Water Pollution Complete

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Water Pollution General

• Water pollution is the contamination of water
bodies. Pollutants get into water because
humans throw trash to the water, and there is
were the water pollution starts. Can we help?
You can help
Never throw rubbish away anyhow. Always
look for the correct waste bin. If there is none
around, please take it home and put it in your
trash can. This includes places like the beach,
riverside and water bodies. Use water wisely.
Do not keep the tap running when not in use
Also, you can reduce the amount of water you
use in washing and bathing. If we all do this, we
can significantly prevent water shortages and
reduce the amount of dirty water that needs
Do not throw chemicals, oils, paints and medicines
down the sink drain, or the toilet. In many cities,
your local environment office can help with the
disposal of medicines and chemicals. Check with
your local authorities if there is a chemical
disposal plan for local residents.
• Many different pollutants can harm our rivers,
streams, lakes, and oceans. The three most
common are soil, nutrients, and bacteria. Rain
washes soil into streams and rivers. The soil can
kill tiny animals and fish eggs. It can clog the
gills of fish and block light, causing plants to
die. Nutrients, often from fertilizers, cause
problems in lakes, ponds, and reservoirs.
Nitrogen and phosphorus make algae grow and
can turn water green. Bacteria, often from
sewage spills, can pollute fresh or salt water.
• The Riachuelo is one of the most
polluted rivers in a world, ranked 11th
by a global study made by the Swiss Red
Cross. Around 15.000 industries
contaminate the river y chemical
manufacturers are responsible for
over a third of the pollution in this
river. Studies made in 2008 detected
nusual high levels of zinc, lead, nickel
and copper.
• Some water animals
died because water
contaminate them.
Cases in Argentina
In July 2004, a group of inhabitants of Villa
Inflamble (one of the most polluted shanty
towns) Or slums that exist on the Matanza-
Riachuelo river basin in the province of
Buenos Aires.
In June 2006, the Supreme Court of Argentina agreed to
hear the case as a collective or group action and ordered
the defendants to file a comprehensive plan to clean the
river basin.

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