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Principle of

infectious disease
• Disease – a pathological condition of body parts or
tissues characterized by an identifiable group of signs
and symptoms.
• Infectious disease – disease caused by an
infectious agent such as a bacterium, virus,
protozoan, or fungus that can be passed on to others.
• Infection – occurs when an infectious agent enters
the body and begins to reproduce; may or may not
lead to disease.
• Pathogen – an infectious agent that causes disease.
• Host – an organism infected by another organism.
Koch’s Postulates
Koch developed four criteria to demon-
strate that a specific disease is caused by
a particular agent.
1. The specific agent must be associated
with every case of the disease.
2. The agent must be isolated from a diseased
host and grown in culture.
3. When the culture-grown agent is introduced
into a healthy susceptible host, the agent must
cause the same disease.
4. The same agent must again be isolated from
the infected experimental host.
Infection chain

agent • direct contact
• Age
• Infectivity • indirect contact
• Sex
• Pathogenicity • vector
• Genotype
• Virulence
• Behaviour
• Immunogenicity
• Nutritional status
• Antigenic stability
• immunity status
• Survival
Infectious Disease
• Most infectious agents that cause disease are
microscopic in size  microbes or microorganisms.
• Different groups of agents that cause disease are:
– Bacteria
– Viruses
– Protozoa (Protists)
– Fungi
– Helminths (Animals)
Pathogenicity and Virulence
– Pathogenicity
• The ability of a microbe to cause
• This term is often used to describe or
compare species
– Virulence
• The degree of pathogenicity in a
• This term is often used to describe or
compare strains within a species
Normal human microbiota (flora)
Location Microflora Abundance
Dry skin Gram positive anaerobes 102
Moist skin Staphylococcus, corynebacteria 10 6-7
(axilla, groin)
Oropharynx Anaerobes, streptococcus, 109
neisseria, candida
Small intestine Anaerobes, lactobacillus, 105-9
Large intestine Anaerobes, clostridium, 106-11
bacteriodes, enterobacteria,
enterococcus, protozoa
Vagina Anaerobes, lactobacillus, 108-9
Factors Influencing Disease
Agent Environment
• Weather
• Infectivity
• Housing
• Pathogenicity
• Geography
• Virulence
• Occupational
• Immunogenicity
• Air quality
• Antigenic stability
• Food
• Survival Host
• Age
• Sex
• Genotype
• Behaviour
• Nutritional status
• Health status
• Reservoirs
– A host that carries a pathogen without injury to itself
and serves as a source of infection for other host
– (asymptomatic infective carriers)
– Humans {hepatitis}, Other Vertebrates {zoonoses},
Birds & Bats {histoplasmosis}
• Vectors
– A host that carries a pathogen without injury to itself
and spreads the pathogen to susceptible organisms
– (asymptomatic carriers of pathogens)
– Mosquitoes: (Arbovirus, malaria), Dog (rabies)
How Infectious Agents Cause Disease

• Production of poisons
– such as toxins and enzymes, that
destroy cells and tissues.
• Direct invasion and destruction of host
• Triggering responses from the host’s
immune system leading to disease signs
and symptoms.
• Calor
• Rubor
• Dolor
• tumor
• Functiolaesa

Robin Cochran-Dirksen (Many

slides from BioEdOnline Baylor
Phases of Infectious Disease
• Incubation period – time between infection and
the appearance of signs and symptoms.
• Prodromal phase – mild, nonspecific symptoms
that signal onset of some diseases.
• Clinical phase – a person experiences typical
signs and symptoms of disease.
• Decline phase - subsidence of symptoms.
• Recovery phase – symptoms have
disappeared, tissues heal, and the body regains
Timeline for Infection

Dynamics of Latent Infectious Non-infectious

infectiousness period period


Dynamics of Incubation Symptomatic Non-diseased

disease period period

Classification of Infectious Disease
• By duration
– Acute – develops and runs its course quickly.
– Chronic – develops more slowly and is usually less severe, but
may persist for a long, indefinite period of time.
– Latent – characterized by periods of no symptoms between
outbreaks of illness.
• By location
– Local – confined to a specific area of the body.
– Systemic – a generalized illness that infects most of the body
with pathogens distributed widely in tissues.
• By timing
– Primary – initial infection in a previously healthy person.
– Secondary – infection that occurs in a person weakened by a
primary infection.
Classification of Infectious Disease
• By symptoms
– Clinical Infection : infection with obvious observable or
detectable symptoms
– Subclinical Infection: infection with few or no obvious symptoms
• Opportunistic infection
– An infection caused by microorganisms that are commonly found
in the host’s environment This term is often used to refer to
infections caused by organisms in the normal flora
the continuum

Increasing Inflammation
High Risk Infection SEPSIS Septic Shock MOF
Of Infection

Wheeler AP, NEJM 340:207-14

Working definitions associated with
sepsis and related disorders
• Bacteremia: bacteria present in the blood, as
confirmed by culture, may be transient or associated with
sepsis and organ failure
• SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome)
Manifested by 2 or more of the following:
– Temperature : > 38 0C or < 360C
– HR : > 90 BPM
– RR : > 20 breaths/min or arterial C0 2 tension < 32 mmHg
– WBC : > 12.000 cell/ml or < 4.000 cell/ml or > 10 %
immature forms
• Sepsis
– SIRS plus a documented infection
Working definitions associated with
sepsis and related disorders
• Severe sepsis: Sepsis with associated organ disfunction
with one or more of the following:
– Hypotension
– Confussion
– Oliguria
– Hipoxia
– metabolic acidosis
– Hepatic dysfunction
• Septic shock: severe sepsis plus hypotension despite
adequate fluid resuscitation
• MODS: multiple Organ Dysfunction syndrome
– More than one mayor system failure
• Clinical
– Complete patient history (subjective)
– Physical examination (objective)
• Case definition and surveilans syndromic
• Clinical diagnosis: lab tests
– Detect causative organism in clinical specimens
– Immune response
• Detect and assay antibodies
• Detect and assay other specific immune responses
– Detect other specific factors associated with infection
• Radiologic
– Detect location of infection
Laboratory Investigation of Microbial
Examining specimens to detect isolate and identify
1- Microscopy
2- Culture techniques
3- Biochemical reactions
4- Serological identification:
5- Molecular biology techniques
6- Bacteriophage typing
General Management Principles
• Focus on life-threatening conditions.
• Use general precautions.
• Anti-infective drugs
• Supportive treatment
• Prevention
Treatment principle of sepsis
strategies that prevent development of diseases or interrupt
progression of disease

Primary Prevention
• Preventing disease before it occurs.
• reduce exposure or susceptibility
• Addresses HEALTH through health promotion
and specific disease protection among
• Primary responsibility of PUBLIC HEALTH.
Secondary Prevention
• Identifying and treating disease before it
becomes symptomatic and causes
• early detection and treatment, reduce risk
• Addresses ILLNESS through early case finding
and treatment among INDIVIDUALS.
• Responsibility of PUBLIC HEALTH and
Tertiary Prevention
• Preventing disease progression and
suffering after a diagnosis is established;
treatment and rehabilitation
• Intended to REDUCE DISEASE
• Addresses ILLNESS through rehabilitation and
limiting disability for INDIVIDUALS.
• Responsibility of MEDICAL and LONG TERM
Emerging Infectious Diseases

• Emerging diseases are those that have recently

appeared within a population, or whose incidence or
geographic range is increasing rapidly.
• Diseases can emerge or re-emerge due to:
– appearance of a previously unknown agent.
– evolution of a new infectious agent.
– spread of an infectious agent to a new host.
– spread of an infectious agent to new locations.
– acquisition of resistance to anti-microbial drugs.
– deliberate introduction into a population.
History: newly emerging infectious
1976 Ebola virus (haemorrhagic fever)
1980 HTLV-1 (T-cell lymphoma or leukemia)
1983 HIV (AIDS)
Helicobacter pylori
1988 HHV-6 (Roseola subitum)
Hepatitis E Virus
1989 Hepatitis C virus
1995 KSHV (HHV-8) (kaposi sarcoma)
2002 West nile virus (encephalitis)
2003 SARS Coronavirus
2005 Avian influenza
2009 Influenza H1N1 2009 (Swine Flu)
2012 MERS CoV
Basic concepts in infectious disease

• Emergence of infectious diseases is complex.

• Infectious diseases are dynamic.
• Most new infections are not caused by genuinely new pathogens.
• Agents involved in new and reemergent infections cross taxonomic
lines to include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths.
• The concept of the microbe as the cause of disease is inadequate
and incomplete.
• Human activities are the most potent factors driving disease
• Social, economic, political, climatic, technologic, and environmental
factors shape disease patterns and influence emergence.
• Understanding and responding to disease emergence require a
global perspective, conceptually and geographically.
• The current global situation favors disease emergence.
Robin Cochran-Dirksen (Many
slides from BioEdOnline Baylor
What is carried by humans into new

• Pathogens in or on body
• Microbiologic flora
• Vectors on body
• Immunologic sequelae of past infections
• Vulnerability to infections
• Genetic makeup
• Cultural preferences, customs, behavioral
• patterns, technology
• Luggage and whatever it contain
Robin Cochran-Dirksen (Many
slides from BioEdOnline Baylor

Robin Cochran-Dirksen (Many

slides from BioEdOnline Baylor

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