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Lent – a time

to destroy my false gods

Lent – a time of renewal
• 40 days
 Time for penance and renewal
 Noah and the flood, Israel in the desert,
Moses on Mt Sinai, Elijah walks to Mt Horeb
 Jesus in the desert before his ministry
 Preparation for catechumens receiving Baptism
 Preparation to celebrate the Paschal mystery
• Lent
 old English: Lencten (spring)
 new life springs up
 all of creation is renewed
When in the spring,
the flowers are blooming bright and fair,
After the cold of winter's gone.
Once again the lark begins its tuning,
Back in the meadows of my heart.

Lord, to my heart bring back the springtime.

Take away the cold and dark of sin.
Oh refill me now, sweet Holy Spirit:
May I warm and tender be again.
Lord, make me like that stream
that flows so cool and clear
Down from the mountains high above;
I will tell the world the wondrous story
Of the precious stream filled with your Love.

Lord, to my heart bring back the springtime.

Take away the cold and dark of sin.
Oh refill me now, sweet Holy Spirit:
May I warm and tender be again.
What’s an Idol?
• An IDOL is an image or other material
object representing a deity to which
religious worship is addressed
• or any person or thing regarded with extreme
admiration, adoration, or devotion.
• IDOLATRY literally means…
• the worship of an "idol",
also known as a cult image, in the form of a
physical image, such as a statue or icon.
• In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, idolatry
connotes the worship of something or
someone other than God as if it were God.
Exodus 20:1-5
• And God spoke all these words, saying,
• “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of
the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
• “You shall have no other gods before me.
• “You shall not make for yourself a carved image,
or any likeness of anything that is in heaven
above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in
the water under the earth.
• You shall not bow down to them or serve them,
for I the LORD your God am a jealous God…”
Israel forgets the LORD
• Exodus 32 The Golden Calf
• 1 Kings 12 Jeroboam sets up Golden Calves
• 2 Kings 21 Manasseh leads the people of
Israel to worship pagan gods
• We need to become aware of
what leads us away from God
• Renounce our idols
• Turn back to the LORD our God
not like this…
Idols we worship
• Making OTHER PEOPLE into ‘gods’
• Not using our mind in an intelligent manner
• Not critically thinking or analysing
• Blind worship of personalities
Idols we worship
• Sacrificing morals and ethics
• Lack of concern for others
• Trying to get ahead at all costs
• Putting my career above everything else
• Destruction of
• Disregard for God
and his Word
Idols we worship
• Letting go of my values and morals
• Wanting to always have more, insatiable
• Loss of value for people and relationships
• Forgetting God’s Word
• Nurturing one’s ego
Idols we worship
• Wanting to enjoy the “good things” in life
• Neglecting our health chasing after
momentary good feelings
• Letting go of our responsibilities in the pursuit
of creature comforts
• Neglecting what God
tells us to be true
• Living in the dark of sin
Idols we worship
• Seeking the APPROVAL of others
• Doing things to be noticed
• Wanting to be considered great, cool,
• Wanting to be ahead of others
• Putting down others
Idols we worship
• Exaggerated Pride, Self-Esteem
• Feeling of superiority over others
• Wanting to put others down
• Convincing oneself that
one’s choices are right
• Deceiving oneself by
justifying everything
Idols we worship
• Chasing exclusively after
• Forgetting my duties and responsibilities
• Neglecting my family
• Wasting my time and energy
Going away from the LORD
• Insincerity in our relationship with the LORD
• Lack of faithfulness…
• Turning to other things
• Living a compartmentalised life
• Not giving priority to God’s Word
• Leading a life as if God doesn’t exist
• Not seeking to do God’s will…
but rather doing things… MY WAY
• What renewal can I bring into my spiritual life
during this season of Lent?
• What are the ‘idols’ that distract me?
• How can I make Jesus the centre of my life?
• How can I make the priorities of Christ my
• How can I practise the values of the Gospel in
all the areas of my life?
• When I am with other people,
how can I share God’s joy, peace
and goodness with them?
Prayer to become
more like Jesus
God, our Father,
You redeemed us
and made us Your children in Christ.
Through Him You have saved us from death
and given us Your Divine life of grace.
By becoming more like Jesus on earth,
may I come to share His glory in Heaven.
Prayer to become more like Jesus
Give me the peace of Your kingdom,
which this world does not give.
By Your loving care protect the good You
have given me.
Open my eyes to the wonders of Your Love
that I may serve You with a willing heart.

God bless you!

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