Attestation of The Believer's Faith

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Attestation of the

Believer’s Faith

Text: I John 5: 1-12

“witness” – 6 times
“record” – 3 times To testify/attest
“whosoever… “

 To Attest - to show, prove, or state that

something is true or real (Merriam Webster)
- “pagpapatibay”, to prove the

 Believer ‘s faith– faith on “the Christ”

(Christos/Messiah or Saviour)
Attestation of the
Believer’s Faith – proving the
authenticity of the believer’s faith , in the
same analogy of the purpose of certificates
(“pagpapatunay/pagpapatibay” ng

I. Believer’s Identity
(verses 1-5)
Traits kinaija

I. Believer’s Identity
1. Born of God
 Verse 1- “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is
born of God…”
 I John 3:9 – “cannot sin”

“He that that believes on Christ is

born of God & does not commit sin”
I. Believer’s Identity
1. Born of God
2. Lover of God & the Brethren
 I John 4:7-8 – “…everyone that loveth is born of God &
knoweth God.”
 Verse 1- “and everyone that loveth him that begat
(Father) loveth him also that is begotten of him
 Verse 2 >>> to love God = to love the children of God =
to keep commandments
“Having been born of God, we love
God & the brethren”
I. Believer’s Identity
1. Born of God
2. Lover of God & the Brethren
3. Keeper of God’s Commandments
 Verse 3 - “for this is the love of God,that we keep his
- “and his commandments are not grievous”
(Matthew 23:4-6 & 11:28-30)

“We love God & the Brethren by

keeping God’s commandments”
I. Believer’s Identity
1. Born of God
2. Lover of God & the Brethren
3. Keeper of God’s Commandments
4. Overcomer of the World
- v4-5 – “victory that overcometh the world, even
our faith”
- I John 2:15-17-”lusts”
- Ephesians 2:2-4 – “course of this world”

“Our faith in the Word(Christ),

enables us to overcome the World”
I. Believer’s Identity

1. Born of God
2. Lover of God & the Brethren
3. Keeper of God’s Commandment
4. Overcomer of the World
If you believe in Christ,
a.) Do you still take pleasure in habitual sinning?

b.) How do you show your love to God & the

brethren, in what concrete ways?

c.) Which among God’s commandments do you

fall short most often?

d.) When was the time we felt hopeless &


e.) Do your ways reflect the ways of a believer of

Summary Application

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