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Images of Managing Change

Images of Image Approach Rationale

Change Chapter 9

Organization Coach Organization Development These theories and approaches focus on identifying
Development Appreciative Inquiry and building on what is working best in the
Positive Organizational organisation.
Interpreter Sense-Making This approach as it alerts managers to the different
influence that interpretations of change can have.


Organization development

OD is the study of successful organizational change and performance. It

is a process of continuous diagnosis, planning, implementations and
evaluation with the goal of transferring knowledge and skills to
organization to improve its capacity for solving problems and managing
future change.

Organization is complex and changing, thus it requires organizational

Learning, knowledge management and transformation of values and
Organization learning

It is the process of creating, retaining and transferring

knowledge within organization. Organizations improves when
it gains experience. From that experience, they create
knowledge which is very broad, e.g. increasing production
efficiency or developing beneficial investor relations.
Knowledge Management

 It is the process of creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and
information of the organization. The best use of knowledge helps to achieve
organizational objectives.
The classical OD approach of Bechhard(1969)

 It is planned and involves a systematic diagnosis of whole organization

system for its improvement.
 Top of the organization is committed to the change process.
 It enhances effectiveness for achieving organizational mission.
 It is long term and takes two or three years for effective change.
 It is action oriented.
 changing attitude and behaviors is the focus of change effort.
 Experiential based learning for modification and identifying behaviors.
 Groups and teams form key focus for change.
The OD practitioners

Those people who are entrusted with job to carry out the
planned change process in the organization, e.g. OD
specialists, leaders or managers. In traditional OD approach,
OD practitioners have an important role to play. They may
be internal or external from organization. OD practitioner
structures activities to help organization members solve
their own problems and learn to do that better.
Action research steps given by cummings and

 Problem identification
 Consultation with OD practitioner
 Data gathering and problem diagnosis
 Feedback
 Joint problem diagnosis
 Joint action diagnosis
 Change action
 Further data gathering
Cumming and Warley suggest following skills
for coaching people through such process

 Intrapersonal skills
 Interpersonal skills
 General consultations skills
 Organization development theory
OD empathizes on following values

 Humanistic values: openness, honesty and integrity.

 Democratic values: social justice, freedom of choice and
 Developmental values: authenticity, growth and self-
Appreciative inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry is a change management approach that focuses

on identifying what is working well, analyzing why it is working well
and then doing more of it. The basic tenet of AI is that an
organization will grow in whichever direction that people in the
organization focus their attention. If all the attention is focused on
problems, then identifying problems and dealing with them is what
the organization will do best. If all the attention is focused on
strengths, however, then identifying strengths and building on those
strengths is what the organization will do best.
It is a paradigm shift, an evolution in human thought, to respond the
economic, technical and social dilemmas of 21 century.
Appreciative Inquiry
Four-D Model
By GEM Initiative (Mohr and Magruder Watkins, 2001)

Appreciating that
which give life

Delivery Dream
Sustaining the
Envisioning impact
organization’s future

Co-constructing the
It involves four techniques
 Discovery: It appreciates the best of what is currently in practice. It facilitates
the identification of processes in the organization that works well.
Question: What part of the product launch do you think went exceptionally well?
Answer: One thing that seemed to go well was using Twitter to build anticipation
for the product launch.
 Dream: On the basis on this knowledge, the future is envisioned.It facilitates analysis
of why a particular process works well and helps brainstorm ways to apply that
knowledge elsewhere.
Question: Why was Twitter a successful tool for the product launch and how else might
we use it?
Answer: It worked because it was easy to administer and didn't take up much time or
cost any money. We liked how we could see people Tweeting about our new product
weeks before it actually launched commercially. We could imagine it working well as
a way to promote special Internet deals.
 Design: It facilitates the creation of an action plan.
Question: How could we test using Twitter to promote special Internet
Answer: Bob could tweet a new coupon code each day for a week.

 Destiny: It Sustains the organizational destiny or future. It facilitates

the creation of criteria for success and a way to determine whether or
not the action plan was successful.
Question: How will we know if it's worth Bob's time to tweet a new
coupon code each day?
Answer: We will have at least one online customer use the special
coupon code during the test period.
Positive Organizational Scholarship (PSO)

 emerged in the early 2000s

 POS developed out of a view that for most of the history of OD,
attention had mainly been paid to identifying instances of “negatively
motivated change” (or problems) in organizations and designing
change programs to eliminate them.
 “Four connotations of POS perspective describes by , Kim
Cameron” (Cameron and McNaughtan, 2014, p. 447)

 (i) “Adopting a positive lens,” which means that whether one

is dealing with celebrations/ successes or adversity/problems, the
focus is on “life-giving elements”;
 (ii) “Focusing on positively deviant performance,” which means
investigating outcomes that are well in excess of any normally
expected performance, that is, outcomes that are spectacular,
surprising, or extraordinary;
 (iii) “Assuming an affirmative bias” involves holding
the view that positivity generates in individuals, groups, and
organizations the capacity for greater achievements; and
 (iv) “Examining virtuousness” involves assuming that
all “human systems” are inclined toward “the highest
aspirations of mankind.”
 POS is presented as “concerned with understanding the
integration of positive and negative conditions, not merely with
an absence of the negative” (Cameron and Caza, 2004, p. 732).
 Rather than assume that there are no universally positive virtues,
the task of POS is to “discover the extent to which virtues and
goodness are culturally influenced” (Roberts, 2006, p. 298).
 Where does this leave the manager of change?
 On the one side, proponents of POS wish to change organizations
with “an implicit desire to enhance the quality of life for individuals
who work within and are affected by organizations”
(Roberts, 2006, p. 294).
 On the other side are critical scholars who do not lay out an
alternative call to action for agents of change so much as caution
them if they
assume that they will be successful in their “positive” ventures.
Images of Change Managers
Images of
Change  The manager creates
Organization meaning for other
Development organizational
members, helping
Appreciative them to make sense
of various
organizational events
Organizational and actions.
 Supported by the
sense-making theory
Approach of organizational
Sense-Making ???
Images of  Sense-making is “a social process of meaning
construction and reconstruction through which
managers understand, interpret, and create
sense for themselves and others of their
changing organizational context and
surroundings” (Rouleau and Balogun, 2010, p.
Inquiry 955).


Good change managers

are likely to have a high level of self-awareness and

recognize that their capacity to provide a narrative
along the lines of “what’s going on and why?”—
that is, acting as an interpreter—can meet a need.

Images of  Made famous by Karl Weick

Change  It is up to change managers to
Organization  understand and interpret what changes are happening.
 Determine the implications of each of these perspectives

 Useful for detecting unintended consequences



Sense-Making Approach
 It challenges three key assumptions of change:
Images of
Managing  Inertia: planned, intended change is necessary in order
Change to disrupt the forces that contribute to a lack of change
in an organization so that there is a lag between
Organization environmental change and organizational adaptation
 The need for a standardized change program
 Animation (Motion & Experiment.. Job Descriptions)
Inquiry  Direction ( e.g. Novel ways and directed strategies)
 Paying Attention and Updating ( Reviewing and
Positive Rewriting org. requirements)
Organizational  Respectful, Candid Interaction ( Speak out &
Scholarship Dialogues)
 Unfreezing: as organizations are in a constant state of
Sense-Making flux, they require freezing to analyse change – not
Approach unfreezing to begin the process of change
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 The best Change sequence is as follows:

 Freeze (to show what is occurring in the way things are currently
 Rebalance (to remove blockages in the adaptive processes).
 Unfreeze (in order to enable further emergent and
improvisational changes to occur).
 The introduction of a cultural
change program.
 Privatization.
 Downsizing.
 Business process reengineering.
 Strategic business units.
 Balanced scorecard accounting.
Eight Features of a Sense-Making Framework

 Sense-making and identity construction

The “top-down initiatives requiring dramatic changes of self (i.e., from
humanist to efficiency focused) are highly problematic and need either
to be avoided or handled with great skill” (Helms Mills, 2003, p. 145).
 Social sense-making
An understanding of social sense-making highlights the need for
managers to identify the social factors that influence sense-making in
their organizational contexts.
 Extracted cues of sense-making
Change managers need to identify appropriate cues and match them to
intended change programs. The way in which these cues are interpreted,
however, may inadvertently create problems for staff in accepting the
legitimacy of the change program and its intended purposes.
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 Ongoing sense-making
 Retrospection
 Plausibility
 Enactment
 Projective sense-making
Eight Features of a Sense-Making Framework

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