227-6a-Phase Diagrams

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Phase Diagrams

Definition of Phase Diagrams

 There is a direct relation between the microstructure and mechanical

properties of materials.
 They provide valuable information about melting, casting and

 What happens if two or more metal is mixed in molten state?

 Then what would be the microstructure after solidification?

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Definition of Phase Diagrams

 Components: are the pure metal or compounds of which alloy is

composed. In steel, Fe and C are components
 Solid solution: consists of atoms with two or more components. A
solute atom occupy the substitutional or interstitial site within the
solvent matrix.
 The crystal structure of the solvent is maintained

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(Animation: Solute atoms in Fe (solvent)
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Solubility Limit

 For many alloy system, there is a maximum concentration of solute

atoms that may dissolve in solvent in solid solution, which is called
solubility limit.
 An excess solute addition means that another solid will form.

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Phase Diagrams

 In Fig.1.1, the phase diagram of Water+Sugar is given. The

solubility limit of sugar in water is given with the solubility limit line.
 Above the solubility limit, the “syrup” phase is replaced by the
“syrup+sugar” phase.
 What is syrup? It is water in which some amount of sugar is
dissolved. Is it possible that jam is a syrup? Not the fruit particles,
but the fluid is syrup!

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Phase Diagrams

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Binary Phase Diagrams

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Binary Phase Diagrams

 In Fig.1.2., the  phase is solid and consists of Cu-Ni atoms.

 There is a substitutional solid solution between the Cu and Ni

 SOLIDUS: The line below which there is no liquid.

 LIQUIDUS: The line above which there is no solid.
 +Liquid region is the two phase region.

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Binary Phase Diagrams

 How solidification takes place?

(Animation: Cu-Ni solidification)

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Binary Phase Diagrams with
Limited Solid Solubility
 For several alloys, there is a limited solubility between two
 An example is given in Fig.1.4. for a eutectic phase diagram.
  is a phase. It is metal A with some amount of B is dissolved in it. B
is solute atom.
 On the other hand,  is metal B with some amount of A dissolved in
it. In this case A is solute atom.
 Neither  or  are pure constituents.

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Eutectic Phase Diagram

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Eutectic Phase Diagram

In Fig.1.4 :
 The maximum solubility of B in A is XA
 On the other hand, the maximum solubility of A in B is XB
 For a composition at XE, the liquid transforms to eutectic phase
mixture according to eutectic reaction:
Liquid >>>>  + 
 The eutectic reaction takes place at a constant temperature, like
solidification of a pure metal. Once the reaction is completed, the
temperature drop again.
 All the alloys in the range XA- XB exhibit the eutectic reaction.

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93%A-7%B alloy

(Animation: A-rich alloy solidification)

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80%A-20%B alloy

(Animation: Eutectic alloy)

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38%A-62%B alloy

(Animation: B-rich alloy)

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Fig.1.6. The microstructure of 80%A-20%B alloy at room temperature
(schematic). If you follow the path when this alloy is cooled down, it
will be easier to understand the formation of phases.

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Eutectoid Phase Diagrams
 In eutectic phase diagrams, the liquid transforms to two solids (+
for example)
 There is a second group of phase diagrams called EUTECTOID
Phase Diagrams.
 In eutectoid phase diagrams, there is a solid-solid reaction: For
 >>>> +
 This is an important type of phase diagram, because one of the
mostly used engineering materials, STEELS have a eutectoid part in
their phase diagram

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Eutectoid Phase Diagrams
 Steels are alloys of Fe-C
 The phase diagram of Fe-C is a complicated one (Fig.1.10)
 There are both eutectic (liq >> +Fe3C) and eutectoid ( >> +Fe3C)

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

 The phases present:

  (austenite) (FCC): It is the high temperature phase. The hot
deformation of steel is done in this region. Also for heat
treatment, the steels are heated to this region. The max.
solubility of carbon in austenite is 2.0%
  (Ferrite) (BCC). It is seen at room temperature. The max.
solubility of carbon in ferrite is very low, i.e. 0.025%. We can
assume that ferrite is nearly pure iron.
 Fe3C (Cementite). It is a carbon rich compound. It is very hard
and brittle. The cementite gives the steel its strength.

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

 The phases present (cont.):

 Pearlite (+Fe3C): It is a phase mixture. It forms as a result of

eutectoid reaction at 723C. At this temperature, all the austenite

() in the microstructure transfoms to a lamellar structure of
+Fe3C. The brittleness of cementite and the ductility of ferrite
combines to yield a phase with optimum properties.

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram
 The steel portion of the Fe-C phase diagram is given in Fig.1.11.
 Most of the steels have a carbon content less than 0.8%. These are
plain carbon steels and low alloy steels.
 On the other hand, there are several steels having a carbon content
higher than 1% (like cutting tools).
 The microstructural development of a 0.2%C steel upon cooling
from  region is given in Fig.1.12.

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram
 When the steel specimen is in single phase region , the
microstructure is 100% austenite. The 0.2%C is dissolved
completely in the matrix (interstitial solution)
 The  grains are first seen in austenite () upon entering + region.
 These primary  nuclei grow with a decrease in temperature.
 At eutectoid temperature, the remaining  transforms to pearlite
phase mixture (+Fe3C) (Fig.1.12)

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram
 The microstructure of a plain carbon steel having 0.2%C is seen in
Fig.1.13. at a higher magnification.
 Primary ferrite () grains can be seen.
 Pearlite is a phase mixture of +Fe3C.
 The pearlite phase gives the strength in steels, because it is the
combination of  (soft phase) and Fe3C (hard phase).
 This is the reason why the strength of steels increase, when their
carbon content increase, because the amount of pearlite increase.

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

Fig.1.13. The microstructure of 0.2%C steel at RT.

 Pearlite is a lamellar structure of  and Fe3C. It combines the
properties of soft ferrite and hard Fe3C.
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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

(Figure.1.15.The amount of pearlite phase increases as %C


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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

A plain carbon steel having 0.2%C. The dark islands are pearlite. The
white grains are primary ferrite.

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A plain carbon steel having 0.8%C. The microstructure is 100% pearlite.

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 Pearlite phase
mixture. High
magnification SEM
photo. Now we can
see the lamellar

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram
 The strength of the steels increase with an increase in carbon
 On the other hand, the ductility decrease in the same order.
 Therefore, for applications where there is extensive shaping, low
carbon steels are preferred. (Eg. Deep drawing)
 If strength and toughness is important medium carbon steels are
 Train rails contain 0.8%C. Wear resistant and hard. But you cannot
bend them.
 However, for car body ductility is important. Why?
 Steels having carbon higher than 0.8%C are used very rarely. These
steels are brittle.

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Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram

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 Two steels A and B are tested.
 A has a UTS of 450MPa

 B has a UTS of 340 MPa

 Which steel do you think has more %C?

 Which steel has a higher amount of ductility?

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