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Kelompok / Kelas : 2 (Dua) / 4ID09

Nama / NPM : 1. Arif Rahman / 31414602
2. Erick Carlo / 33414601
3. M. Rizki Mulya / 36414857
4. Pahmi Hamda / 38414364
5. Windah Herawati / 3C414270
Past Tense

• Bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk

menjelaskan atau menggambarkan
kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau.
Rumus Past Tense
1. Positive (+)
Subject (I-You-She-He-It-We-They)+ Verb II +
2. Negative (-)
Subject (I-You-She-He-It-We-They)+ did not
(didn’t) + Verb I + Object
3. Interrogative (?)
Did + Subject (I-You-She-He-It-We-They)+
Verb I + Object ?
Keterangan Waktu Past Tense
a. This …,
b. last …,
c. … ago,
d. yesterday,
e. yesterday …,
f. once upon a time,
g. long time ago,
h. the other day,
i. just now,
j. formerly,
k. in 1978 (year),
l. the day before
Contoh Kalimat Pas Tense
1. (+) They play tennis on Sunday.
(-) They don’t play tennis on Sunday
(?) Do they play tennis on Sunday?
2. (+) I made a mistake when speaking
(-) I didn’t make a mistake when speaking
(?) Did you make a mistake when speaking?
3. (+) He asked me to go last night
(-) He didn’t ask me to go last night
(?) Did he ask you to go last night?
4. (+) He lived in the small city last year
(-) He didn’t live in the small city last year
(?) Did he live in the small city last year
5. (+) We learned Biology last Friday
(-) We didn’t learn Biology last Friday
(?) Did you learn Biology last Friday?
6. (+) He heard thunder last night
(-) He didn’t hear thunder last night
(?) Did he hear thunder last night?
Contoh Soal Pas Tense
1. What did you do yesterday?
a. swimming in the pool
b. swims in the pool
c. swam in the pool
d. swum in the pool
2. I …..a cup of coffee with him last night
a. Drinking
b. Drank
c. Drunk
d. Drink
3. They ……that I am happy
a. Says
b. Say
c. Said
d. Saying
4. He… yesterday morning
a. Calling
b. Calls
c. Called
d. Call
5. My teacher…me about this lesson yesterday
a. Teach
b. Taught
c. Teaching
d. Teaches
6. Diana …..a new cloth from me last week
a. Wearing
b. Weared
c. Wore
d. Wears
5. My teacher…me about this lesson yesterday
a. Teach
b. Taught
c. Teaching
d. Teaches
6. Diana …..a new cloth from me last week
a. Wearing
b. Weared
c. Wore
d. Wears
7. My family……Bali last year
a. Visiting
b. Visited
c. Have been visited
d. Visits
8. We……some clothes in the river yesterday
a. Wash
b. Washing
c. Washed
d. Has washed
9. Malika …….her cat before it died
a. Loving
b. Loves
c. Loved
d. Love
10. My team… together yesterday afternoon
a. Playing
b. Played
c. Plays
d. Play

• Bagian dari auxiliary yang terdiri dari

sekelompok kata kerja bantu yang
memberikan arti tambahan pada
suatu kalimat.
Rumus Modals

Positive (+) = S + modal + V1 + ( O )

Negative (–) = S + modal + not + V1 + ( O )
Introgrative (?) = modal + S + V1 + ( O ) ?
Jenis-Jenis Modals
Modals present Modals past
• Can • Could
• Will • Would
• Shall • Should
• May • Might
• Must • Had to
• Should
• Ought to
Contoh Kalimat Modals
1. (+) They can speak English
(-) They cannot speak English
(?) Can they speak English?
2. (+) My younger sister can walk on the wall
(-) My younger sister can’t walk on the wall
(?) Can you hear me?
3. (+) They may take this pen
(-) They may not take this pen
(?) May they take this pen?
4. (+) I must study English
(-) I must not study English
(?) Must I study English
5. (+) They must walk to school
(-) They mustn’t walk to school
(?) Must walk to school
6. (+) We will go to a movie
(-) We will not go to a movie
(?) Will we go to a movie
Contoh Soal Modals
1. The man standing over there asked me whether
he_____the flowers from my garden.
a. Took
b. Might take
c. Ought to take
d. Would take
2. The child ate up all the meal we had served. He____very
a. Will have been
b. Could have been
c. Must have been
d. Would have been
3. Mom and dad just left for the airport twenty minutes ago, so
they___there yet.
a. Can’t have gotten
b. Shouldn’t have gotten
c. Had better have gotten
d. Could have gotten
4. The theory of continental drift assumes that there_____
long-term climatic changes in many areas during the past.
a. Must have been
b. Must be
c. Must have
d. Must
5. Although research scientist had hoped that the new drug
interferon____to be a cure for cancer, it’s applications now
appear to be more limited.
a. Prove
b. Had proven
c. Would prove
d. Will prove
6. Look at this street, it is very muddy, it_____have rained
heavily last night.
a. Will
b. Would
c. Could
d. Must
7. Henry will not able to attend the meeting tonight
a. He must to teach a class
b. He will be teaching a class
c. Of he will teach a class
d. He will have teaching a class
8. The man standing over there asked me whether he____the
flowers from my garden.
a. Took
b. Might take
c. Ought to take
d. Would take
9. Alfred visited some countries in Asia, Europe and America.
He bought luxurious things for his wife and children.
he_____a lot of money.
a. Could have
b. Would have
c. Ought have
d. Must have had
10. Berta : “Can I have your report soon?”
Jono : “sure, I ______it before you go to the meeting”
a. Will finished
b. Will have finished
c. Am going to finish
d. Am finishing

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