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Presented By

Dr. Bhairavi Shah

B.A.M.S. M.D
 The point at which two or more bones are
connected is called a joint.
 Bones, cartilage, muscle, ligaments, and
tendons are involved in joint formation.
Parts of joint
 Bones : Strongest part, form skeletal of body, lever for
 Cartilage: cover surface of bone which is involved in
formation of joint
 Ligaments : it is strong elastic band of tissue connect one
bone to other bone
 Tendons : Muscles are connected to the bone with the help
of tough cord of tissue called tendon
 Muscle: give support & strength to joint. Flexion &
extension of joints occurs due to contraction of muscle.
Types of Bone
 Long Bones : e. g. femur
 Short Bones : e. g. carpal, tarsal
 Flat Bones : e. g. Scapula, Skull bones
 Irregular Bones : e.g vertebrae
 Sesamoid Bones : e.g. Patella
Types of joints
 Fibrous joint (Immovable) : Joint only with ligament. E.g
 Cartilaginous joint (Semi movable) : Joint with cartilage
E. g. Spinal joints
 Synovial joint (Freely Movable) : Have Synovial capsule,
membrane, fluid E. g. Knee joint
Types of Synovial joint
1. Hinge joint : Flexion & Extension: E. g. Elbow & Knee
Types of Synovial joint
1. Pivot joint : Rotation of bone around another bone : E.
g. top of neck (atlas & axis bone)
Types of Synovial joint
 Ball & socket joint: Flexion/Extension/Adduction/
Abduction/Internal & External Rotation :
E. g. Shoulder & Hip
Types of Synovial joint
 Saddle joint: Flexion/Extension/Adduction/
Abduction/Circumduction : CMC joint of the thumb
Types of Synovial joint
 Condyloid : E. g. Wrist/MCP & MTP joints
Types of Synovial joint
 Gliding : Gliding movements : E. g Intercarpal joints
Neck Joint
Shoulder Joint
Knee Joint
Hip Joint
Ankle Joint

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