As Media Posters

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One of his hands has

This is a good
posters for many Batman written 'Why so
serious?' in what
reasons. It is from looks like blood.
the film Dark This adds to the
Knight. The main sinister and dark
focus of the poster is feel of the poster, he
the Joker, played by has also drawn a
the late Heath smile in blood
Ledger. His hands where his mouth
are in focus in the should be, again
shot, but the rest of adding to the
his body isn't in darkness of the
focus. poster

The white and blue background

contrasts nicely with his deep
purple outfit The title is written in
white to bring out the
title more

Spiderman is flying towards

the camera in an action pose
with the busy city below him
which is typical as the
character Spiderman is always
saving the day.

The camera affect on the The 'Spiderman' title is written

poster is a nice effect with the at the bottom of the poster in
rainbow of colours adding bold silver letters, in the text
colour to the poster and that is always used for
making it look attractive Spiderman
The background of the poster

is an image of 7 teenagers in
an urban setting. Some are
sitting on a wall, others As we don’t know any of the
standing. The background image of the storm characters the producers may
filled sky has the suggestion that feel we the audience wont want
something is ready to explode. That to see it as there are no ‘stars’
something bad is about to happen or
in it so to give the film a
will happen.
reputation they have shown the
Immediately from this image star rating and comments given
we can tell who the main by a newspaper. The newspaper
characters are, just two of the is well known so we trust their
characters stand and seem
larger and more dominant than
the other characters.  We can
also tell what roles the
characters play, for instance,
The first thing we as an
the male sitting on the floor is
directly between the two main audience notice is the large
characters. Perhaps telling us film title. Written in white
he is indecisive of whom his font, it stands out from the
friends are, and maybe there’s dark, grey background
a situation within the film in
which he has to choose
between the two.
Avatar The blue face implies the
films genre which is sci-fi.
The glitter on her face also
show there is some sort of
The image of the eye is very fantasy involved.
bright whereas the dark
background of the poster
making it stand out. The fact
that we can only see half of Another important part of the
the characters face creates a poster is where it says 'from the
sense of mystery to the director of the film Titanic'..
audience, suggesting there This will attract many film go-
might be two sides to this ers based on the huge success of
character? the Directors previous film

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