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Plenary Discussion


• Is the microscopic study of the structure of

biological tissue

• Organized into four basic types of tissue:

(1) epithelium, (2) connective tissue (includ
es cartilage, bone and blood), (3) muscle,
and (4) nervous tissue.
1. Epithelium

• Epithelium are sheets of cells that c

over the externel surface and line th
e internal surfaces of the body.
• It is classified by the shape of the s
urface cells and whether it has a sing
le or multiple layers of cells
a. Simple Squamous Epithelium

• A simple squamous epithelium consists

of a single layer of flattened cells. It often
occurs at sites of metabolite, fluid or gas
exchange across or between cells.
• Ovary
• Oviduct
• Eye
b. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

• A simple cuboidal epithelium consists o

f a single layer of cells of similar height a
nd width.
• Pancreas
c. Simple Columnar Epithelium

• A single columnar epithelium consists o

f a single layer of cells that are taller than
they are wide. Typically associated with s
ecretion or absorption..
• Jejunum
• Ileum
d. Pseudostratified Columnar Epitheli

• A pseudostratified columnar epithelium

appears stratified because: (1) not all cell
s reach the apical surface, (2) nuclei are
at different levels and (3) cells appear tig
htly packed.
• It lines the upper respiratory tract.
• Larynx
• Trachea
e. Stratified Squamous Epithelium

• A stratified squamous epithelium h

as two or more layers of cells.
• The epithelium is keratinized on th
e external surface of the body to pre
vent loss of water and protect agains
t abrasion.
• Esophagus
• epiglotis
f. Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium

• A stratified cuboidal epithelium con

sists of two or more layers of cells. O
nly the cells of the surface layer are
cuboidal with subsequent layers vary
ing in shape from cuboidal to polyhe
• Esophagus
g. Transitional Epithelium

• A transitional epithelium consists of

multiple layers of cells. The surface la
yer is composed of much larger, do
me-shaped cells (umbrella cells) that
change in shape when the epitheliu
m is relaxed or stretched.
• Found only in the urinary tract.

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