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Diana Jacob
Viren Shah
Kapil Athwani
Priyanka Abhyankar
Isha Kolabkar

“Tourism is a human activity of great significance. It involves a

temporary break from normal routine to engage with experiences
that contrasts with everyday life, with the mundane.”

“Tourism marketing directly relates to how the hospitality and

tourism industry promotes the products and services it offers to
tourists and travellers.”

 "Travel & Tourism provides an economic
TOURISM - AN incentive to conserve a community's natural
OVERVIEW environment and cultural heritage
 Stimulates jobs across the economy, creates
people to people contact and boosts
cultural and environmental awareness."
 Travel & Tourism is an engine for sustainable
growth that can benefit all nations - both
developed and emerging .
 Job creating potential of tourism is
tremendous., IT provides jobs to technically
qualified but tourism provides jobs to
illiterates .
 Tourism is a continuing activity touching
every human being

Global and Indian Tourism scenario
• Travel& Tourism Contributes 10% of the Global GDP
• Global Travel & Tourism activity expected to increase
by 5% in the next ten years
• India
• Foreign Tourists arrivals to India increased by 12% to
4.98million in 2007
• Foreign Exchange earnings from Tourism amounted
to US $11620 million in 2007
Tourism Marketing Trends
Growth trends
• Tourism is expected to grow 4.5 percent annually over the
next decade
• China will soon be most popular destination
• By 2020, an estimated 50 million Indians will tour overseas
• Business travel from, and among, developing countries will
grow more rapidly than business market
• Two growth areas: China and India
• Certain sectors will grow faster than others, for example,
cruise industry
Tourism Marketing Trends
• Demographic trends
– over the next 20 years, key markets for outbound
travel will remain Europe, Asia, and the Americas
– significant implications of demographic change in
this century is aging of world’s population
– world median age is projected to rise from 26
years in 2000 to 44 years by 2100.

The Importance of Marketing in Tourism

A country might be beautiful, but without marketing, people might not visit 8
Marketing Mix
• The way in which current and potential customers’
demands are satisfied depends on the marketing mix
of the organisation’s products and services:
• Traditionally 4 elements of the mix – Product, Price,
Promotion and Place
• In the modern travel and tourism industry it’s usual
to look at 6

Ways of Marketing Tourism

• Raising Awareness.
• Motivating Consumers.
• Promoting Image.
• Convincing Consumers Of Hospitality.
• Generating Buzz.

Features of Tourism Marketing

 Visual Medium.
 Seasonality.
 Lifestyle and
 Collaboration.
– Turkey, most of the Europe, wildlife Sanctuaries (Africa)

• Andra Pradesh (promotes buddist tourists), Saudi
Arabia (famous for Mecca and Madina holy place for

• SHOPPING – Eg – Dubai, Singapore, Malaysia etc.

• ADVENTURE – Eg – Rafting at Hrishikesh, Zorbing at
New Zealand, Leh and Ladakh etc.

• CULTURAL MARKETING - Eg – India, Sri Lanka,


• Some places are marketed as FUN destinations. Eg –

Las Vegas, Disneyland, Monte Carlo etc.
Tourism Marketing Tips

• Photos.
• Videos.
• Websites.
• Blogs.
• Social Media.

Projects on Tourism Marketing
 Family Packages.
 Honeymoon
 College Alumni
 Religious Tours.
 Tie-In With Books
& Movies.
Online Campaign
 First ever Online campaign for Ministry of tourism
during the period of March 02 –April 2002.
 Online campaign resulted in a Click through rate of
1.2% on Indian sites and 0.45% on International sites.
 More than 75 banners used for campaign.
 Adopted eCRM initiatives to reinforce the brand
image by sending Newsletters and mailers to the
subscriber database.

Video of Incredible India

Click icon to add picture

Website Content
• The site has the most varied content on India with respect to travel.
– Content has been segregated according to Themes, Facts and
– Neatly arranged themes cover such diverse aspects about a region as
History, Geography, Religion, Best Places to visit, People and Lifestyle,
among other aspects.
– The site retains links to vernacular content for Spanish, French and
German language versions.
• A few extremely valuable features have been added on the site
– A virtual helpdesk with information on Embassies, Baggage, currencies
and Customs rules, Visa and Permit info for all States along.
– Tool Kit section with currency, Festival calendar, maps, phone codes-
make the site both interactive and informative.
– Section on Travel agents and tour operators
– Multimedia showcase

Impact of campaign on the website
Average Forecasted Total Visits Percent

Visits Visits During this period of

Continent Historically this Period Visits
Asia 79,449 62,306.48 188,116 49.96%

North America 107,239 84,069.25 125,573 33.35%

Oceania 11,928 9,380.45 37,760 10.03%
Europe 21,480 16,649.81 22,853 6.07%

South America 837 655.82 1,192 0.32%

Africa 1,011 791.6 1,055 0.28%

The Madhya Pradesh Experience
The task faced by Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Corp.(MPSTC)
which was set up in 1978 for the state of MP-India’s largest
state-was“How tomarket MP ?”

The two tasks faced by it were-

 To develop and promote tourism in the state.

 Strengthen the existing tourism infrastructure.
 There were many problems faced by the state.
•Till 1987, the task was still a paramount.

•Advertising focused on few places where the infrastructure already existed.

•Beginning that year, a three phase communication program was initiated.

•The three phases were –

•PHASE I : The basic aim was to convince the potential tourists to consider MP as a destination.
 PHASE II : This phase included informing and educating

 PHASE lll : The aim of the exercise was to motivate tourists

to visit specific destinations.
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