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Inglés 5

Grado: 2do y 3er Año

Carrera: Cuerpo General, Infantería de Marina, Logística
Naval,Aeronáutica, I.E.C.N., I.M.N.
Inglés 5
1.- I Need To See A Doctor. (Lesson 1)

1.- I Need To See A Doctor. (Lesson 1) Inglés 5

Grado: 2do y 3er Año

Carrera: C.G. / I.M. /
LOG. / A.N./ I.M.N./

1.- I Need To See A Doctor. (Lesson 1)

1. Grammar.
1. Present perfect (Be / Have).
2. Questions with “how long”.
2. Vocabulary.
1. Vocabulary: Symptoms.
2. Vocabulary: Making an appointment; An emergency.
3. Function.
1. Making a medical appointment.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.1. Present perfect (Be / Have).
(Lesson 1)

Present perfect (Be / Have).

Form the "present perfect" with "have" or "has" and the verb "be" or "have" in past participle.
Remember to use "have" with I, you, we, and they.

I have had a red car for five years.

Have or Has + Verb in Past Participle

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.1. Present perfect (Be / Have).
(Lesson 1)

Present perfect (Be / Have).

Mike has had a red car for five years.

Have or Has + Verb in Past Participle

Affirmative Contracted form:

I have I´ve
You have You´ve
He has He´s
She has She’s
It has It’s
We have We’ve
They have They’ve

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.1. Present perfect (Be / Have).
(Lesson 1)

Present perfect (Be / Have).

Contractions Negative Form

has not = hasn’t
have not = haven’t

When do we use present perfect?

1) Actions that began in the past and are still happening. E.G. They have been here for a month.
2) Actions that just ended. E.G. Edward has already had dinner.

3) Actions that occurred at an indefinite time. E.G. He has been to Bulgaria before.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.1. Present perfect (Be / Have).
(Lesson 1)

Present perfect (Be / Have).

To make interrogative sentences change "have" or " " has" to the begining of the sentence.



They have had breakfast .

Use "since" to indicate a period of time. Use "just" to indicate a recently action.

Have they had breakfast?

They have just had breakfast.
They have already had dinner.

She has been in Mexico since 1999.

We have been in the Navy for 2 years.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.1. Present perfect (Be / Have).
(Lesson 1)

Present perfect (Be / Have).

Interrogative Form:

Have you had that cold long?

Have or has + Subject + had or been + complement


Yes, I have had. No, I haven’t had.

Yes, she has been. No, she hasn’t been.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.1. Present perfect (Be / Have).
(Lesson 1)

Present perfect (Be / Have).


Have you had that cold long?

No, I haven’t. I’ve had it only about two days.

Where has Jan been all morning?

She’s been at Martha’s house.

Has Mark been a student since last fall?

Yes, he’s been in school since November.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.1. Present perfect (Be / Have).
(Lesson 1)

Present perfect (Be / Have).

Has Kay been in college since she gratuated from high school?
No, she’s only been in college since last year.

Has Ted had that sports car long?

Yes, he’s had it for three years.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.1. Present perfect (Be / Have).
(Lesson 1)

Present perfect (Be / Have).

1. Have you been in New York?

2. Has your sister had a car?
3. Have the cadets been in the auditorium for three hours?
4. Have you had that uniform long?
5. Has your friend had those shoes for a year?
6. Who has been in the office with Capt Parga all morning?
7. Where have you been since 7:00 a.m.?
8. How many movies have you had since December?
9. Why have you been in the library for an hour?
10. What have you had for Christmas for the last two years?

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.2. Questions with “how long”.
(Lesson 1)

Questions with “how long”.

How long: is used to ask questions about length of time.


How long has Henry owned that car?

how long + has / have + subject + verb in past participle

He’s owned it since he was 18 years old.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.2. Questions with “how long”.
(Lesson 1)

Questions with “how long”.

Use different tenses to ask questions using "how long".


How long will you stay in France? I’ll stay about three months.

will + subject + verb in simple present

How long did Mr. Johnson exercise yesterday?

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.2. Questions with “how long”.
(Lesson 1)

Questions with “how long”.

How long did Mr. Johnson exercise yesterday?

Auxiliary "did"


How long did you stay at the airport?

How long did they study at the library.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.1. Grammar. 1.1.2. Questions with “how long”.
(Lesson 1)

Questions with “how long”.

Practice. Complete the questions.

1.How long ?
He’s been a doctor for two years.

2.How long ?
I was in class all day.

3.How long ?
I studied for the test all evening.

4.How long ?
They’ve been married since last summer.

5.How long ?
He’s had that bad cough for a month.
1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.2. Vocabulary. 1.2.1. Vocabulary: Symptoms.
(Lesson 1)

Vocabulary: Symptoms.


Head headache
Ear earache
Back backache
Stomach stomachache


Cough (verb) Coughing (noun)
Sneeze (verb) Sneezing (noun)
Have a fever
Have a cold or catch a cold.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.2. Vocabulary. 1.2.1. Vocabulary: Symptoms.
(Lesson 1)

Vocabulary: Symptoms.

Headache Backache

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.2. Vocabulary. 1.2.1. Vocabulary: Symptoms.
(Lesson 1)

Vocabulary: Symptoms.

Stomachache Coughing

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.2. Vocabulary. 1.2.1. Vocabulary: Symptoms.
(Lesson 1)

Vocabulary: Symptoms.

Sneezing Runny nose

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.2. Vocabulary. 1.2.1. Vocabulary: Symptoms.
(Lesson 1)

Vocabulary: Symptoms.

I. Practice. Complete using the following words.

annual check up examination regular

anymore comeback make it sometime
appointment emergency physical still

1. Ted had the flu last month, and he feels weak.

2. He wants to see a doctor soon, but he’s not in a hurry.
3. Ted doesn’t need help right away. This isn’t an .
4. When Ted called Dr. Dean’s office, the clerk asked him to on Monday.
5. He couldn’t to the doctor’s office on Monday.
6. Dr. Dean will give him an on Tuesday.
7. Ted was a patient of Dr. Hill’s but he’s not .
8. He’s been a patient of Dr. Dean’s for three years.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor. 1.2.2. Vocabulary: Making an
1.2. Vocabulary.
(Lesson 1) appointment; An emergency.

Vocabulary: Making an appointment; An emergency.

Read the following to identify the bolded words.

There are four different kinds of medical appointments that people usually need to make. A receptionist at a doctor's
office will answer the telephone and talk to the patient to find the best itme to see the doctor.

When patients call to see the doctor because they are sick, they usually need an appointment that is about 20 minutes
long. Then they make a regular appointment. The doctor will ask them questions about how they feel or which parts
of their body hurt. He'll ask about their problems and symptoms.

After the first appointment patients sometimes need to make a second appointment for a checkup. In this
appointment, the doctor just checks that the patient is well again after the first problems end.


A patient may also call to make an appointment for an annual physical. Patients have an examination like this one
time a year. 4
1.- I Need To See A Doctor. 1.2.2. Vocabulary: Making an
1.2. Vocabulary.
(Lesson 1) appointment; An emergency.

Vocabulary: Making an appointment; An emergency.

The exam takes more time than a regular appointment. The receptionist schedules two hours for the physical because
the doctor has to check all parts of the body and do many tests.


Patients sometimes need to see a doctor immediately because they are very sick or they were in an accdient. Often,
emergency patients go immediately from the doctor's office to the hospital. For very bad emergencies, the patient
should call 911, and not the doctor's office.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.2. Vocabulary. 1.3. Making a medical appointment.
(Lesson 1)

Making a medical appointment.

Read the conversations about making a medical appointment.


Receptionist: Dr. Davis' office. May I help you?

Patient: This is Joe Lewis. I have a fever. I'd like an apointment to see Dr. Davis sometime today.
Receptionist: How about at 2 o'clock, Mr. Lewis?
Patient: Yes, I can get there by 2:00.
Receptionist: We'll see you then.
Patient: Thank you.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.2. Vocabulary. 1.3. Making a medical appointment.
(Lesson 1)

Making a medical appointment.

Read the conversations about making a medical appointment.


Receptionist: Dr. Davis' office. May I help you?

Patient: Good morning. This is John Smith. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Davis for an annual physical
Receptionist: Good morning, Mr. Smith. The doctor only does physicals on Mondays. March 5th, at 8 a.m., is the
first appointment that I can give you.
Patient: That's fine. Thank you.
Receptionist: We'll see you then, Mr. Smith. Please don't eat anything after 8 p.m. the night before the exam.

1.- I Need To See A Doctor.
1.2. Vocabulary. 1.3. Making a medical appointment.
(Lesson 1)

Making a medical appointment.

Read the conversations about making a medical appointment.


Receptionist: Dr. Davis' office. May I help you?

Patient: Good morning. This is Jan Dole. I'd like to make an appointment with the doctor. I'm not sick. I'm new in
town, and I'm looking for a doctor for my family.
Receptionist: Can you make it into our office on Thursday, March 5th, at 10:00?
Patient: Yes, that's fine. I can come in then.
Receptionist: May I have your name again and a phone number?
Patient: Jan Dole, 555-4321.
Receptionist: Thank you. We'll see you Thursday at 10:00

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