Perception of People Towards Investment and Various

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h O  
h To Study the various investment avenues and the investors risk
preference towards it.

h  OO  
h To find out the general demographic factors of the investors dealing
in capital market.
h To find out the preference level of investors on various Capital
Market instruments.
h To find out the type of risk which are considered by the investors?
h To find out the ways through which the investors minimizes their
h Savings form an important part of the economy of any nation. With
the savings invested in various options available to the people, the money
acts as the driver for growth of the country. Indian financial scene too
presents a plethora of avenues to the investors. Though certainly not the
best or deepest of markets in the world, it has reasonable options for an
ordinary man to invest his savings.
h Investment benefits both economy and the society. It is an outgrowth of
economic development and the maturation of modern capitalism. For the
economy as a whole, aggregate investment sanctioned in the current
period is a major factor in determining aggregate demand and, hence, the
level of employment. In the long term, current investment determines the
economy͛s future productive capacity and, ultimately, a growth in the
standard of living. By increasing personal wealth, investing can contribute
to higher overall economic growth and prosperity. The process of investing
helps to create financial markets where companies can raise capital. This
too, contributes to greater economic growth and prosperity. Specific types
of investments provide other benefits to society as well.
h The dictionary meaning of investment is to commit money in order to earn
a financial return or to make use of the money for future benefits or
advantages. People commit money to investments with an expectation to
increase their future wealth by investing money to spend in future years.
For example, if you invest Rs. 1000 today and earn 10 %over the next year,
you will have Rs.1100 one year from today.
h An investment can be described as perfect if it satisfies all the needs of all
investors. So, the starting point in searching for the perfect investment
would be to examine investor needs. If all those needs are met by the
investment, then that investment can be termed the perfect investment.
Most investors and advisors spend a great deal of time understanding the
merits of the thousands of investments available in India. Little time,
however, is spent understanding the needs of the investor and ensuring
that the most appropriate investments are selected for him.

h By and large, most investors have eight common needs

from their investments:
h 1. Security of Original Capital;
h 2. Wealth Accumulation;
h 3. Comfort Factor;
h 4. Tax Efficiency;
h 5. Life Cover;
h 6. Income;
h 7. Simplicity;
h 8. Ease of Withdrawal;
h 9. Communication.
Choosing the right investment options
Investment options in India
Research methodology
h Research Design
h A Research design is purely and simply the framework of plan
for a study that guides the collection and analysis of data. The study
is intended to find the investors preference towards various
investment avenues. The study design is descriptive in nature.


h Descriptive study is a fact-finding investigation with adequate
interpretation. It is the simplest type of research and is more
specific. Mainly designed to gather descriptive information and
provides information for formulating more sophisticated studies.
h Sampling Design
h Selection of study area: The study area is in Pune
h Selection of the sample size: 100
h Sampling Methods
Convenience method of sampling is used to
collect the data from the respondents.
Researchers or field workers have the freedom to
choose whomever they find, thus the name
͞convenience͟. About 100 samples were
collected from Pune city and most of the
respondents were customers coming in to
financial hubs and commercial complexes
Summary of findings
h From Correlation test, it is found there exist a positive correlation
between the income percentage on investment and the
participation in cash market..
h From the Multiple Response test, it is found that the investors who
invest around 5-10% of their investment mostly considers the
market risk(18%) as the major risk which prevails in the market.
h From the Multiple Response test, it is found that the investors
whose investment is around 10% of their income, consider that the
affordable margin amount for investment in Derivatives is up to
h Most of the aggressive investors are in 21-40 yr. age group. They
should be concentrated as prospective clients
h In the current scenario, investing is very
important and investing in stock markets is a
major challenge ever for professionals.
h The young people should start investing earlier so
that they can reap the benefits of investing in
h People should keep their eye open and keep
updating themselves about various investment
avenues so that they can get safe returns.
h Marketing Research by G C Beri- third edition ʹ © 2000, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.
h Investment Management- V.K. Bhalla.
h Age
h (a) 20-30 [ ] (b) 31-40 [ ] (c) 41-50 [ ]
(d) 51 & above [ ]
h Gender
h (a) Male [ ] (b) Female [ ]
h Educational qualification
h (a) High School [ ] (b) Graduate [ ] (c) Post
Graduate [ ] (d) Professional [ ] (e) Others
[ ]
h 4. Annual income
h (a) Below 1, 00,000 [ ] (b) 1, 00,000-5, 00,000 [ ]
h (c) 5, 00,000-10, 00,000 [ ] (d) Above 10, 00,000
[ ]
h 5. How did you come to know about equity related investment?
h (a) Brokerage firms (b) investor friends & relatives

h (c) Advertising & hoardings (d) banks

h 6. Which factor do you consider most important while choosing
an investment option?
h (a) How quickly will I be able to increase wealth?
h (b) The opportunity for steady growth
h (c) The amount of monthly income the investment will
h (d) The safety of investment principal
h 7. What is the investment horizon you prefer?
(a) Short term investment
(b) Long term investment
(c) Both
h 10. Do you want to invest in share market?
h (a) Yes (b) No
h 11. What is your percentage of your income do you
invest in equity shares
h a) Below 5%
h b) 5 ʹ 10 %
h c) 10 ʹ 20%
h d) Above 20%
h 12. Do you have Demat account?
h (a) Yes (b) No
h 13. You are associated with which broking firm?
h ͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙..
h Any questions????????????

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