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Senthil Kannan.

Assistant professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Paavai Engineering College

SLNO Degree / Standard Institution / School

1 M.E (CAD/CAM) of Engineering and Technology, Trichy

2 B.E (Mechanical) of Engineering and Technology, Trichy

3 12th standard Zamindar’s Higher Secondary School , Thuraiyur , Trichy (D.T)

4 10th standard Government Higher Secondary School, Thathiengarpet, Trichy (D.T)

11/27/2018 1
1.Pattern making 2. Burr removing in oil ring
on Egg shell (0.3 mm) of piston (2 mm thickness)

4.Drilling &slot making in Glass

11/27/2018 2

Senthil kannan.v
Assistant professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Paavai Engineering College
Pachal, Namakkal

11/27/2018 3

• What is AJM
• Why AJM is needed
• Working principle of AJM
• Layout & Components Of AJM
• Process parameters and materials
• Advantages and Disadvantages

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What is AJM
• Abrasive jet machining shortly known as AJM, is one of the
unconventional machining processes.

2.Unconventional Machining 1.Conventional

machining processes machining processes

Material is
Material is removed by
removed from the
direct contact b/w tool
base material Process by which material is removed from the base
and work piece
without contact material to obtained required shape and size
b/w tool and work

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• Machining – process (or) method by which material removed from
the raw material to obtain required shape (or) size.
Example : drilling, reaming, thread cutting.
• Abrasive – particles which are from minerals (or) man made (or) by
products from other, which has an erosive power.
• Jet – air (or) gas (or) liquid directed out with a high velocity from
small opening (nozzle).
• Abrasive jet: abrasive particle along
with stream of air forced out from the

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Why AJM is needed
• Conventional machining process involves direct contact between work piece and
machine tool, which leads to heat generation between them hence, artificial
cooling required.
• Brittle material such as glass and ceramics were not machined by the
conventional machining process.
• Micromachining(dimension less than 1 mm) can’t obtained by conventional
machining methods.
• Dimensional accuracy and required surface finish can’t maintained by
conventional machining process.
To overcome above drawbacks of conventional machining and to make
micro holes, surface cleaning and deburring of conventional machining process AJM
process was used.

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Working principle of AJM
• AJM is a machining process by which the material is removed from
the work piece by continuous impact of fine grain high velocity stream
abrasive particle with a pressurized gas or air.
• The stream of abrasive mixed gas is directed to the work piece by
suitably designed nozzle.
Mechanism of material removal
Pressure energy of gas or air kinetic energy of abrasive
particle by nozzle impact the surface removes
material in the form of fine particle.

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Layout and Components Of AJM
• Major components of AJM are
1. Compressor
2. Mixing chamber
3. Nozzle
4. Vibrating table
5. Work piece
to be machined

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Animation of AJM working principle

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Process parameters and materials
The following criteria's were to be analyzed for the effectiveness
of AJM process.
1. Material Removal rate (MRR)
2. Surface roughness (SR)
the above things were depends on the following parameters
• Carrier gases
1. Carbon di oxide
2. Nitrogen
 Air- Mostly used carrier medium in the AJM process.( Non toxic, easily
available and natural source)
Pressure of carrier gas or air- 3 to 5 bar (0.3 to 0.5 N/mm2)

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Process parameters
• Abrasive particle
small sized minerals (or) particles which has erosive power. Material Size of the particle Application
1 Aluminium oxide 0.012 to 0.05 mm Cleaning and deburring of Aluminium and plastics

2 Glass beads 1.27 mm Surface Cleaning of hard materials like tungsten and

3 Silicon carbide 0.025 to 0.040 mm Cutting and deburring of hard materials Steel,
tungsten, ceramics, composites

Fig .silicon carbide particles with 0.0125 mm and

0.005 mm size

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Process parameters and materials
• Nozzle material and wear rate:
1. The nozzle was affected by the high velocity abrasive particles so, the
material for the nozzle should have high strength and life.
2. The velocity of jet(abrasive +gas) from the nozzle is in order of 300m/sec Nozzle material Diameter Life in hours

1 Tungsten carbide 0.2 -1 mm 20-30
2 sapphire 0.2 -0.8 mm 300

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Micro drilling operation in brittle material (Glass)

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Applications of AJM
• Suitable for machining of heat sensitive material like silicon and gallium.(no
heat generation)
• For removing oxides (rust) in metals and insulating layers and resistive
coating on metals.
• Used for machining of thin brittle materials like Glass, Germanium.(low
overall force and no direct contact of nozzle and work material)
• To engraving permanent mark on metals and materials.
• Deburring of small precision parts in Air craft and medical appliances.
• Polishing of non metals like Nylon and Teflon.

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Advantages and disadvantages
of AJM
1. Advantages
• This process does not create any chatter(waviness on surface) on work piece.(good
surface finish occur)
• This is suitable for machining of thin sectioned metals and brittle materials without
any heat generation.( no thermal variation)
• Machining of thin slots, micro holes and interior machining. (which can’t done by
conventional machines).
2. Disadvantages
• Tapering may occur.(high stand off distance)
• Abrasive particles can’t be reused.(cutting ability decreases and may stick on nozzles)
• Air should moisture free.
• Low material removal rate.
• Dust collection system should be used. (produce pollution and health hazards)
• Soft materials can’t be machined.

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Practical applications of AJM process

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Practical applications of AJM process
1.Pattern making 2. Burr removing in oil ring 3. Engraving or pattern
on Egg shell of piston making on ceramics

4. Micro drilling in Glass

11/27/2018 18
1. Manufacturing Engineering and technology by Serope Kalpakjian , stevev
R.schmid from page number 783.
2. Advanced Machining processes by Pandy P.C and Shan H.Spublished by Tata
Mcraw hill
5. Micro-holes/NSC Asia Pacific Pvt.Ltd.,
6. Tecnisco Ltd., (Pressure sensor, Acceleration sensor
7. Icoflex London , (Optical device, semiconductor)

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