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Subject Teacher/Oral Communication
Learning Objective
◦Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of one
communication process from the other.
◦ Ask the class about the past lesson.. Communication Models.
◦ The class is expected to enumerate the models correctly
Ask three pairs of volunteers to act the
different types of communication:
◦ 1. talking to each other;
◦2. writing to one another; and
◦3. communicating through gestures.
◦ Analyze the role plays and lead the students to the new lesson: verbal and non-verbal
Activity 2
◦ Divide the class into three. The task is to complete the Frayer model about the topic
assigned to them.
◦ G1: oral communication
◦ G2: Writtencommunication
◦ G3: non-verbal communication

◦ Frayer model:

Own charact
definitio eristics
exampl Non-
es example
◦ What is the definition of: a.oral; b.written; 3.non-verbal
◦ What are the characteristics of the three communication types?
◦ What are the examples and non-examples?
◦ Discussion on verbal and non-verbal communication
Verbal and Non-verbal
communication (Group4)
◦ Verbal Communication refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a
message. For effective and successful verbal communication, use words to express
ideas which can be easily understood by the person you are talking to. Consider
appropriateness, brevity, clarity, ethics, and vividness when engaging in this type of
◦ 1. Appropriateness The language that you use should be appropriate to the environment or
occasion (i.e., whether formal or informal).
◦ 2. Brevity Speakers who often use simple yet precise and powerful words are found to be
more credible. Try to achieve brevity by being more direct with your words. Avoid fillers and
insubstantial expressions which do not add to the message, such as “uh,” “you know,” “I
guess,” and others.
◦ 3. Clarity The meanings of words, feelings, or ideas may be interpreted differently by a
listener; hence, it is essential for you to clearly state your message and express your ideas
and feelings.
◦ 4. Ethics Words should be carefully chosen in consideration of the gender, roles, ethnicity,
preferences, and status of the person or people you are talking to.
◦ 5. Vividness Words that vividly or creatively describe things or feelings usually add color and
spice to communication. Hence, you are encouraged to find ways to charm your audience
through the use of vivid words.

◦ refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and represent meanings. All kinds of
human responses that are not expressed in words are classified as nonverbal communication.
Examples of nonverbal communication are stares, smiles, tone of voice, movements, manners of
walking, standing and sitting, appearance, style of attire, attitude towards time and space,
personality, gestures, and others.
◦ Mastery of nonverbal communication is important for several reasons:
◦ 1. It enhances and emphasizes the message of your speech, thus making it more meaningful,
truthful, and relevant. 2. It can communicate feelings, attitudes, and perceptions without you
saying a word.
◦ 3. It can sustain the attention of listeners and keep them engaged in the speech.
◦ 4. It gives the audience a preview to the type of speaker you are.
◦ 5. It makes you appear more dynamic and animated in your delivery.
◦ 6. It serves as a channel to release tension and nervousness.
◦ 7. It helps make your speech more dramatic.
◦ 8. It can build a connection with listeners.
◦ 9. It makes you a credible speaker.
◦ 10. It helps you vary your speaking style and avoid a monotonous delivery.
◦ Exercise V Write T before each number if the statement is true and F if the statement is
◦ 1. Consider ethics in your speech at all times. 2. Effective use of nonverbal
communication can strengthen your message. 3. How you communicate reflects who
you are as a person. 4. One way to help you build credibility is through effective
nonverbal communication. 5. There are certain words that are only appropriate at
certain times and places. 6. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as
our listeners. 7. The use of too many fillers can distract your listeners. 8. Verbal
communication is better than nonverbal communication. 9. When you talk to others,
you should not assume too quickly that they understand the message that you convey.
10. When you communicate, choose what you want to say and how you want to say it.
◦ Group Activity. Your teacher will divide the class into three groups. This activity follows the format of a
charades game, and the objective is to guess unknown words in the shortest time possible.
◦ Your teacher will assign a category for each group. Assign a timekeeper in your group and prepare ten
pieces of one-fourth-sized paper and a small empty box or pencil case. Think of words or phrases related
to your category and write each word in a piece of paper. Fold each piece to hide the word.
◦ Remember not to choose words that are very difficult to guess. Follow the guidelines below. • At least
two members of the group must be familiar with the word’s meaning. • A word should only be
composed of a maximum of eight letters. • Proper names are not allowed, but they can be used
along with other words. • Foreign words and technical terms are not allowed.
◦ Each round of the activity proceeds as follows: • Each group will assign two representatives who
will act out or describe the unknown word. The remaining group members have to guess the word within
one minute. • To start, the representatives from Team A will draw a piece of paper from Team B’s box.
• They have five seconds to view the word, after which Team B’s timekeeper will start the timer. •
The representatives will then have their teammates guess the word through gestures. Drawing or
writing on the board is not allowe

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