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Appeal and Creativity

BBA 5th semester

Creative Strategy 1
 Creative Strategy
 Advertising Appeals
 Creative Format
 The Creation Stage
 Copy Testing and Diagnosis

Creative Strategy 2
• How to commission effective
– Tanishq
– Fevicol – The ultimate adhesive

The kind of message, to whom it should be

delivered and in what manner i.e. it must define the
target audience, product concept, communications
media and the advertising message.

Creative Strategy 3

• It should define how the creative output

should look and what message the
advertisement wants to convey and it
should be consistent

Creative Strategy 4
Target Market
• It should define characteristics like

Demographic – age, gender (sex), race,education,

occupation and income
Psychographic – social class, religion,lifestyle,
hobbies and personality
Geographic – place where target customer stay

Creative Strategy 5
Primary selling proposition
The benefits the product can deliver.

It should differentiate the benefit as compared to


Eg: Washing Machine washing clothes clean

Creative Strategy 6
Secondary selling proposition

Not a core benefit but some quality that shall

differentiate the product

Can be used as sub-head later in the advertisement

Eg: Washing Machine using less water or


Creative Strategy 7
It refers to the fact which confirms both
primary and secondary selling propositions.

Eg: Superior Technology, continuous R&D commitment

of the company

Creative Strategy 8
Tone and Manner
It shall decide how the target audience
will feel after viewing the advertisement.

Creative Strategy 9
Advertising Appeal

Rational/Logical Emotional Additional

Appeal Appeal Appeal types
– Price Appeal – Humor Appeal – Star Appeal
– Quality Appeal – Fear Appeal – Reminder
– Feature Appeal – Music Appeal
– Teaser
– Competitive – Sex Appeal
Advantages Appeal
– News Appeal

Creative Strategy 10
Rational/Logical Appeal

• It concentrates on product features benefits

derived from the product etc – price, quality,
features, competitive advantage

Creative Strategy 11
Price Appeal
Very effective in times of recession - special offers,
price cuts, sales or new price points

Emphasizes the Price benefit

Eg: Coca-Cola introducing 200ml bottle @ Rs.5

Creative Strategy 12
Quality Appeal
Good quality
Eg: Hidesign a premium leather goods brand describing superior
quality of leather and the brass material used.

“As you can guess when it comes to our leather we don’t believe
in short-cuts. That’s why we went back 1500 years for a
technique needing 40 pairs of hands. To hand polish each piece
in fine river sand before arriving at the final brass accessory. If
you still have any doubts , you know what to do. Ask for a
guarantee card”

Creative Strategy 13
Feature Appeal:

Emphasizes unique feature of the Product

Used by services or by technical and high-

involvement products. The Ad is structured in such
a way that it creates a favourable attitude towards a

Eg: Iphone

Creative Strategy 14
Competitive Advantage Appeal:

Using competitive advantage as a measure to attract

viewers. The comparison is based on product feature
or Attribute

Eg: The shampoo Head & Shoulder which claims to

get rid of dandruff from the hair. The ad depicts a
person using ordinary shampoo as still having
dandruff in his/her hair while a person using Head &
Shoulder has no dandruff

Creative Strategy 15
News Appeal
Talks about company’s achievements or refers to
news released in the media.

Very effective to communicate usage of new

technology, introduction of new products or
Services or awards received.

Creative Strategy 16
Emotional Appeal
 This type of appeal uses human feelings like warmth,affection,
humour or fear to evoke a favourable response in the viewer.

 Advertisements with emotional appeal emphasise the social or

psychological needs that a product can satisfy

 This type of appeal can can be used to advertise any product

whether high-involvement or low involvement.

 Product that consumers buy for small pleasures like biscuits,

chocolates and soft-drinks, besides fragrances, sports car,
designer clothes / jewellery

Creative Strategy 17
Emotional Appeal
• Eureka Forbes pioneered the home water purifier system in
India under the brand name Aquaguard
• In the initial years the objective was to communicate the
concept of water purifier
• The product’s functional benefit was explained by a salesman
in the advertisement – Rational Appeal

Creative Strategy 18
Humour Appeal
 Humorous advertisement is more likely to gain the
attention of the audience
 Humor targeted at the product rather than the user
is better accepted
 Humor creates positive mood and people are more
receptive in a positive mood, thus the persuasive power
of advertisement involving humor is more.

Creative Strategy 19
Fear Appeal
 Very effective in products designed for safety and
products for health
 Three forms of fear appeal
 threat of social embarrassment,
 threat of financial disaster
 social marketing issues (Aids prevention, anti-drug abuse
 Improper use of fear appeal can damage company’s
Eg: not brushing your teeth regularly causes cavities. Brushing your
teeth with the featured toothbrush avoid cavities

Creative Strategy 20
Music Appeal
 An inseparable part of TV & Radio advertisements
 Manages to break through the clutter and attracts
attention of the listener
 Can be used as either background score or as the
main theme of the advertisements
 Sad music is not the right choice for an
advertisement depicting a happy moment.
Eg: A R Rehman - Airtel

Creative Strategy 21
Sex Appeal
 To attract the attention of the viewers
 Disadvantage : viewers registers very low brand
recall as his attention is distracted by the presence
of other elements in the advertisement
Eg: Axe effect

Creative Strategy 22
Other Appeals
• Star appeal: Advertisements with star appeal
feature famous personalities endorsing a product.
• Advantages - The ad will attract the attention of
viewers irrespective of the product
• Care should be taken that the image of the
endorser and the product goes well together

Creative Strategy 23
Reminder advertisements
 The purpose of reminder advertisements is to remind
that the certain product still exists in the market
 This type of advertisement is generally used by the
mature products
 Soft drinks giants Pepsi and Coke place ads in print
and television to remind the customer of their
 Rasna launches a new advertisement campaign
every summer to remind the customers that Rasna is
used as summer drink.

Creative Strategy 24
Teaser Advertisements
 Gives a short preview about a new product
 Used to create curiosity and interest among the
 A lot of curiosity at the initial stages means that the
advertisement will attract the attention of the
 Used to introduce a new product, a new movie or a
new TV show

Creative Strategy 25
Creative Format
 Animation
 Slice-of-life
 Testimonial
 Authoritative
 Demonstration
 Fantasy
 Informative

Creative Strategy 26
 Animation is the process by which number of images,
or graphics are exposed rapidly to human eye to give
the illusion of a continous picture
 It can be used to create new human characters,
talking animals or to personify a product.
 Advertisement can be animated in full or an animated
character can be used along with human beings
 A technique called rotoscoping makes it possible to
capture real images and animated characters in one
 Eg: Vodafone- Zoo Zoo, Duracell- Bunny, AllOut-

Creative Strategy 27
 Realistic portrayal of life in an advertisement. It refers
to problems faced by people in day-to-day life and show
how advertised product provides a solution.

The execution framework consists of four parts

Encounter – Problem - Interaction & Solution
Eg: Clinic Plus Hair Oil
A mother oiling her daughter’s hair with a different
brand of coconut oil
Slice of Death Advertising: In this problem along with
problem and solution, fear appeal and the
disadvantages of wrong choice are highlighted
Creative Strategy 28
 Satisfied customers share their experience with the
 They talk about the product and the benefits derived
from them. As the spokesperson belongs to the TG,
viewers in the TG can relate to that person and find
him or her credible
 Testimonials can serve as a word of mouth

Creative Strategy 29
 Aim: to convince viewers that the advertised
brand is superior to other brands.
 An expert respected by society like a teacher or
a doctor speaks about the brand attributes that
makes the product superior
Eg: Colgate dental cream

Creative Strategy 30
 The advertisement features the functioning of the
product. During the demonstration the attributes of
the product are also explained This execution
format can be effectively used for promoting
consumer products and business-to-business
– Eg: The Tele Shopping Network
– Vanish
– Airtel 4G

Creative Strategy 31
 The viewer is taken in to a world that is not real.
 Alternatively it might portray a situation which
viewers can dream of.
 It can be realistic or unrealistic

Entertainment parks and vacation places

Cologne and perfume industry
Eg. RedBull
Center Fruit

Creative Strategy 32
 Detailed information of the product is given
 Used more in Radio and print media

Eg. Just Dial, Policy Bazar, Trivago

Creative Strategy 33
The Creation Stage
 Begins after deciding on the advertising objectives
 and the creative strategy. In this stage plans
 are executed.
 It is further divided in four phases
– idea generation,
– copywriting,
– illustration &
– layout

Creative Strategy 34
Idea Generation
 It is a creative process where various ideas are
generated and evaluated for the actual execution of the
Attribute listing – the product is divided into components and it is
discussed how each component can be changed so as to improve
the product
Heuristic Ideation Technique – several related dimensions of the
problem are identified and arranged in the form of a matrix. The
best possible combination is selected
Brainstorming – people come together and discuss the problem to
come up with various ideas
Synetics – People start a discussion on the general topic and
various ideas are than generated

Creative Strategy 35
Seven steps for creative thinking –
Alex Osborn
• Orientation
• Preparation
• Analysis
• Ideation
• Incubation
• Synthesis
• Evaluation

Creative Strategy 36
• Orientation: Before deciding on a creative idea for
the purpose of communication, it is important to identify the
purpose behind the communication, whether the aim is to
solve the problem or capitalise on an opportunity

• Preparation: gather as much information as

possible. Facts related to the product, its manufacturing,
logistics, supply chain, marketing competition, the way the
end customer uses the product. The information can be
gathered from company records, research reports and
personal experiences.

Creative Strategy 37
• Analysis: Information collected should be organised under
different heads – technical information, consumer behaviour
information, competitor’s information etc; the collected information
then should be analysed

• Ideation: Generation of actual ideas by trying different

combination of facts and information available

• Incubation: Once ideas are generated they are kept aside to

incubate i.e. to let the sub-conscious mind work on them. As the sub-
conscious mind follows no rules or regulations the ideas become more
creative and distinct.

Creative Strategy 38
• Synthesis: Here a team is equipped with a number of
ideas; the emphasis thus will be combining these ideas and
evaluating substantial from it

• Evaluation: Ideas generated in the previous steps are

evaluated here. The criteria used for evaluation should be
– Relevant to the communication objectives
– Original and capable of catching the attention of the viewer
– Flexible so that they can be modified or extended to other
advertisements in the future

Creative Strategy 39

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