Scheduling: Ren-Song Ko National Chung Cheng University

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Ren-Song Ko
National Chung Cheng University
Lecture objectives
 To introduce CPU scheduling’s role in
multiprogrammed operating systems.
 To describe various CPU-scheduling
 To discuss evaluation criteria for a
CPU-scheduling algorithm.
Lecture overview
 Introduction
 Scheduling criteria
 Scheduling algorithms
 Multiple-processor scheduling
 Algorithm evaluation
 CPU is a one-time investment.
 A reasonable thought is to utilize it thoroughly
and accomplish as much work as possible.
 A common process execution includes an
alternating sequence of CPU and I/O
 When a process is waiting for I/O results, the
CPU then just sits idle.
 All this waiting time is wasted; no useful work is
A common process execution
Add cpu burst
Write to file

Wait for I/O I/O burst

increment cpu burst
read from file

Wait for I/O I/O burst

read from file cpu burst

Wait for I/O I/O burst

To increase CPU utilization
 An intuitive approach to increase CPU
utilization is to pick up some useful
work when the current running
process is waiting for I/O.
 That is, CPU could execute another
process – multiprogramming.
 Thus, OS needs to find a process, if
any, for CPU.
 But which process?
 For example, when P1 is waiting for I/O,
we want to find a process, says P2, which
only needs CPU for the time less than
P1’s I/O.
 Hence, P2 execution will not interrupt P1’s
 Ideally, P2’s CPU time should equal to P1’s
I/O time.
 CPU utilization is maximized.
A simple scenario for a good
 CPU utilization 100%
 P1: no delay
P1 P2 P3 P4
cpu 5 cpu
cpu 10



Scheduling, cont.
 A good scheduling should try to achieve,
but not limited to, the following goals:
 To minimize the interruption of each process
 To maximize CPU utilization
 However, the goals usually conflict with
each other.
 The goal should be prioritized depending on the
characteristics of computer systems.
 Thus, there is no best, only appropriate,
scheduling, and scheduling design is critical
to system performance.
Scheduler and scheduling algorithm
 Whenever the CPU becomes idle, OS
must select an appropriate process to
be executed.
 The part of the operating system that
makes this decision is called the
 The algorithm it uses to make a decision
is called the scheduling algorithm.
Nonpreemptive scheduling
 OS will invoke the scheduler when a process:
 Switches from running to waiting state
 Terminates
 The scheduling only happening in the above cases is
 Once the CPU has been assigned to a process, the
process keeps the CPU until it releases the CPU
either by terminating or by switching to the waiting
 Can be used on every platform, because it does not
require the special hardware such as timer.
 Examples are Microsoft Windows 3.x and the
Macintosh OS previous to Mac OS X.
Preemptive scheduling
 Some OS may also invoke the scheduler when a
 Switches from running to ready state
 Switches from waiting to ready
 Such scheduling is preemptive.
 Difficult to implement
 Consider two processes sharing data. While one is
updating the data, it is preempted and then the second
one tries to read the inconsistent data.
 During the processing of a system call, the kernel may
be busy at changing kernel data. What happens if the
process is preempted in the middle of these changes?
 Examples are Windows 95 and all subsequent
versions, and Mac OS X.
Few words about nonpreemptive
and preemptive scheduling
 As we have seen, preemptive scheduling can suspend a
process at an arbitrary instant, without warning.
 This leads to race conditions and necessitates semaphores,
monitors, messages, or some other sophisticated method for
preventing them.
 Nonpreemptive scheduling let a process run as long as it
wanted to would mean that some process computing π to a
billion places could deny service to all other processes
 Although nonpreemptive scheduling is simple and easy to
implement, it is usually not suitable for general-purpose
systems with multiple competing users.
 For a dedicated data base server, it may be reasonable for the
master process to start a child process working on a request
and let it run until it completes or blocks.
 The difference is that all processes are under the control of a
single master, which knows what each child is going to do and
about how long it will take.
What is the next process?
 Back in the old days of batch systems, the scheduling
algorithm was simple:
 Just run the next job
 With timesharing systems, the scheduling algorithm is more
 There are often multiple users and one or more batch streams.
 Even on PCs, there may be several user-initiated processes
competing for the CPU, such as networking or multimedia.
 Before looking at specific scheduling algorithms, we should
think about what the scheduler is trying to achieve.
 After all, the scheduler is concerned with deciding on policy,
not providing a mechanism.
 There are various criteria constituting a good scheduling
Scheduling criteria
 Some of the possibilities include:
 CPU utilization – keep the CPU as busy as possible
 Throughput – # of processes that complete their
execution per time unit
 Turnaround time – the interval from the time of
submission of a process to the time of completion
 Waiting time – amount of time a process has been
waiting in the ready queue
 Response time – amount of time it takes from when a
request was submitted until the first response is
produced, not output (for interactive environment)
 Fairness – make sure each process gets its fair share
of the CPU
Optimization problems
 Most of criteria a scheduler is trying
to achieve can be easily defined as an
optimization problem.
 Maximize CPU utilization
 Maximize throughput
 Minimize turnaround time
 Minimize waiting time
 Minimize response time
Scheduling criteria
 A little thought will show that some of these goals are
 To minimize response time for interactive users, the
scheduler should not run any batch jobs at all.
 However, it violates turnaround time criterion for the
batch users.
 It can be shown (Kleinrock, 1975) that any scheduling
algorithm that favors some class of jobs hurts another
class of jobs.
 The amount of CPU time available is finite, after all.
 To give one user more you have to give another user
Scheduling algorithms
 First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
 Round-Robin (RR)
 Priority scheduling
 Multilevel Feedback-Queues
 Shortest-Job-First (SJF)
 Time-Sharing
 Time-Slice
 Lottery scheduling
First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
 CPU is allocated to the process that
requests the CPU first.
 Can be easily managed with a FIFO queue.
 When a process enters the ready queue, it is
linked onto the tail of the queue.
 When the CPU is free, the process at the head of
the queue will be assigned to the CPU and then
removed from the queue.
 The average waiting time, however, is often
quite long.
 Specially, there is a long process in front of
short processes.
FCFS example

Process Burst Time

P1 18
P2 6
P3 6
Suppose that the processes arrive in
the order: P1 , P2 , P3
The Gantt Chart for the schedule is:
P1 P2 P3

0 18 24 30
Waiting time
 (competition – arrival) – CPU
P1 : (18 – 0) – 18 = 0
P2 : (24 – 0) – 6 = 18
P3 : (30 – 0 ) – 6 = 24
Average Waiting Time = (0+18+24)/3
= 14
Round-Robin (RR)
 Each process is assigned a time interval,
quantum, which it is allowed to run.
 If the process is still running at the end of
the quantum, the CPU is preempted and
given to another process.
 If the process has blocked or finished before the
quantum has elapsed, the CPU switching is done
when the process blocks, of course.
 Round robin is easy to implement via queue.
 When the process uses up its quantum, it is put
on the end of the queue.
RR implementation
RR example, quantum = 10
ProcessBurst Time
P1 25
P2 15
P3 20
P4 30
The Gantt chart is:
P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P4

0 10 20 30 40 50 55 65 75 80 90
RR Performance
 If there are n processes in the ready queue and the time
quantum is q, then each process gets 1/n of the CPU time
in chunks of at most q time units at once. No process waits
more than (n-1)q time units.
 What is the length of the quantum?
 Switching from one process to another, called context switch,
requires a certain amount of time for doing the administration,
says 5 ms.
 E.g., saving and loading registers and memory maps, updating
various tables and lists, etc.
 Suppose that this process switch or context switch,
 Suppose that the quantum is set at 20 ms.
 After doing 20 ms of useful work, the CPU will have to spend 5
ms on process switching.
 20% of the CPU time will be wasted on administrative
RR Performance, cont.
 To improve the CPU efficiency, set the quantum to 500 ms.
 Now the wasted time is less than 1%.
 But consider there are ten processes and the first one gets
the chance to run.
 The second one may not start until about 1/2 sec later, and so
 The unlucky last one may have to wait 5 sec.
 Most users will perceive a 5-sec response to a short
command as terrible.
 The conclusion can be formulated as follows:
 setting the quantum too short causes too many process
switches and lowers the CPU efficiency
 setting it too long may cause poor response to short
interactive requests, i.e., FCFS.
 A quantum around 100 ms is often a reasonable
Time Quantum and Context Switch





Priority scheduling
 RR implicitly assumes that all processes are equally
 Frequently, some are more important than others.
 For example, a daemon process sending email in the
background should be assigned a lower priority than a process
displaying a video film on the screen in real time.
 A priority number (integer) is associated with each process
 The CPU is allocated to the process with the highest priority
(smallest integer ←→ highest priority)
 preemptive
 nonpreemptive
 Problem: starvation → low priority processes may never
 Solution: aging → decrease the priority of the currently
running process at each clock tick
Nonpreemptive priority scheduling
ProcessBurst Time Priority
P1 4 4
P2 10 2
P3 2 1
P4 20 3
P5 2 5
The Gantt chart for the schedule is:
P3 P2 P4 P1 P4

0 2 12 32 36 38
Preemptive priority scheduling
Process Burst Time Priority Arrival Time
P1 4 4 0
P2 10 2 2
P3 2 1 4
P4 20 3 6
P5 2 5 8
 The Gantt chart for the schedule is:
P1 P2 P3 P2 P4 P1 P5

0 2 4 6 14 34 36 38
Priority scheduling, cont.
 It is often convenient to group processes into priority classes
managed by different queues.
 Priority scheduling is used among queues.
 Each queue may has its own scheduling algorithm.
 Consider a system with five priority queues. The scheduling
algorithm is as follows:
 As long as there are processes in priority 5, just run each one in round-
robin fashion, and never bother with lower priority processes.
 If priority 5 is empty, then run the priority 4 processes round robin.
 If priorities 5 and 4 are both empty, then run priority 3 round robin.
and so on.
 Note that priority scheduling among queues may cause lower
priority processes starve to death.
 A solution to avoid starvation is to use Time-Slice scheduling among
 For example, each queue gets a certain amount of CPU time which it
can schedule amongst its processes; e.g., they may have 50%, 20%,
15%, 10%, and 5% of CPU time respectively.
Multilevel queues
Multilevel Feedback-Queues
 One of the earliest priority schedulers was in CTSS, 1962.
 CTSS had the problem that process switching was very slow because
the 7094 could hold only one process in memory.
 Each switch meant swapping the current process to disk and reading in
a new one from disk.
 It was more efficient to give CPU-bound processes a large
quantum once, rather than giving them small quanta frequently
(to reduce swapping).
 However, giving processes a large quantum means poor response
 The solution is to give higher priority processes less quanta and
low priority processes more quanta.
 Whenever a process used up the quanta, its priority was decreased.
 As the process sank deeper into the priority queues, it would be run
less frequently, saving the CPU for short interactive processes.
 If a process waits too long in a low priority queue, it may be
moved to a higher priority queue.
 This prevents starvation.
Multilevel Feedback-Queues
 Three queues:
 Q0 – RR with time quantum 8 milliseconds
 Q1 – RR time quantum 16 milliseconds when Q0 is
 Q2 – FCFS but only Q0 and Q1 are empty
 Scheduling
 A new job enters queue Q0. When it gains CPU,
job receives 8 milliseconds. If it does not finish
in 8 milliseconds, job is moved to queue Q1.
 At Q1 job receives 16 additional milliseconds. If
it still does not complete, it is preempted and
moved to queue Q2.
Multilevel Feedback-Queues
example, cont.
Time: 30

Time: 22

Shortest-Job-First (SJF)
 Simply a priority algorithm where the priority is the
inverse of the (predicted) run time.
 The larger the run time, the lower the priority, and
vice versa.
 Appropriate for batch jobs for which the run times are
known in advance.
 Two schemes:
 nonpreemptive
 Preemptive, Shortest-Remaining-Time-First (SRTF)
 if a new process arrives with run time less than
remaining time of executing process, preempt
 SJF is optimal – gives minimum average waiting time
Nonpreemptive SJF example

Process Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 0.0 8
P2 2.0 5
P3 3.0 3
P4 5.0 5
SJF (non-preemptive)
P1 P3 P2 P4

8 11 16 21
Preemptive SJF example
ProcessArrival TimeBurst Time
P1 0.0 8
P2 2.0 5
P3 3.0 3
P4 5.0 5
SJF (preemptive)
P1 P2 P3 P2 P4 P1

2 3 6 10 15 21
Run time estimation
 SJF is optimal, the only problem is figuring out which
process is the shortest one.
 Note that SJF is only optimal when all processes are
available simultaneously.
 Counter example
 Five processes, A through E, with run times of 2, 4, 1,
1, and 1, respectively.
 Arrival times are 0, 0, 3, 3, and 3.
 SJF will pick the processes in the order A, B, C, D, E for
an average wait of 4.6.
 However, running them in the order B, C, D, E, A has an
average wait of 4.4.
 One approach is to make estimates based on past
Exponential averaging
1. tn = actual length of nth cpu burst
2. n+1 = predictive value for the next
cpu burst
3. , 0≤≤1
4. Define :
n+1 =  tn+(1 - ) n
Exponential averaging, cont.
  =0
 n+1 = n
 Recent history does not count
  =1
 n+1 =  tn
 Only the actual last run time counts
 If we expand the formula, we get:
n+1 =  tn+(1 - ) tn-1 + …
+(1 -  )j  tn-j + …
+(1 -  )n +1 0

 Since both  and (1 - ) are less than or equal to 1,

each successive term has less weight than its
 Prioritized credit-based – process with
most credits is scheduled next
 Crediting based on factors including
priority and history
 Credit subtracted when timer interrupt
 When credit = 0, another process chosen
 When all processes have credit = 0,
recrediting occurs
 One example is Linux
Time-Sharing example
 The kernel maintains a list of all processes in a multiple
queues structure.
 Each queue contains two priority arrays - active and expired.
 The active array contains all tasks with time remaining in their
time slices.
 The expired array contains all expired tasks.
 The scheduler chooses the process with the highest priority
from the active array.
 When the process have exhausted its time slices, it will be
moved to the expired array.
 When the active array is empty, the two arrays are
 The expired array becomes the active array, and vice versa.
Time-Sharing example, cont.
 Consider a system with n processes, all things being
equal, each one should get 1/n of the CPU cycles.
 The system keeps track of how much CPU each
process has had since its creation.
 Compute the amount of CPU each one is entitled to.
 Compute the ratio of actual CPU had to CPU time
 A ratio of 0.5 means that a process has only had half of
what it should have had.
 A ratio of 2.0 means that a process has had twice as
much as it was entitled to.
 The algorithm is then to run the process with the
lowest ratio until it is not the lowest.
 It can be easily modified so that each process gets a
certain amount of CPU time based on priority.
Lottery scheduling
 Time-Slice is difficult to implement.
 Lottery scheduling give similarly predictable results with a
much simpler implementation.
 The basic idea is to give processes lottery tickets for CPU
 Whenever a scheduling decision has to be made, a lottery
ticket is chosen at random, and the process holding that
ticket gets the CPU.
 E.g., the system might hold a lottery 50 times a second, with
each winner getting 20 ms of CPU time as a prize.
 More important processes can be given extra tickets, to
increase their odds of winning.
 If there are 100 tickets outstanding, and one process holds
20 of them, it will have a 20 percent chance of winning
each lottery, which is about 20 percent of the CPU.
Lottery scheduling
 In contrast to a priority scheduler, where it is very
hard to state what having a priority of 40 actually
means. Here the rule is clear:
 a process holding a fraction f of the tickets will get
about a fraction f of the CPU time.
 Lottery scheduling can be used to solve problems that
are difficult to handle with other methods.
 One example is a video server in which several
processes are feeding video streams to their clients,
but at different frame rates.
 Suppose that the processes need frames at 10, 20,
and 25 frames/sec.
 By allocating these processes 10, 20, and 25 tickets,
respectively, they will automatically divide the CPU in
the correct proportion.
Policy versus mechanism
 So far, we assumed that all the processes belong to different users
and are thus competing for the CPU.
 However, sometimes a process has many children under its control.
 A server process may have many children working on different requests.
 The main process know which of its children are the most important.
 Without any input from user processes, the scheduler rarely makes
the best choice.
 The solution is to separate the scheduling mechanism from the
scheduling policy.
 The scheduling algorithm is parameterized in some way, and the
parameters can be filled in by user processes.
 Suppose that the kernel uses a priority scheduling algorithm but
provides a system call by which a process can set the priorities of its
 In this way the parent can control in detail how its children are
scheduled, even though it itself does not do the scheduling.
 Here the mechanism is in the kernel but the policy is set by a user
Multiple-processor scheduling
 Load sharing becomes possible if multiple CPUs are
 The scheduling problem becomes more complex, and there is
no one best solution.
 Consider systems in which the CPUs are identical, or
homogeneous, in terms of their functionality;
 Any CPU can run any process in the queue.
 Two approaches
 Asymmetric multiprocessing – a single CPU makes all
scheduling decisions; the others execute only process
 only one CPU accesses the system data structures, no need for
data sharing
 Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) – each CPU is self-
 The scheduler for each CPU select a process to execute
 Need to ensure that two CPUs do not choose the same process
and that processes are not lost from queue
Processor affinity versus load
 Processor affinity
 A process has an affinity for the CPU on which it is currently
 To avoid migration of processes because of the high cost of
invalidating and repopulating caches
 Load balancing
 To keep the workload evenly distributed across all CPUs
 Push migration
 A specific task periodically checks the load on each CPU and
evenly distributes the load if an imbalance is found
 Pull migration
 An idle CPU pulls a waiting task from a busy CPU
 Load balancing often counteracts the benefits of processor
 No absolute rule concerning what policy is best
Algorithm evaluation
 How do we select a scheduling algorithm for a
particular system?
 First, define the criteria to be used in selecting an
algorithm. For example,
 Maximizing CPU utilization under the constraint that the
maximum response time is 1 sec
 Maximizing throughput such that average turnaround
time is linearly proportional to total execution time
 Once the selection criteria have been defined, we
want to evaluate the algorithms under consideration.
 Deterministic modeling
 Queueing models
 Simulation
 Implementation
Deterministic modeling
 Analytic evaluation
 Takes a particular predetermined workload and
defines the performance of each algorithm for that
 E.g., the examples we used to describe various
scheduling algorithms
 Simple and fast. It gives us exact numbers, allowing
us to compare the algorithms.
 However, it requires exact numbers for input, and its
answers apply only to those cases
 If the same programs are running over and over
again, deterministic modeling may be used to select
a scheduling algorithm.
 The key point is how well the predetermined
workload can reflect the actual workload.
Queueing models
 Model the computer system as a network of servers with
queues of waiting processes
 Run-time and arrival-time distributions are given
 Utilization, queue length, wait time, and so on can be obtained
 Useful in comparing scheduling algorithms, but also has
 The classes of algorithms and distributions that can be handled
are fairly limited.
 The mathematics of complicated algorithms and distributions
can be difficult to work with.
 Thus, distributions are often defined in mathematically
tractable, but unrealistic ways.
 It is also generally necessary to make a number of
independent assumptions, which may not be accurate.
 Thus, only approximations of real systems, and the
accuracy of the computed results may be questionable.
 To program a model of the computer system.
 The simulator has a time variable representing a clock.
 As the time changes, the simulator modifies the system state
to reflect the activities of the devices, the processes, and the
 The workload data to drive the simulation can be obtained
in several ways.
 Randomly
 Collected from the real system under real operating conditions
 Can be expensive
 more detailed simulation provides more accurate results, but
requires more computer time
 workload collection can require large amounts of storage space
 the design and implementation of the simulator can be a major
Simulation example Simulation


Process Profile

cpu 15
I/O 5
cpu 20
I/O 30
cpu 100
I/O 16
… q=10
 The only completely accurate way to evaluate a
scheduling algorithm is to code it up and see how it
 Expensive
 coding the algorithm and modifying the OS
 the reaction of the users to a constantly changing OS.
 Most users are not interested in building a better OS.
 Usage behavior may change and the performance
may not meet the expectation.
 If short processes are given priority, then users may
break larger processes into sets of smaller processes.
 If interactive processes are given priority over
noninteractive processes, then users may switch to
interactive use.
End of Lecture

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