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Assessing with Spiral

Jonathan Porro 1
Table of Contents
Part 1: Creating an Slides 5-14
Part 2: Understanding Slides 15-26
Part 3: Creating an Slides 27-66
Assessment on Quickfire

Jonathan Porro 2
In this Tutorial, a deep dive will
be done on “Quickfire,” a quick
assessment tool offered by Spiral.

Jonathan Porro 3
Although it can be used on
mobile devices, it is best to use
desktops or laptops.

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Part 1: Creating an Account

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Step 1: Type in in your browser’s URL

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Step 2: Click on the “JOIN FREE” box

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Step 3: Click on “Register,” then click
on “Sign up as a teacher

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Step 4: Type in an email address and password

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Step 5: Type in a school name

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Step 6: Click on “Create free account”

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This screen will appear

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Step 7: Click on the “Plan” button for “Quickfire”

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This screen will appear

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Part 2: Understanding “Quickfire”

Jonathan Porro 15
“Quickfire” is a tool on Spiral that can be used
for quickly assessing the knowledge of
students in an interactive manner. This
tutorial will create an assessment using one
of each available question type for this tool

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Open questions allow students to write any
answer they have freely

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Closed questions allow students to write any
answer they have freely, but is automatically
graded by scanning for key words

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Poll questions allow students to choose from
a number of answers that are all correct. It is
more for gathering opinions

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Multiple choice questions allow students to
choose an answer from a variety of options

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Canvas questions allow students
to draw out their answers

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Annotation allows students to draw
and annotate on uploaded images

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Audio allows students to record
answers with their voices

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All questions have an option on the top-
right to upload an image to coincide with it

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The left side of the screen allows
the user to edit the assessment’s
title and add questions in bulk

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The bottom of the screen allows
the user to choose what to do
with the finalized assessment

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Part 3: Creating an Assessment on “Quickfire”

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Step 1: Click on “Edit title”

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Step 2: Type in a title

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Step 3: Click on “Create a question

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Step 4: Type in an open question

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Step 5: Click on “Upload an image”

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Step 6: Click on an already saved image
(Make sure needed images are saved prior to this)

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Step 7: Click on “Create a question

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Step 8: Type in a closed question

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Step 9: Click on “Add choice”

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Step 10: Add correct choices

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Step 11: Repeat Steps 5-7

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Step 12: Type in a poll question

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Step 13: Click on “Add choice”

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Step 14: Add possible choices

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Step 15: Repeat Steps 5-7

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Step 16: Type in a multiple choice question

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Step 17: Click on “Add choice”

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Step 18: Add possible choices

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Step 19: Click on “Correct” for correct answers

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Step 20: Repeat Steps 5-7

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Step 21: Type in a canvas question

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Step 22: Click on “Create a question

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Step 23: Type in an annotation question

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Step 24: Repeat Steps 5-7
(Remember, annotation questions require an image)

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Step 25: Type in an audio question

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Step 26: Repeat Steps 5-7

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After all questions are
made, the left side of
the screen should look
something like this

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Step 27: Click on “Save an teach/assign”

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Step 28: Click on “Add a class”

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Step 29: Type in a class name

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Step 30: Choose a subject

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Step 31: Click on “Save”

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Step 32: Click on “Go” for the new class

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Step 33: Click on “Due date”

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Step 34: Select a due date, then click on “Ok”

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Step 35: Select a time, then click on “Ok”

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Step 35: Click on “Assign”

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This screen will appear
(Grades will appear as the assignment is completed)

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The assessment is complete!

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