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Presentation About Obese


What do you think about Obese?
What’s the meaning about
 Obesity is multifactorial disease that occurs due to
accumulation of excess fat tissue, so it can interfere
with health.
Fat Tissue Function
White Fat Tissue Brown Fat Tissue
 Heat Insulation  Retain the body heat
 Mechanical bearings
 Energy Sources
Fatty Acid Metabolism In the Body


Fatty Acid

Asetyl Co-A
The Other Etyology
- Genetic Factor
- Physchic Factor
- Lifestyle
- health factors
- factors of drugs
 The process in this energy storage setting takes place
through the efferent signals (centered in the
hypothalamus) after obtaining afferent signals from the
periphery (adipose tissue, gut and muscle tissue). These
signals are anabolic (increase hunger and decrease energy
expenditure) and can also be catabolic 13 (anorexia,
increased energy expenditure) and is divided into 2
categories, namely short signal and long signal. Short
signals affect meal and mealtimes, and are associated with
gastric distortion and gastrointestinal peptides, played by
kolesistokinin (CCK) as a stimulator in increasing hunger.
Long signals are played by fat-derived leptin and insulin
hormones that regulate storage and energy balance
(Sherwood, 2012).
IMT classification according to WHO Asia Pacific
Criteria Classification IMT (kg / m2)
Weight less <18.5
Normal range 18.5 - 22.9
More Weight ≥ 23.0
At risk 23.0 - 24.9
Obes I 25.0 - 29.9
Obes II ≥ 30.0
Source: WHO WPR / IASO / IOTF in The Asia Pacific
Perspective: Redefening Obesity and its Treatment in
Sudoyo, 2009. b. Ratio
Clinical Manifestations of Obesity
 - A round face with chubby cheeks and double chin
 - The neck is relatively short
 - Busted chest with enlarged breasts
 - Abdominal bulge (pendulous abdomen) and
abdominal striae
 - In boys: Burried penis, gynaecomastia
 - Puberty dinigenu valgum (X-shaped leg) with both
inner thighs stick together and rub against which can
cause skin lacerations
Obesity Based on Distribution Fatty
 - Apple-shapedd body (distribution of fat tissue more
on the chest and waist)
 - Pear-shapedd body (more fat tissue distribution of
pelvis and thighs)
 Farmako Therapy:
Sirbutramine and orlistat are weight loss medications
that have been approved for long-term use.
Sirbutramine plus a low calorie diet and physical activity
effectively lose weight and keep it off. Orlistat inhibits
the absorption of as much fat 24 30 percent. With
orlistat, fat-soluble vitamin replacement is required
because partial malabsorption occurs
Non Farmako Therapy :
Controling food intake, Reguler exercise, Stress
 Surgery is the last resort to overcome obesity. Surgery
is performed only for obese people with IMT ≥40 or
≥35 kg / m2
 Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam,Jilid II Edisi VI, 2016
 Human Physiology, Lauree Sherwood,2017
 Pathophysiology of obesity, Jeffrey,2009
 Kumar V, Abbas AK, Fausto N, Aster JC. Robbins and
Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. Edisi VIII, 2009).
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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