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• To test this hypothesis we used hippocampal and cerebellar tissue from

mice that are surplus in breeding for specific transgenic lines. The tissues
included glutamate receptor-rich post-synaptic membranes.
• The first step was to prepare the synaptosomal Sample, but this was done
by the supervisors
• SDS-PAGE maken to sort proteins based on size
• Samples SDS-PAGE ready maken met laemmli buffer to dissolve them,
make them lineair and coat them in negatively charged SDS molecules.
• Running SDS gel
• Lower part of gel used for Coomassie Staining
• Upper part of the gel used for Western-Blotting—> containing glutamate
receptors (100-150 kDA)—> transfer on PVDF membrane by means of
Western-blotting and stained with protein -specific antibodies
• Completing Werstern-blotting by antibody (primair and secundair)
incubation, scanning and incubation
• Scanning and quantification of the Coomassie-stained gels
Hippocampal and cerebellar
tissue containing glutamate-
rich post-synaptic membrane

Laemmli buffer
SDS (-) molecule
Containing glutamate
receptors (100-150 kDA)
Stained with protein-
specific antibodies
Antibody incubation Upper part:
and scanning Western Blot

Scanning and Lower part:

quantification Coomassie staining

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