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Commercial Vehicle Drivers:

Driver Remuneration

Remuneration is wages 
or salary, typically
money that is paid for
services rendered as
an employee.
commercial vehicles drivers:
1. Self-employed workers
(independent owner-operators)
*own and maintain their vehicles, formally contract
with one or more carriers
2. Employees (company driver)
*hired under open-ended employment contracts to
drive vehicles provided
In many cases, heavy driver
in commercial freight
industry are paid under a
piecework/incentive or trip-
based payment system
(calculated as either a total
price or per tonne) for a
particular task or in terms of
a rate per kilometre
In short, the payment of
drivers intersects with a
range of other commercial
practice in the industry.
Poor wages and conditions in
the road freight transport
industry can influence a
driver to work lengthy
hours and still not be
guaranteed a reasonable
wage. In addition, provisions
such as payment by
kilometre or by the hour, no
payment for waiting time, no
payment for loading and/or
unloading, and extended
periods of time actually
driving facilitate the
incidence of unsafe driving.
Remuneration can then contribute to the on-road
behaviour of the drivers. In short, many drivers
worked excessive and dangerous long hours that
made it very difficult for drivers to manage work
and family commitments
There is a relationship between payment type and
the experience of fatigue or major personal
problem especially to the long distance truck
drivers. This is further evidence that the way
drivers are remunerated clearly has an adverse
effect on the ability to manage fatigue well.
(Williamson, 2000),
“Tiredness because working too long is one of
the factors of the contributors to the rate of
road accidents... payment for drivers of heavy
vehicles, especially bus drivers will be revised
in order to prevent them suffering exhaustion
from working too long or over time”. (Kosmo, 8
Disember 2008).

The propose action of Ministry of Human

Resources to set the salaries through the Wages
Council are difficult to established because the
transport industry should move freely in the
open market(Kosmo, 9 Disember 2008).
1. To profile job functions of commercial vehicle
2. To profile drivers demographic, economic,
education, and lifestyle characteristic.
3. To identify the variables which need to be
considered to develop the remuneration model
for commercial vehicle drivers in Malaysia.
study’s research framework around the various transport modes and
covering views from the logistics companies (particularly views of the
employers/the HR personnel), their employees, as well as views from
the universities and training providers.

The assessment of various transport modes throughout Malaysia and

the collection of data will be carried out based on regional

The assessment of the quality and quantity of the human resources in

the logistics industry will assist in the development of strategic HR
strategies, polices and guidelines.
The main contribution of this research are:

The study will identify remuneration model for commercial vehicle

drivers that can influence good behavior of driver which is important
for the industry, society and country.

Remuneration model will become a basis for employer to set their

remuneration scheme for their drivers.

On the other hand, this study can contribute to healthy leaving for
commercial vehicle driver community.

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