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Love, Desire, &

The Great Gatsby by: Briana, Joseph, Victor, Maria, and Heidi
The American Dream is...
● Freedom
● Equality
● Opportunity
● Success
How was the American Society in the 1920’s
● Economy was booming at the time ● Although liquor was prohibited it was really
● The 1920’s is also referred as the roaring 20’s difficult to keep it under control when even
● Jazz was starting to get more popular in that restaurants had secrets rooms to hide the
era, & people began to feel more attracted to liquor
music ● Came the rise of “New money”
● Woman began to have the mentality of ○ Individuals who became rich without
equality, therefore began to protest for more having any high class status
access to jobs and higher education ● “Old Money” disapproved of “New Money”
● Prohibition of liquor began as well in the people
ratification of the 15 amendment ○ The opposite definition of “new money”
○ Someone born into family of a past of
high class status of wealth
What’s Prohibition?
Prohibition is The action of forbidding something

The 18th amendment and its ratification lead to the prohibition

of intoxicating liquors. This not only lead to more demand for
liquor, but mad many high low class restaurants very popular due
to the sale of illegal liquor. Since the supply of liquor was very low
it became more expensive. This prohibition was nearly impossible
enforce due to “bootleg”, a term that is used describing the
production and sales of illegal liquor.
What are Flappers?
Women, who fought for their rights in the 1920’s. Equal rights that women
fought for, manly jobs. They fought for this because woman in that time were
still defined as people who stayed home to do what “woman generally do”. this
battle for their rights was not only for the benefit of woman but of men as
well. In WWI woman were a big help to the war. Because of little weaponry and
materials for soldiers, woman worked in factories making clothing,
ammunition for weapons, & cotton which was also used for clothing . They were
also granted the right to vote, which was a very big political issue as well.
How does The Great Gatsby relate to the
American Dream?
In The Great Gatsby, anyone can rise to the top
class of society, without the hard work and the
ambition. A time where it was about the pursuit of
wealth and the desire of inhabiting luxuries.
Main Characters
Chapters in The Great Gatsby
Chapter 2
● “She smiled slowly and walking ● ‘I married him because I thought he

through her husband as if he were a was a gentleman,’ she said finally. ‘I

ghost shook hands with Tom, looking thought he knew something about

him flush in the eye” (29). breeding, but he wasn’t fit to lick my
shoe.’ (38).
Chapter 7 ● After accidentally killing Myrtle, Gatsby’s
decision to take the blame for Daisy
● “Tom asks Gatsby about his demonstrates the deep love he still feels for
intentions for Daisy, and Gatsby her and illustrating the basic nobility that
replies that Daisy loves him, not Tom. defines his character.
● They weren’t happy, and neither of them had
Tom claims that he and Daisy have a
touched the chicken or the ale—and yet they
history that Gatsby could not possibly weren’t unhappy either. There was an
understand”(Fitzgerald). unmistakable air of natural intimacy about
the picture and anybody would have said that
they were conspiring together.
When Gatsby & Daisy first met...
A quote from Chapter 7
"Who wants to go to town?" demanded Daisy
Love- A warm intense feeling of deep insistently. Gatsby's eyes floated toward her.

endearment "Ah," she cried, "you look so cool."

Their eyes met, and they stared together at

each other, alone in space. With an effort she
glanced down at the table.

"You always look so cool," she repeated.

She had told him that she loved him, and Tom
Buchanan saw. He was astounded. His mouth
opened a little, and he looked at Gatsby, and
then back at Daisy as if he had just
recognized her as someone he knew a long
time ago. (p 126)

Daisy’s bizarre confession of love

The types of Love and Marriage
relationships in The Great Gatsby
Tom & Daisy: Wilson & Myrtle:
● A loveless marriage ● Myrtle only loved Wilson
● Gotten married due to their because she thought Wilson was
shared high class a man of high class
● Daisy knows that Tom is ● Wilson deeply loves Myrtle but
cheating on her but doesn’t care she doesnt love him back
● Both have desire for fun and for ● Myrtle is having an affair with
material possessions Tom and has no love for Wilson
Gatsby & Daisy Nick & Jordan:
● “In the moment of love” ● I ship them
type of relationship ● “Closest to love”
● Gatsby desires Daisy relationship in the novel
rather than love her ● Nick had “tender
● Still wants her even curiosity” towards
though it’s too late Jordan
● Distant yet kind
“Oh, you want too much!’ she cried to Gatsby. ‘I
love you now—isn’t that enough? I can’t help
what’s past.’ She began to sob helplessly.” (141).
de·​sire | \di-ˈzī(-ə)r,

1. a strong feeling of wanting to

have something or wishing for
something to happen.
the desires for some of the people in The Great Gatsby...
● Gatsby: To make a name for himself and his desire to have Daisy
● Myrtle: Seeks love and luxurious life from Tom but such a as Gatsby and Daisy ,
she is also treated like an object
● Tom: A deep desire for Myrtle than for his wife have Gatsby out of the picture
● Wilson: The desire to have a better life for him and Myrtle
● Daisy: Seeks for fun, love and attention
The End.
Works Cited
“American Dream.”,,

Fitzgerald, Francis S. The Great Gatsby. New York City, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925, pp. 3-193.

“Plot Overview.” SparkNotes, SparkNotes, 13 Dec. 2018,

Shmoop Editorial Team. "The Great Gatsby Marriage Quotes Page 2." Shmoop. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov.
2008. Web. 11 Dec. 2018.

“Working and Voting -- Women in the 1920s.” American History USA,

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