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 JavaScript created in 1995 by Brendan Eich (@Netscape labs)
 JS become a ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers
Association) standard by 1997. It remains a standard in client-
side app over years.
 Google V8, chrome, Sep 2008

 Node created in 2009 byRyan Dahl using V8 power (c++ &

javascript) : With Node JS start beingas a server-side language.
 Highly scalable web servers for web
 Web services (RESTful API)
 Real-Time appsas its supports Web-Sockets.
 App with queued inputs.
 Data streaming apps.
 Single-threaded executionwith the use of callback functions =>not resource-
◦ suitable for high latency I/O operations e.g: database access
◦ Scalable as it combines Server and application logic in one single
 Node is event-driven, it handles all requests asynchronously from on
single thread.
 A event loop is used to schedule tasks in the event-driven programming.

 Node programming style is christened Continous-Passing Style (CPS): Every

asynchronous function has at least a Callback function as oneof its parameters.
This later is call afterthe asynchronous section is executed.
var fs = require("fs");

fs.readFile ("foo.txt", "utf8", function(error,

data) {
if (error) {
throw error;


console.log("Reading file...");
 Using async module
 Using process.nextTick() trick:

function add (x, y, callback) function add (x, y, callback) {

process.nextTick(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
callback(x + y);
callback(x + y);
},0); }
} add(2, 3, console.log);
add(2, 3, console.log); console.log("The sum is:" );
console.log("The sum is:" );
 Non-blocking has always to do with I/O (file
 The following code is asyn but not Non-blocking:

function add (x, y, callback)

{ process.nextTick(function()

while (1) {

callback(x + y);
add(2, 3, console.log);
console.log("The sum is:" );
 Install NodeJS :
 Create a app.js file with the following code:

 Start your server by issuing the following cmd:

◦ > node app.js

Nb: NodeJS has got a

 NodeJS extensions are known as modules

 NodeJS is being backed by an active community which provides

an overwhelming number of modules

 NPM command is used to install and manage new modules:

◦ Ex:
 npm install async
 npm install async@1.0.x
 npm install –g async
 npm serach <MODULE_NAME>
 npm outdated
 npm update npm –g
 npm rm asyn

 « require(<MODULE_NAME>)» is used to load a given module

 ExpressJS helps to fit web projects to MCV design pattern

 To install ExpressJS:
◦ > npm install –g express

 Express has got a scafolding capability that help you create a sustainable
project structure, easy to extend and maintain. Express-generator is
the module dedicated to that job.
◦ > npm install –g express-generator
 Find a ExpressJS app example on my GITHUB:

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