating Unit, Warehouse/Inv Org, Cause Code for Delay, Notes field for Delivery
Delay, Product Line, Interco vs External, Inspection Required or not

Week, Month , Quarter , Year

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