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Va lue s For mat ion

What is a Value?
Value is something desirable,
worth having, worth
possessing, worth keeping
and worth doing.
Value is identical with good.
The family is the primary
carrier of values. Values are
passed on from parents and
elders. The growing child
imitates every actuation,
speech, mannerism,
disposition, expression, etc.
of those around him..
Wha t a r e Filipino
Are the things Filipinos
consider good,
important, proper,
suitable, worthy, right,
acceptable, and
desirable in life.
Se t A Type s of V a lue s
1. Appetitive value
2. Sensuous/sexual value
3. Aesthetic value
4. Intellectual value
5. Moral Value
6. Spiritual Value
7. Value of the Holy
Appe t it ive va lue

Refers to the desirable

nature of food and water
that satisfies one’s
hunger and thirst.
Also known as survival
Se nsuous/Se xua l V a lue

This correspond to sexual

meaning in as much as
sexual desire can only be
satisfied by this value.
Aesthetic Value
This satisfies an
individual’s aesthetic
desire or feeling of
beholding a beautiful
thing or scenery, and
appreciating the work of
Intellectual Value
This fulfill the
individual’s intellectual
Being the only animal
gifted with reasons, man
desires to know.
Moral Value
Relates to conduct or
character viewed from the
concept of right and
Spir it ua l V a lue
Corresponds to our
spiritual feelings such as
characterized by the
highest qualities of human
Value of the Holy
Refers to the sacred and
hallowed beliefs, some
things which are the
objects of worship or
veneration. Holy meant
the divine or has
sanctity directly from
the absolute sphere.
V a lue of t he H oly
Examples are:
1 . Value of religion
2 . Value of worship
3 . Value of sacrament
4 . Value of prayer
5 . Value of rosary
6 . Value of the mass
7 . Value of the church
Se t B Type s of Va lue s

1. Personal value
2. Psychological value
3. Sociological value
4. Cultural value
5. Historical value
Se t B Type s of Va lue s
6. Behavioral value
7. Educational value
8. Political value
9. Sensational value
10. Sentimental value
Personal value
Refers to one’s own
individual and exclusive
value. Every person has
his own value preferences
depending upon one’s
own interests and desires,
concerns, goals, and
Personal value
The value of worship
The va lue of fr e e dom
Psyc hologic a l va lue
That which is suitable for
appealing to an
individual’s mind.
Sociological value
Pertains to the workings
of human society where
individuals form
continuous and regulatory
association for the mutual
benefits and protection.
Sociological value
Examples are:
1 . Interrelationships
individual within the
2 . Peace and order

3 . Cooperation

4 . Unity

5 . Fraternity
Cultural value
Refers to society’s own
features of development,
learned behavior patterns of
any specific period, the
training and refinement of
mind, morals, or taste of a
given people or community.
Cultural value
1 . Respect for elders

2. Kissing the forehead and

hands of parents, uncles or
3 . Bowing one’s head in
greetings (“magandang
umaga, “mano po”,
“kumusta po kayo”
Historical value
Pertains to or is
concerned with treating
events of history, like
historical account of
momentous occurrences
in a given country or
Historical value
1. The granting of independence
by the Americans
2. The worlds famous EDSA I
and EDSA II people power.
3. The martyrdoms of
GOMBURZA, Jose Rizal, Ninoy
Aquino, etc. (For them, Filipino
is worth dying for..)
Behavioral value
Means the manner of
conducting oneself
properly, of comporting
oneself well, acting
correctly, and of
controlling oneself
Behavioral value
1 . Politeness or courtesy
2 . Honesty
4 . Pa t ie nc e
5 . Diligence
6 . Fidelityand sincerity
7 . Friendship

8 . Observing golden rule

Educ a t iona l va lue
The things that has an
instructive worth. It is
informative, educative,
and mentally enriching.
Educ a t iona l va lue
1.A class trip or excursion
t o la nd ma r ks

2.Watching a good movie or

reading good books.
Political Value
It is anything that has
significance in politics,
that is, in the science
and art of government
or the administration
and management of
public or state affairs.
Polit ic a l va lue
1. Kinship
or relationship either
by consanguinity or affinity

2 . Cultural
values such as utang
na loob, pakikisama, and
compadrazgo .
Se nsa t iona l V a lue
Things that produces
great interest or
excitement, like
sensational story or
Sensational Value
Involves all attempts to
make a thing, an event, an
act, a story or a film
stimulating, astounding,
marvelous and
Sentimental Value
Pertains to anything that
elicits sentimentality,
emotional reaction, tender
feeling, and sweet,
because of certain noble
experiences associated
with it.
Sentimental value
1.Aring – signifies one’s
former sweetheart or

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