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Anuj Rana (Telecom & IT)

Aditi Arora(Infrastructure)
Professor R.A.Fisher was the first man to use the term “variance” and
in fact it was he who developed this theory concerning ANOVA in
year 1918, explaining its usefulness in practical fields like economics,
biology, education, psychology, sociology, business/industry and in
research of several other disciplines.

An analysis of the variance in the outcomes of an experiment is to

assess the contribution of each variable to the variation.

The ANOVA technique is important in the context of all those

situations where we want to compare more then two populations for
e.g. comparing the yield of crop from several variety of seeds, the
gasoline mileage of four automobiles and so on
The basic principle of ANOVA is to test for differences among the means
of population by examining the amount of variation within each of these
samples, relative to the amount of variation between the samples

In ANOVA we have to make two estimates of population variance viz., one

based on between samples variance and other based on within samples
variance. Then these two estimates of population variance are compared
with F test, wherein we work out.

Estimate of population variance based on between samples variance

F = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Estimate of population variance based on within sample variance

There are two techniques of ANOVA

 One way ANOVA technique

 Two way ANOVA technique


Two way ANOVA technique is used when the data are classified on the
basis of two factors. For example, the agriculture output may be classified
on the basis of different varieties of seeds & also on the basis of different
variety of fertilizers used. The various steps involved are as follows :

1. Use the coding device if the same simplifies the task.

2. Take the total of the values of the individual items (or their coded
values as the case may be) in all the samples and call it ‘T’.
3. Work out the correction factor as under :
correction factor = -------------
4. Find out the square of all the item values one by one & then take its total.
Subtract the correction factor from this total to obtain the sum of squares of
deviations from total variance.

5. Take the total of different columns & then obtain the square of each column total
& divide such squared values of each column by the number of items in the
concerning column & take the total of the result thus obtained. Finally subtract
the correction factor from this total to obtain the sum of squares of deviations for
variance between columns or (SS between columns).

6. Take the total of different rows & then obtain the square of each row total & then
divide such squared value of each row by the number of items in the
corresponding row & take the total of the result thus obtained. Finally subtract
the correction factor from this total to obtain the sum of squares of deviations for
variance between rows or (SS between rows).

7. Sum of squares of deviations for residual or error variance can be worked out by
subtracting the result of the sum of (v)th & (vi)th step stated above. In other

Total SS – (SS between columns + SS between rows) = SS for residual or error

8. Degrees of freedom (d.f) can be worked out as under :
d.f. for total variance = (c . R-1)
d.f. for variance between columns = (c-1)
d.f. for variance between rows = (r-1)
d.f. for residual variance = (c-1) (r-1)
where c = number of columns
r = number of rows

9. ANOVA table can be set up in the usual fashion.

Procedure for Two-Way ANOVA

Ho: No interaction Test for an interaction MSAB

between two factors
between the two Ftest 

Is there an effect due Yes Stop. Don’t consider the

effects of either factor
to interaction between the
without considering the
two factors?
(Reject Ho) effects of the other

No (Accept Ho)
Ho: No effects from the row
factor (the row means are Test for effect from MSA
row factor Ftest 
equal) MSE

Ho: No effects from the Test for effect from
column factor Ftest 
column factor (the column MSE
means are equal)
Example 1
 A chemical engineer is studying the effects of various reagents and
catalyst on the yield of a certain process. Yield is expressed as a
percentage of a theoretical maximum. 4 runs of the process were
made for each combination of 3 reagents and 4 catalysts. Construct
an ANOVA table and test is there an interaction effect between
reagents and catalyst.
Catalyst 1 2 3

A 86.8 82.4 93.4 85.2 77.9 89.6

86.7 83.5 94.8 83.1 89.9 83.7
B 71.9 72.1 74.5 87.1 87.5 82.7
80.0 77.4 71.9 84.1 78.3 90.1
C 65.5 72.4 66.7 77.1 72.7 77.8
76.6 66.7 76.7 86.1 83.5 78.8
D 63.9 70.4 73.7 81.6 79.8 75.7
77.2 81.2 84.2 84.9 80.5 72.9
Example 2
 A study was done to determine the effects of two factors on the
lather ability of soap. The two factors were type of water and
glycerol. The outcome measured was the amount of foam
produced in mL. The experiment was repeated 3 times for each
combination of factors. The result are presented in the
following table. Construct an ANOVA table and test is there an
interaction effect between factors.

Water type Glycerol Foam (mL)

De-ionized Absent 168 178 168

De-ionized Present 160 197 200

Tap Absent 152 142 142

Tap Present 139 160 160
 The other name for ANOVA is experimental design.

 ANOVA help researchers to design an experiment properly and

analyzed the data it produces in correctly way.

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