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Created by: Leonie Cunanan

Q2 Week 8: Lesson 17 - Day 3

A big wolf saw the great big fox crying and asked,
“Hey, brother! Why are you crying?” The fox said,
“The sweet boy is crying and so I am crying. We
cannot get his three goats out of the carrot field.”
“I will get the goats out in a jiffy!” the wolf said.
The wolf ran after the goats. Whoa! But no! The
goats did not come.
Jim, the fox, and the wolf went Boo! Boo!
Comprehension Questions:
1. What animal saw the great big fox crying?
2. With whom did the fox see crying?
3. What did the wolf do to get the goats out of
the field?
4. Did the goats come out of the field when the
wolf ran after them?
Horsey, the King
When Horsey took over the throne
Of his kingdom shaped like a cone
He called his friends by phone
To visit him in the palace
That was now his home.

He wanted to show them his golden robe

And the many gifts sent him
Horsey’s friends sent a return note
Which all three of them wrote.
They could not leave their families alone.
No rain had fallen in their zone.
No crops were grown on the earth hard as stone.

Horsey told his friends not to fear

He would ask kingdoms far and near
For help, and when they hear
About the problem, they would answer
The magic stove they could use
To cook whatever food they choose.
The stove would double food cooked in it
So there would be more than enough
For many people to eat.
In our story, the four
animals had a nice time
that evening. Let’s read this
paragraph that gives what
each animal did after they
were able to pull up the
enormous carrot.
That evening, the four animals cooked the
enormous carrot. The Hen gently poured the
hot carrot soup on four small bowls. The dog
and the cat prepared a bottle of cold bubbly
juice. The mouse helped set the table. They all
had a happy time together.
.When did the animals cook the enormous
 What did the hen do with the hot carrot soup?
 What did the cat and the dog prepare?
 How did the mouse help?
 What are the action words/verbs in the
Lets read the following words.
enormous - small hot - cold
tall - short pretty - ugly
happy - sad clean - dirty
day - night dry - wet
•What do you call these pairs of
•Do they have the same
•Can you give other pairs of
These are pairs of words that show
opposite or contradictory meanings.
soft – hard cold – hot happy – sad
black - white enormous – small tall – short
clean – dirty young – old beautiful – ugly
smooth – rough sweet – bitter right -wrong
Words with opposite
meaning are called
Choose one from any of these pair of pictures.
Make sentences using antonyms.

1 2

Complete each sentence with the
opposite meaning of the underlined
word. Choose your answer from the
box below.
clean small
old young
wide industrious
1. I found a new pair of shoes to replace my
_____ one.
2. The huge waves carried the ____ fish to the
3. The old man thanked the ____boy who
helped him cross the street.
4. The lazy grasshopper learned a lesson
from the _______ ant.
5. The messy room became ______after the
cleaners helped one another.
Give the antonyms of the following words:
1. silent- 4. remember-
2. bright- 5. straight-
3. strong-

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