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• A 25th years old woman came to dental clinic for teeth

restoration. The patient said that her tooth never hurt. On intra
oral examination of 46 tooth is occlusal caries, tes sondase (+),
tes termal (+), tes palpasi (-), perkusi (-). Dentist diagnose that
46 tooth is caries media and explain how cavities process and
the types of cavities.
• Perkusi
• Karies media
• Tes sondase
• Palpasi
• Tes termal
• oklusal
• Kenapa dokter gigi mendiagnosis gigi 46 karies media ?
• Apa yang menyebabkan mulut menjadi bau ?
• Apa maksud dari positif dan negative dari pemeriksaan intra oral ?
• Pada skenario karies tersebut kelas berapa ?
• Bagaimana proses karies ?
• Apa saja macam macam karies ?
• Apa akibat karies ?
• Apa tanda tanda gigi tersebut dikatakan karies ?
• Apa saja faktor penyebab karies ?
• Bagaimana cara pencegahan karies ?
• Apa perbedaan gigi vital dengan gigi non vital ?
intra oral


proses terjadi etiologi klasifikasi

• Be able to know and explain intra oral examination
• Be able to know and explain caries process
• Be able to know and explain the etiology of caries
• Be able to know and explain the classification of caries
• Perkusi
• Sondasi
• Probing
• Tes mmobilitas
• Tes vitalitas
- tes termal
- tes kavitas
- tes jarum miller
- tes elektris
• Direct factor
- Host
- Microorganism
- Substrate
- Time
• Indirect factor
- Races
- Ages
- Gender
- Descent
- Socioeconomic Status
- Attitudes and Behaviors related to Dental health
Based on G.V. Black
1. Class I
2. Class II
3. Class III
4. Class IV
5. Class V
6. Class VI
Based on G.T. Mount

By their site
1. Site 1
2. Site 2
3. Site 3

By their size
1. Size 0
2. Size 1
3. Size 2
4. Size 3
5. Size 4
1. D0
2. D1
3. D2
4. D3
5. D4
6. D5
7. D6
• Superfisialis
• Media
• Profunda tertutup
• Profunda terbuka

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