HACCP: Intro Approach To Food Safety

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HACCP: Intro

Approach to Food Safety

What is HACCP?

 HACCP, or the Hazard Analysis Critical

Control Point system, is a process control
system that identifies where hazards might
occur in the food production process and
puts into place stringent actions to take to
prevent the hazards from occurring. By
strictly monitoring and controlling each step
of the process, there is less chance for
hazards to occur.
Why is HACCP Important?

 HACCP is important because it prioritizes

and controls potential hazards in food
 By controlling major food risks, such as
microbiological, chemical and physical
contaminants, the industry can better assure
consumers that its products are as safe as
good science and technology allows.
 By reducing foodborne hazards, public
health protection is strengthened.
What are the Major Food Hazards?

 While many public opinion studies report that consumers

are concerned primarily about chemical residues, such as
from pesticides and antibiotics, these hazards are nearly
 The more significant hazards facing the food industry today
are microbiological contaminants, such as
1. Salmonella,
2. E.coli O157:H7,
3. Listeria,Campylobacter, and
4. Clostridium botulinum.

HACCP is designed to focus on and control the most significant


 HACCP is not new. It was first used in the

1960s by the Pillsbury Company, USA to
produce the safest and highest quality food
possible for astronauts in the space
program. The National Academy of
Sciences, National Advisory Committee for
Mcirobiological Criteria for Foods, and the
Codex Alimentarius have endorsed HACCP
as the best process control system available
How Does HACCP Compare to the
Current Food Production and Inspection
 The current food inspection program is
based on a "see, smell and touch" approach
that relies more on detection of potential
hazards than prevention.
 Today, microbiological and chemical
contamination, which cannot be seen, are of
greater interest.
What is the Status of the Adoption of
HACCP Within the Meat and Poultry
 Many of the meat and poultry processing
facilities have implemented some or all of the
HACCP principles into their operations.
Many companies have also provided HACCP
training to management and in-plant
How Does HACCP Work in Food Production?
There are seven principles, developed for a HACCP system. They are:
1. Conduct a hazard analysis to identify potential hazards that could occur in the food
production process.
2. Identify the critical control points (CCPs) -- those points in the process where the
potential hazards could occur and can be prevented and/or controlled.
3. Establish critical limits for preventive measures associated with each CCP. A
critical limit is a criterion that must be met for each CCP.
4. Establish CCP monitoring requirements to ensure each CCP stays within its limit.
Monitoring may require materials or devices to measure or otherwise evaluate the
process at CCPs.
5. Establish corrective actions if monitoring determines a CCP is not within the
established limits. In case a problem occurs, corrective actions must be in place to
ensure no public health hazard occurs.
6. Establish effective recordkeeping procedures that document the HACCP system
is working properly. Records should document CCP monitoring, verification activities
and deviation records.
7. Establish procedures for verifying that the HACCP system is working properly.
Verification procedures may include reviewing the HACCP plan, CCP records, critical
limits as well as conducting microbial sampling.
What Role Does Microbiological
Testing Play in HACCP Programs?
 Microbiological testing can play a valuable role in HACCP
programs as a means for verifying the HACCP system is
working properly and to track trends and profiles of products.
By tracking microbiological data, plants can identify when the
production process is not being properly controlled or verify
that prevention efforts are successfully reducing bacterial
 End-product microbiological testing, however, is less
effective. There is not sufficient data to determine what is
considered an "acceptable" level of bacteria on raw meat
and poultry, so an end-product test will not provide useful
data, other than for trends analysis.
 While end-product testing may indicate bacteria are present,
it does not solve the problem of identifying and eliminating
What Role Do Other New Technologies
Play in HACCP?
 New technologies will play critical roles in
HACCP programs since HACCP is designed
to institute practices that reduce or eliminate
harmful contamination. If new technologies
are developed that prevent or eliminate
hazards throughout the production process,
they will be widely accepted and adopted.
Are There Established HACCP
Guidelines and Plans for the Food Industry
To Use?are seven HACCP principles that must be
 There
followed to implement HACCP. Every food
production process in a plant will need an individual
HACCP plan that directly impacts the specifics of the
product and process.
 Government and industry groups are developing
some generic HACCP models that provide
guidelines and directions for developing plant-,
process- and product-specific HACCP systems.
How Would HACCP Be Applied From
Farm to Table?
 For the most successful implementation of HACCP, it
should be applied from farm to table -- starting on the
farm and ending with the individual preparing the
food, whether in a restaurant or home.
 On the farm, there are actions that can be taken to
prevent contamination from occurring, such as
monitoring feed, maintaining farm sanitation, and
practicing good animal health management
How Would HACCP Be Applied
From Farm to Table? contn…

 In the plant, contamination must be prevented during

slaughter and processing. Once meat and poultry
products leave the plant, there should be controls in
place during transportation, storage and distribution.

In retail stores, proper sanitation, refrigeration,

storage and handling practices will prevent
contamination. Finally, in restaurants, food service
and homes, food handlers must store, handle and
cook foods properly to ensure food safety.
How Can Consumers Use HACCP?

 Consumers can implement HACCP-like practices

in the home by following proper storage, handling,
cooking and cleaning procedures.
 From the time a consumer purchases meat or
poultry from the grocery store to the time they
cook and serve a meal, there are many steps to
take to ensure food safety.
 Examples include properly refrigerating meat and
poultry, keeping raw meat and poultry separate
form cooked and ready-to-eat foods, thoroughly
cooking meat and poultry, and refrigerating and
cooking leftovers to prevent bacterial growth.
How Can HACCP Be Applied in
Distribution and Retail?
 Following proper sanitation and handling
guidelines will help ensure that further
contamination and cross contamination do
not occur.
The effect of HACCP to a quality
management system
The analysis of hazards means that cleaning
and disinfection working instructions will be
examined for steps that need a critical
control point. This means that HACCP can
be integrated as a monitoring element in a
number of pre-existing QM systems, that are
composed of common hygiene rules or
common codes of good hygiene practice and
the codes of good manufacturing practice.
Serious Issues WE Face

 Not all regulations are based on science

 Intervention strategies are not adequately
 Meat and Poultry inspection is just one
aspect in the farm-to-table continuum
 Overwhelming microbial loads on animals
from feedlots
 Minimal protection during transportation and
7 Principles of HACCP

1. Analyze hazards
2. Identify critical control points
3. Establish preventive measures with critical
limits for each control point
4. Establish procedures to monitor the critical
control points
5. Establish corrective actions to be taken
when monitoring shows a critical limit has
not be met
7 Principles of HACCP (cont..)

6. Establish procedures to verify the system is

working properly
7. Establish effective recordkeeping to
document HACCP system
Advantages Over Current System

1. Focuses on identifying and preventing

hazards from contaminating food
2. Based on sound science
3. Permits more efficient and effective
government oversight
4. Places responsibility for ensuring food
safety on food manufacturer or distributor
Advantages (cont..)

5. Helps food companies compete more

effectively in world market
6. Reduces barriers to international trade
Monitoring Critical Control Points
1. Physical and chemical tests
2. Visual observations
3. Microbiological criteria allow verifying that
overall HACCP system working

Prerequisite Programs

Good manufacturing practices

Success of HACCP

 Depends on:
 Educating and training management and
employees in importance of producing safe food
 Include information of control of foodborne hazards
related to all stages of food chain
 Make sure employees understand what HACCP is
 Specific training should include instructions and
procedures that outline employee tasks in monitoring each
Critical Control Point
Task in Development
of HACCP Plan
Assemble HACCP Team

Describe Food and Its Distribution

Describe the Intended Use & Consumers of Food

Develop a Flow Diagram of the Process

Verify Flow Diagram

Application of the Principles

1. Analyze hazards
2. Identify critical control points
3. Establish preventive measures with critical
limits for each control point
4. Establish procedures to monitor the critical
control points
5. Establish corrective actions to be taken
when monitoring shows a critical limit has
not be met
Application (2)

6. Establish procedures to verify the system is

working properly
7. Establish effective recordkeeping to
document HACCP system

 HACCP improves food safety programs in

food industry. It brings hazards under control,
i.e. reduces occurrence at acceptable
levels upon installation of critical control
points and monitoring.
 Cleaning enterprises that tender for external
service contracts should be aware that
cleaning services in food industry are
subjected to monitoring activities by such
systems. By law, they do not have to employ
safety programs and procedures based on
HACCP principles. Cleaning enterprises
however, will improve their position in the
market by installing similar systems.
 Once a hygiene management system is set up,
cleaning enterprises may even offer consultancy
services on cleaning, disinfection, maintenance, and
other services related to the hygiene of foodstuffs, in
order to improve the performance of HACCP
 Although hygiene management implies process
analysis, one should never forget the people who
have to conduct all these steps. Regular vocational
education and training and a motivated work
force is probably a corner stone of any successful
hygiene management system.
Definitions according International Code of Practice
 HACCP – a system which identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards which are
significant for food safety
 Hazard - a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the
potential to cause an adverse health effect
 Contaminant - any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter, or other substances
not intentionally added to food which may compromise food safety or suitability
 Contamination - the introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in food or food
 Cleaning - the removal of soil, food residue, dirt, grease or other objectionable
 Disinfection - the reduction, by means of chemical agents and/or physical methods,
of the number of micro-organisms in the environment, to a level that does not
compromise food safety or suitability
 Food hygiene - all conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety and
suitability of food at all stages of the food chain
 Food safety - assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is
prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use
 Food suitability - assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption
according to its intended use
 Establishment - any building or area in which food is handled and the surroundings
under the control of the same management
 Food handler - any person who directly handles packaged or unpackaged food, food
equipment and utensils, or food contact surfaces and is therefore expected to comply
with food hygiene requirements
 Primary production - those steps in the food chain up to and including, for example,
harvesting, slaughter, milking, fishing

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