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It is the systematic examination of the methods of
carrying out activities such as to improve the effective
use of resources and to set up standards of performance
for the activities carried out.
m rk St y

Meth  St y m rk
Meas rement


x Improvement in processes & procedures

x To determine correct sequence of operations
x Effective use of human resources
x Improvement in wor ing
x Effective use of equipments
x Develop better wor ing environment
x Avoid problems
x welect
x Record
x Examine
x Develop
x Install
x Maintain

x Increase production with same labour,
x wame production with less labour and
x Minimization of unproductive movements of
men and material
x Improved wor ing condition
6 6   w
To record facts, 5 symbols and charting
conventions are used.

5 wymbols:
1. Operation 4. Delay
2. Inspection 5. wtorage

3. Transport
 6  w

x omposition of the chart

x Rejection
x Repetition
x Reprocessing
x Introduction of new materials
x ombined activities
x Numbering of activities

It is a systematic and methodical questioning


x Examine the facts

x Analyze the logical sequence


It involves analysis of creative ideas and giving

them a practical shape.

Phases of development:
a. Fault finding and fault identification
b. ombination of ideas
c. Estimation of cost of testing and
a. Test technical feasibility
b. Forecast performance
c. Test economic feasibility


Factors to be considered:
a. Investment
b. Production rate
c. Manufacturing cost
d. Physical efforts

It includes 2 steps:

x Recommendation phase

x Implementation phase
     a a  

x Monitoring and control

x Review of the approach

x Performance appraisal

Factors Affecting Job Design:

Organizational Environmental Behavioral factors

factors factors
1. Tas 1. Employee 1. Feedbac
characteristics availability and
2. Process or flow 2. wocial and 2. Autonomy
of wor in cultural
organization expectations
3. Ergonomics 3. Variety
4. Wor practices

1. Job Rotation:
Advantages of Job Rotation:
1) Avoids monopoly
2) Provides an opportunity to broaden one·s
3) Avoiding fraudulent practice
4) Provides better opportunities
Disadvantages of Job Rotation:

1) Frequent interruption
2) Reduces uniformity in quality
3) Misunderstanding with the union member
4) Waste of time
5) Increases training costs

Advantages of Job Enlargement:

1) Variety of s ills

2) Improves earning capacity

3) Wide range of activities


1) Increases wor burden

2) Increases frustration of the employee

3) Problem with union members

Advantages of Job Enrichment:

1) Increasing and challenging job

2) Improves decision ma ing
3) Identifies future managerial caliber
4) Identifies higher order needs of employee
5) Reduces wor load of superiors

1) Lac of nowledge
2) Negative implications
3) Ego problems
4) wuited for certain situations only
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x It is concerned with investigating, reducing and

eliminating ineffective time.

x It is absolutely essential for both the planning

and control of operations.

 omparing alternative methods

 Manpower requirement planning

 Delivery date of goods

 ost reduction and cost control

 Training new employees


1. Time study whort cycle repetitive jobs.

Widely used for direct wor .

2. wynthetic Data whort cycle repetitive jobs.

3. Wor ing sampling Long cycle jobs or heterogeneous


4. Predetermined motion and Manual operations confined to

time study one wor centre.

. nalytical estimating whort cycle non-repetitive job.

Methods of motivation:

x Fear

x Incentive
a) Non financial incentive
b) wemi financial incentive
c) Financial incentive


x Improvement in quality

x Reduction in absenteeism of the wor men

x Minimization of overtime

x Elimination of waste of resources

  
x Ma e system wor efficiently and effectively.

x Provides best method to perform the job.

x Increases output and improves quality of

wor .

x Production and Operations Management

Author: w. Anil Kumar & N. wuresh

x Production / Operation Management

Author: L. . Jhamb

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