Pretesting Media Promosi Kesehatan

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Dela Aristi, MKM—23 Oktober 2017

 Pretesting refers to measuring the reaction of a
group of individuals to a communication or set of
communications prior to widespread diffusion.
 Its purpose is to determine systematically which of
several alternative versions of a communication will
be most effective or to identify elements of a single
communication that could be changed to make it
more effective (Bertrand, 1978).
Why pretest?

• Identify problems with the materials before

producing them and identify ways to improve them

• Select between alternative versions

• Avoid expense, ineffective materials, and public

 Posters, flipcharts, flashcards, pamphlets,
handbooks, radio spots, radio dramas, video tapes
are some of the materials that can be pretested.
The range of activities that can be pretested:
 1) Materi (content)

- kelengkapan, akurasi, kedalaman materi, dll

 2) Instructional design

- Kesesuaian dg karakteristik sasaran, tujuan,

ketepatan pemilihan media, interest, dll
 3) Implementation
- Kemudahan penggunaan dan kesesuaian dengan

 4) Technical Quality

- Kualitas audio, gambar, layout, warna, huruf, dll

 5) Effectiveness
What the pretest should measure?
 Pretests are specifically designed to provide
information on one or more of the following
components of effectiveness:
Komponen Efektifitas

Attraction Comprehension Acceptability

(Daya Tarik) (Pemahaman) (Penerimaan)

Self-Involvement Persuation
(Keterlibatan diri=merasa (Ajakan)
pesan untuk dirinya)
 Is the message interesting enough to attract and
hold the attention of the target audience?
 Do people like it? If more than one message is
tested, which of several messages attracts the most
attention/is best liked?
 Is the message clearly understood?
 If more than one, which of the several alternatives is
best understood?

 Does the message contain anything that is offensive

or distasteful by local standards?
 Does it contain anything that people perceive to be
 Does it contain any annoying elements that would
become irritating after repeated exposure to the
 If more than one message, which of the several
alternatives is least likely to be unacceptable?

 Is the message perceived to be directed to the

individuals in the target audience?
 Do they feel the message is for themselves or is it
for others?
 If more than one message, which of several
alternatives is perceived to be best directed to the
target audience?
 Is the message able to convince the target audience
to undertake the desired behavior?
 Also consider the specific objectives of the
communication in deciding what questions to include
in your pretest.
Designing a Pretest
 Pretests can range from very sophisticated
procedures requiring complex study designs to very
simple procedures that can be implemented with a
few respondents.
 Simple pretests carried out among a small sample
of the target audience can provide useful, valid
information for improving communication materials.
Tahapan Uji Coba
 Review Ahli (Materi dan Media)
 Evaluasi Satu – Satu (One to One Evaluation)
 Evaluasi Kelompok Kecil (Small Group Evaluation)
 Evaluasi Lapangan (Field Evaluation)
Setting of the pretest
 Naturalistic - refers to a situation where the person
is exposed to the communication as part of his
normal routine.
 Arranged - refers to any situation where the
respondents agree beforehand to watch, listen to,
or read the communications being pretested.
Developing pretest instruments and
 In designing a pretest for specific communication
material, it helps if one outlines the main features of
the pretest by using this guide:
1. Variables to be measured
2. Type of exposure to communication
3. Recommended sample
4. Pretest instrument
5. Estimated length of each interview
6. Description
Why some organization don’t pretest

 Berasumsi bahwa media yang dibuat sudah bagus

 No money
 No time
Pretesting poster
 Poster adalah karya seni atau desain grafis yang
memuat komposisi gambar dan huruf di atas kertas
berukuran besar.
 Pengaplikasiannya dengan ditempel
di dinding atau permukaan datar lainnya dengan
sifat mencari perhatian mata sekuat mungkin.
 Karena itu poster biasanya dibuat dengan warna-
warna kontras dan kuat.
Pretesting poster
 Case Number: ........
 Poster identification: ..............

1. pertama, saya akan menunjukkan gambar yang

digunakan pada poster. Bagaimana pendapat anda?
2. Menurut anda apakah pesan ini sudah cocok untuk poster
ini? ....................
3. Apakah pesan dalam poster ini dapat dipercaya?
1. ya
2. tidak
9. tidak tahu
4. Bagian mana dari poster ini yang anda tidak sukai?
5. Poster mana yang lebih baik?
1. poster 1
2. poster 2
3. poster 3
9. tidak tahu
Alasannya ...........................................
6. etc

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