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Data Envelopment Analysis for

Performance Measurement
In evaluating the performance of a business the owners or the managers
would typically like to know:

• Is the company making best use of the resources?

• Is it possible to produce more from the same input bundle? If so, which
outputs and how much more?
• Can the firm economize on the resources used? If so, which inputs and by
how much?
• Is the firm's input-mix consistent with the relative prices of the inputs? If
not, which inputs should be substituted for hat?
• Is the firm of the right size? If not, is it too big or too small?
• Would a potential merger with another specific firm enhance efficiency?

The list goes on.

In order to evaluate the performance of any decision-making unit -

• Needs to define a best performance

• Two main approaches available:

• Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA): parametric and econometric
• Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) that uses mathematical
programming techniques.
Effectiveness, Productivity, and Efficiency
Total factor productivity (TFP)

A natural solution would be to take some average of the partial productivities

Define its total factor productivity as the weighted geometric mean

Tornqvist index
Now take a closer look at the input aggregator function

When the inputs L and K are aggregated through a production function, the
total factor productivity of a firm also becomes its technical efficiency index.
The production function defines the maximum quantity of output that can be
produced from a given input bundle. Thus,
Stochastic Frontier Models
• Motivation:
• Factors not under control of the firm
• Measurement error
• Differential rates of adoption of technology
• Frontier is randomly placed by the whole collection of
stochastic elements which might enter the model outside the
control of the firm.
• Aigner, Lovell, Schmidt (1977), Meeusen, van den Broeck
(1977), Battese, Corra (1977)
The Stochastic Frontier Model
yi = f (xi )TE i e v i
ln y i =  +   xi + vi  ui
=  +  xi +  i .

ui > 0, but vi may take any value. A symmetric

distribution, such as the normal distribution, is usually
assumed for vi. Thus, the stochastic frontier is


and, as before, ui represents the inefficiency.

DEA requires no parametric specification of the production frontier
and relies on a number of fairly general assumptions about the
nature of the underlying production technology. Using a sample of
actually observed input-output data and these assumptions, it
derives benchmark output quantity with which the actual output of
a firm can be compared for efficiency measurement.
Assumptions About the Technology

1. All actually observed input-output bundles are feasible.

2. The production possibility set is convex.

3. Inputs are freely disposable.

4. Outputs are freely disposable

Technical Efficiency: Output oriented measure
Technical Efficiency: Input oriented measure
A one-input one-output example: Geometry of DEA
Two input one output example
Technology Sets, e.g., GR and DEA
An Algebraic Formulation of the DE A Optimization Problem
DEA Linear Programming for input Technical Efficiency
Technical Efficiency
Returns to Scale and Technical Efficiency
• The DEA problems we have specified so far to estimate Farrell input
and output based technical efficiency have restricted technology to
• constant returns to scale
• strong disposability of inputs and outputs
• The returns to scale of technology are determined by the restrictions
on the intensity variables, i.e., the z’s.
• The disposability property arises from the inequalities on the input
and output constraints.
DEA and Returns to Scale
Non-increasing Returns to Scale and DEA
Variable Returns to Scale and DEA
Scale Efficiency
Input Based Scale Efficiency
Output Based Scale Efficiency
Cost Minimisation and Decomposition of Efficiency
Productivity Growth
Malmquist Productivity index
DEA Summary
• Addresses fundamental productivity measurement problems
due to ...
• complexity of service outputs
• variability in service outputs
• Provides useful information
• objective measures of productivity
• reference set of comparable units
• excess use of inputs measure
• returns to scale measure
DEA Summary (cont.)
• Role of DEA
• “data mining” to generate hypotheses
• evaluation/measurement
• benchmarking to identify “best practice” units
• Caveats
• “black box” - No information on root causes of inefficiency
• Be aware of assumptions (e.g. linearity)
• Can be sensitive to selection of inputs/outputs
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