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Macbeth Assessment

L/O: Can I make directorial decisions for a production of


Outcome: To begin to use mind-mapping to organise our

ideas in preparation for the assessments.
Your Task-
Look at Act 5 Scene 1, this should be fresh in your minds from yesterday

Pick out 3-5 Key lines from the scene that you feel:

Sum up what is happening.

Present the characters in a powerful way.
Highlight any of the themes in Macbeth.

How will these lines be delivered?

Think about your dramatic devices- Pitch, tone, posture, placement,


In groups of 3’s or 4’s discuss your ideas.

Oral Assessment
• Instead of an essay, you will be assessed on your
understanding of the key scenes in ‘Macbeth’ through an oral

• You will be given a level for reading (your understanding and

interpretation of the set scenes)
What you need to do:

Using the key scenes (so far we have looked at The Witches Scene
and Act 1 SCENE VII. Macbeth's castle, The Sleep Walking Scene,
Act 5 Scene 1) you are going to think about and plan for how the
scenes may be directed.

What might you consider?

Shakespeare’s language, stagecraft (how costume, lighting etc.

might be used), themes and characters, the play as a whole.
L5 L6 L7

AF3: Deduce/ interpret information Quotes are deduced and clearly Layers of meaning and significance Connections between text is made,
from the text. explained. of key quotes is identified. meanings teased out, weighing up

AF4: Identify and comment on overall Deep understanding of events of Detailed explanation of structural Evaluation of how structure
structure and organisation of the whole play. choices and effects achieved. supports theme/ purpose.

AF5: Explain and comment on Awareness and identification of Detailed explanation, using Precise, perceptive analysis.
Shakespeare’s use of language/ linguistic features. appropriate terminology e.g.
dramatic techniques ‘soliloquy.’

AF6: Comment on Shakespeare’s Purpose and viewpoint identified. Purpose, viewpoint and effect on Analytic, evaluative comment.
purpose and the overall effect on the Awareness of effect on reader. reader clear at word/ sentence Appreciation on effects of dramatic
audience. level. techniques.

AF7: Relate texts to social/ historical Reference to Shakespeare’s theatre. Detailed discussion on dramatic Reference to the differences in
relevance. Simple comment on social conventions. social situations i.e. the way
relationships in the play. women were supposed to be in
Shakespeare’s day.

For example: What kind of voice would you give Macbeth? Act 1 Scene 7

Level 5.2: Macbeth would be unsure. He’d have a shaky voice. This is shown
when he says: Besides, ‘this Duncan/ Hath borne his faculties so meek.’ This is
because he’s debating about whether or not to kill the king.

Level 6.5: In Act 1 scene 7, Macbeth would be unsure. He’d have a shaky voice.
This is shown when he says: Besides, ‘this Duncan/ Hath borne his faculties so
meek.’ I’d have him pacing around the stage at this point. However, in Act 3
scene 1, he knows exactly what he’s doing. He tells Banquo that the king’s sons
are away and ‘not confessing/ Their cruel parricide’. Here, his voice would be
clear, controlling and demanding; his posture, upright. This would indicate to the
audience that he has been corrupted.

Level 7.5: In Act 1 scene 7, Macbeth would be unsure. He’d have a shaky voice.
This is shown in his soliloquy: ‘Besides, this Duncan/ Hath borne his faculties so
meek.’ I’d have him pacing around the stage at this point. He would voice the
consonants harshly, in order to show the audience that he’s unsure about
committing something so corrupt. However, in Act 3 scene 1, he has been
corrupted. He tells Banquo that the king’s sons are away and ‘not confessing/
Their cruel parricide…’ Here, his voice would be clear, controlling and demanding;
his posture, upright. Macbeth would be looking down on Banquo as he is now
higher up in the royal hierarchy.
How do I start?
You need to decide on the setting for your production of Macbeth- time, set,
props, lighting, costume-

Think about the themes in the play-

how will you interpret these?

Think about the play in its entirety.

Use the comic book sheet to help you.

• You need to look at the key scenes are make directorial decisions- how lines
are delivered, the staging of characters, how the characters move.

• You may want to focus on the pivotal points- Macbeth’s soliloquy, Lady
Macbeth’s persuasion, Macbeth’s reactions to their predictions

• Choose key lines from each scene you want to talk about
(as in our warm up task)
Starting points…
• The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth could be
described as… because…

• This would make the audience think…

• People at the time would think…

• In this scene Lady Macbeth would be ….because

• In I, vii… on the other hand in III,i…

• Macbeth has these qualities, so I want him to…

• Women in Shakespeare’s time…

Self Assessment
Which aspect of
In your exercise books, draw 2 stars:
your planning
you think is
What you feel exciting,
most secure
about in your

Inside your stars, comment on what you feel you have achieved.
Now write one thing you need to improve/work on next lesson.

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