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Voice over LTE

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The Single Subscription user

• Before M16.1 subscribers were not able to use CS and SIP simultaneously
• Intermediate solution: subscriber has dual subscription. One for CS and one for SIP
• Final solution: single subscription user (can use CS and SIP at the same time)
– The MAP RestoreData message is used instead of UpdateLocation
– Homing: Calls and messages have to be routed to a network element that is aware of the SIP
registration status of the subscriber

– Domain selection: The SIP and CS domains are hunted sequentially after the successful homing

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MAP RestoreData operation

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PDC 9866 – Support for simultaneous use of 2G, 3G and VoLTE
in same MSS/NVS element
• VLR can now store single subscription users registered on SIP and CS at the same time
• New field in ZMVO command: SIP registered (YES/NO)
• user_in_spd flag and radio_access_info determine the SIP registration status

user_in_spd radio_access_info registration status

T sip_c SIP only
T not sip_c SIP and CS
F not sip_c CS only

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Handling location update

• CS location update
• Subscriber is not in VLR: Usual CS location update, user_in_spd is set to F
• Subscriber is in VLR with radio_access_info=sip_c: Overwrite VLR record, keep user_in_spd flag T
• Subscriber is in VLR with radio_access_info other than sip_c: Overwrite VLR record, keep
user_in_spd flag as it is (can be either T or F)
• SIP location update
• Subscriber is not in VLR: Usual SIP location update, user_in_spd is set to T
• Subscriber is in VLR with radio_access_info other than sip_c: Don’t overwrite VLR record, only set
user_in_spd flag to T
• SIP location info is always fake (coming from group profile or location id settings)

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Handling detach

• CS detach
– Subscriber is put to detached state, user_in_spd flag remains unchanged
• SIP detach
– radio_access_info=sip_c: subscriber is put to detached state
– radio_access_info not sip_c: detach request is ignored
• CS subscriber deletion
– if radio_access_info=sip_c or user_in_spd is set then the SPD is cleared as well
• SIP subscriber deletion
– radio_access_info=sip_c: subscriber is deleted from VLR
– radio_access_info not sip_c: subscriber is not deleted, user_in_spd flag is cleared
• If radio_access_info=sip_c and VLR download type is RestoreData then PurgeMS is not sent
to HLR

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Homing roles

• The called subscriber is a Single Subscription user with both SIP and CS registration
• GMSS: Gateway MSS where the incoming call is received
• HMSS: Homing MSS. The call is „homed” to this MSS from the GMSS. HMSS also checks
the SIP registration status and routes the call to the visited NVS/MSS
• Visited NVS: B-subscriber is registered to this NVS via SIP (in M16.1 NVS and HMSS is
always the same)
• Visited MSS: B-subscriber has a CS location update here
• HLR: No change in HLR
• SCP: B-subscriber can have additional IN services where the SCP is triggered

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Homing in standalone mode

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IN development related to homing and hunting services

• The standard CAMEL protocol is used or SINAP (Siemens INAP)

• Homing MSS (HMSS) has a mini-SCP role
– SBK: Service Broker programblock
– HSV: Homing Service programblock
• IN attribute analysis
• Service attribute analysis
• IIS: Internal IN Services programblock
– Sequential alerting service (modified and reused for hunting)
– SIP hunting service (new service for SIP registration status check)

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T-CSI (terminating camel subscription information)

• Stored in HLR
• Retrieved via MAP AnyTimeSubscriptionInterrogation (ATSI) or via SRI during setup
• Contains service key number, SCP address and detection point (DP)
• In case of homing DP12 is used always (T_TERMINATING_ATTEMPT_AUTHORISED)
• VLR download type can be determined based on it (Service attribute analysis)
• Can contain the address of HMSS in the place of the SCP address
• Can be analysed in IN and Service attribute analyses
• MQ command group in HLR

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T-CSI retrieval with SRI

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SIP group profile settings

• Parameter VLR download type

• UpdateLocation: Subscriber uses SIP only (default)
• RestoreData: Single subscription user
• T-CSI based: ZSR queries the HLR with ATSI operation during registration and makes a
service attribute analysis for the received T-CSI. The result can be either UpdateLocation or
RestoreData and it is stored in SPD during registration.
• JH command group in NVS

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VLR download type = T-CSI based

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SBK – Service Broker programblock

• Normally MSS can’t receive IDP message

• SBK executes service attribute analysis, results
can be:
– Proxy IDP to HSV programblock
– Send back CUE in response
• Currently no other functionality is implemented

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HSV – Homing Service programblock

• Receives the IDP from SBK

• Checks SIP registration status (currently only in own SPD)
• Makes service attribute analysis, results can be:
– Send back CON with routing prefix + CdPN (subs-B is in SPD)
– Send back CON with HMSS address (subs-B is in SPD)
– Send back CUE (subs-B is not in SPD)
– Proxy IDP to SCP (subs-B is not in SPD)

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HSV – Homing Service programblock

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Extended preanalysis and GCC number

• Analyses the called number and the serviceinfo parameter

• Generic Call Control attribute (GCC) is a result of extended preanalysis
• GCC is used in later analyses as an input attribute
• CW command group

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Service attribute analysis

• Used for the following purposes:

• Determining VLR download type (start point: SIPREG)
• Determining IDP target in case of homing (start point: SBKHOM)
• Determining HSV action in case of homing (start point: HOMING)
• Determining NVS prefix during hunting (start point: SIPHUNT)
• The call will be routed to the visited NVS based on this prefix (in M16.1 HMSS=NVS always)
• Format: prefix + IMSI
• RQ command group

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IN attribute analysis

• Executed when SCP triggering is about to happen based on T-CSI

• Input parameters:
• GCC number
• SCP address in T-CSI
• Service key in T-CSI
• Results:
• Suppress the T-CSI
• Suppress the T-CSI and assign a new service set
• Leave the T-CSI alone and continue
• Start an internal IN service
• RQ command group

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SHUNT (session hunting) special route

• New kind of special route (RP command group)

• Contains a SIP and a CS prefix
• Triggers a sequential alerting internal IN service with the following two numbers
– SIP_prefix + CdPN
– CS_prefix + CdPN
• When the SIP prefix route is tried, the new SIP hunting service is used for determining the
SIP registration status and the visited NVS (currently HMSS is always the visited NVS)

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SIP hunting internal IN service

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Homing and domain selection in standalone mode

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Suppress CFNRc parameter

• Group Profile parameter (command group JH)

• If the SIP UA doesn’t respond on the SIP domain we can suppress the CFNRc (call
forwarding not reachable) functionality and go to the CS domain instead
• CFNRc in case of SIP:
• UA doesn’t respond to the paging OPTIONS request
• UA doesn’t respond to the initial INVITE request
• ZS4 will send the value of the parameter to call control in the postsack of

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Homing with IMS (hunting by NVS)

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Homing with IMS (hunting by IMS)

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The serviceinfo URL parameter

• In topmost Route header in INVITE request on ISC trunk

• Passed to call control in postsack and analyzed in extended preanalysis, service attribute
• Example: Route: <; serviceinfo=2>

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• Licence 3177 - Restore Data for SIP registration

• Licence 3214 - Single subscription hunting
• Licence 3215 - Session Homing
• Licence 3216 - Internal SCP

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