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The concept of man forms the first
foundational component of nursing. To be
able to provide individualized, holistic
and quality nursing care, it is primary
consideration to understand man
4 major attributes of Human Being
*the capacity to think or conceptualized on the
abstract level
*family formation
*the tendency to seek and maintain a territory
*the ability to use verbal symbols as language ,” a means
of developing and maintaining culture.
*MAN is a biophysical and spiritual being
who is in constant contact with the
environment. (Roy)
*MAN is an open system in constant
interaction with a changing environment.
*MAN is a unified whole composed of
parts which are interdependent and
interrelated with each other. (Roger)
*MAN is composed of parts which are
greater than and different from the sum
of all his parts. (Rogers)
*MAN is composed of subsystems and
*MAN is an individual with vital reparative
processes to deal with disease and
desirous of health but passive in terms
of influencing the environment. (FN)
*MAN is a whole, complete and
independent being who has 14
fundamental needs to:
-breath - keep clean
-eat and drink -avoid danger
-eliminate -communicate
-sleep and rest -worship
-dress and undress -work
-maintain body temperature -play
- move and maintain posture - learn
• *MAN is a unity who can viewed as
functioning biologically, symbolically
and socially and who initiates and
performs self-care activities on own
behalf in maintaining life, health and
well-being. (OREM)
HEALTH- is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being, and not
merely the absence of disease or
infirmity. (WHO)
HEALTH is being well and using one’s
power to the fullest extent. Health is
maintained through prevention of disease
via environmental health factors. (FN)
HEALTH is viewed in terms of the
individual’s ability to perform 14
components of nursing care unaided.
Positive HEALTH symbolizes wellness. It
is a value term defined by the culture or
individual. (Rogers)
HEALTH is a state and a process of being
and becoming an integrated and
whole person. (ROY)
HEALTH is a state that is characterized
by soundness or wholeness of developed
human structures, bodily and mental
functioning. (OREM)
HEALTH is a dynamic state in the life
cycle; illness is an interference in the life
cycle. (King)
Wellness is the condition in which all parts
and subparts of an individuals are in
harmony with the whole system. Newman

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