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Internet Programming

By Inst. G/kirstos G.
Chapter -1
Introduction to Internet
 Learning outcomes
Assessing the history of Internet programming
Defining IP(Internet programming)
Familiarizing with web terminologies
Web development architectures
Discussion on types of webpages
Website designing languages
Design principles of a good websites
------------Reading Assingnment -------------
History of Internet programming
What is Internet programming?
• The term Internet programming refers to the
process of developing web application or
creating of websites and the background work
of it.
• Internet programming in some other words can
be called as web programming.
• Web programming refers to the writing ,
markup and coding involved in web
development which includes web content, web
client and server scripting and network security.
Cont’ …
• The most common languages used for web
programming are HTML (Hyper Text Markup
Language), XHTML(eXtensible HyperText
Markup Language), JavaScript, PHP etc.
• Web programming requires an
interdisciplinary knowledge in the area of
application, client and server scripting and
database technology
Cont’ …
In the web programming, three things are very
• Client: web browsers, used to surf the Web
• Server systems: used to supply information to these
• Computer networks(Internet): used to support the
browser-server communication
Internet Vs Web
• The Internet: a inter-connected computer
networks, linked by wires, cables, wireless
connections, etc.
• Web: a collection of interconnected documents
and other resources.
• The world wide web (WWW) is accessible via
the Internet, as are many other services
including email, file sharing, etc.
Cont’ …
• WWW is a system of interlinked, hypertext
documents that runs over the Internet
• Two types of software:
– Client: a system that wishes to access the information
provided by servers must run client software (e.g., web
– Server: an internet-connected computer that wishes to
provide information to others must run server software
– Client and server applications communicate over the
Internet by following a protocol built on top of TCP/IP
– HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP)
Basics of the WWW
• Hypertext: a format of information which
allows one to move from one part of a
document to another or from one document to
another through hyperlinks
• Uniform Resource Locator (URL): unique
identifiers used to locate a particular resource
on the network
• Markup language: defines the structure and
content of hypertext documents
Basic Terminologies
 Website
• A website is a location on the World Wide Web (Internet),
and it's usually a collection of online web pages, which can
be accessed with a domain name. A website is composed of
many web pages, documents and files which have unique
addresses (URL), usually organized into a hierarchy.
• A website is a collection of linked web pages (plus their
associated resources) that share a unique domain name.
Each web page of a given website provides explicit links—
most of the time in the form of clickable portion of text—
that allow the user to move from one page of the website to
 Web pages
• A document which can be displayed in a web browser such
as Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Internet
Explorer or Edge, or Apple's Safari. These are also often
called just "pages."
Cont ‘ …
web server
• A computer that hosts a website on the Internet
Web application(Web apps)
• A web application is any computer program
that performs a specific function by using a
web browser as its client.
• A Web application (Web app) is an application
program that is stored on a remote server and
delivered over the Internet through a browser
Cont’ …
Web browser
• A web browser is a software program that
allows a user to locate, access, and display
web pages. In common usage, a web browser
is usually shortened to "browser."
• Browsers are used primarily for displaying and
accessing websites on the internet, as well as
other content created using languages such as
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and
Extensible Markup Language (XML).
Cont’ …
• Browsers translate web pages and websites
delivered using Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) into human-readable content. They
also have the ability to display other protocols
and prefixes, such as secure HTTP (HTTPS),
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), email handling
(mailto:), and files (file:).
• Common browsers include Internet Explorer
from Microsoft, Firefox from Mozilla, Google
Chrome, Safari from Apple, and Opera.
Web development architecture
• In software engineering, multi-tier architecture
(often referred to as n-tier architecture) is a
client–server architecture in which presentation,
application processing, and data management
functions are logically separated.
• For example, an application that uses middleware
to service data requests between a user and a
database employs multi-tier architecture.
• The most widespread use of multi-tier
architecture is the three-tier architecture.
Cont’ …
• Three-tier architectures typically comprise a
presentation tier, a business or data access
[logic] tier, and a data tier.
Typical web-oriented 3-tier architecture
Cont’ …
o Presentation tier – Browser / custom client,
Client Side Scripting (JavaScript, ActionScript,
VBScript etc.), Applets.

o Logical Tier – Web Server (Apache, IIS,

Websphere etc.); Scripting Languages (PHP, Perl
etc.), Programming Languages (Java, C, C# etc),
Application Frameworks (Ruby on Rails etc.)
o Data Tier – Database Management System
(DBMS) (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, DB2 etc.),
o More detailed discussion
Types of web pages(websites)
• There are basically two main types of website
static & dynamic
• A static website contains Web pages with fixed
• Standard HTML pages are static Web pages.
• They contain HTML code, which defines the
structure and content of the Web page.
• Each time an HTML page is loaded, it looks the
same. The only way the content of an HTML
page will change is if the Web developer
updates and publishes the file.
• Dynamic websites contain Web pages that are
generated in real-time. These pages include
Web scripting code, such as PHP or ASP.
• When a dynamic page is accessed, the code
within the page is parsed on the Web server
and the resulting HTML is sent to the client's
Web browser.
Cont’ …
• Web pages, such as PHP, ASP, and JSP pages
are dynamic Web pages.
• These pages contain "server-side" code, which
allows the server to generate unique content
each time the page is loaded.
• For example, the server may display the
current time and date on the Web page.
• It may also output a unique response based on
a Web form the user filled out.
Cont’ …
• Many dynamic pages use server-side code to access
database information, which enables the page's content
to be generated from information stored in the database.
• Websites that generate Web pages from database
information are often called database-driven websites.
• You can often tell if a page is static or dynamic simply
by looking at the page's file extension in the URL,
located in the address field of the Web browser.
• If it is ".htm" or ".html," the page is probably static. If
the extension is ".php," ".asp," or ".jsp," the page is
most likely dynamic.
Advantage and dis advantage of Static
• Advantage
• Flexibility is the main advantage of a static site
every page can be different if desired, to match
the layout to different content, and the designer
is free to put in any special effects that a client
may ask for in a unique way on different
• Cost is generally lower up-front than a
dynamic site.
Cont’ …
• Disadvantage
 Update problem
 The main problem with any static site appears
when you wish to update the content.
 Scalability
 If you wish to sell products on your site and you
have a lot of them then you may have to construct
individual pages for each one, which can take
considerable time, effort and cost.
 Costs
 there are on-going costs for updating the content.
Advantage and disadvantages of dynamic websites
• Advantage:
 There are little or no on-going costs unless there is a
change in the basic design or an extra capability added.
 Easier design updates
 Since each part of a web page is separate, it is much
simpler to update something across many pages, all at
 More flexible data
 Because a dynamic site pulls together a bunch of page
bits to make a whole page, you can store your content
(and other parts of your site) in a database.
 Easier content updates
Cont’ …
• Disadvantage
If the site is simply for a limited-time
promotion, only has a page or two, and is
going to be taken down when the promo ends,
it’s possible that a static site might be the
better option. However in the vast majority of
website projects, dynamic sites pay off in
the end.
Website designing languages
• Web design is the skill of designing
presentations of content that is delivered to an
end-user through the World Wide Web, by the
way of a browser
• Languages that are used for the purpose of web
designing are called Web Languages
Web designing languages …
• Markup languages- HTML and XML
• Style sheet languages- CSS and XSL
• Client-side scripting- JavaScript and
• Server-side scripting- PHP and ASP
Design principles of a good websites
• Many web businesses make the mistake of
neglecting usability.
• Usability is critical for the success of any
website and should never be overlooked.
• Good usability can improve the performance
of your website and increase your chances of
• It can also boost sales and revenue for your
Cont …
• In web design, good website usability is about
making it easy for visitors to find the
information they need quickly and easily.
Essential characteristics of a user-
friendly website.
• Mobile Compatibility
• Accessible to All Users
• Well Planned Information Architecture
• Well-Formatted Content That Is Easy to Scan
• Fast Load Times
• Browser Consistency
• Effective Navigation
• Good Error Handling
• Contrasting Colour Scheme
• Usable Forms

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