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development of the vernacular

education system in Malay community

• Informal school already exist before British arrival which emphasize the use of Bahasa
Melayu and Bahasa Arab
• Known as ‘madrasah’, ‘sekolah pondok’, ‘sekolah agama rakyat’
• At first, British do not intend to advance the Melayu’s education system because fear of
raising awareness against them
• But with the sultan's insistence, British agreed to establish only Malay vernacular primary
• At first, Malay vernacular school got no attraction, but Malay perception changed after
‘Rancangan Skinner’ was introduced
• Malay childen only got education till standard 4 and unable to hold high position
• In the 20th century, Malaysians became aware that English school education was more
Morning Session Bahasa Melayu (in Jawi), Mathematics,
History, vocational subjects such as
Evening Session Arab language, Al-Quran
development of the vernacular
education system in Chinese
• influenced by the Confusius teaching which emphasizes the education
• the establishment of Chinese vernacular schools is an effort to maintain
their cultural& got no intervention from British
• British introduced the Ordinan Pendaftaran Sekolah to prevent the
absorption of communist ideology

• Characteristics :
• ideology of the mainland of china
• Co-curicculum, text books& teacher from China
• rich individual help from Chinese descent

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