Lillian Peppers Country Powerpoint 1

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Table of Contents

General Information – Page 3 Customs and Traditions – Page xx

Map of XXXXX – Page 6 Scientific Contributions – Page xx
Geography and Climate – Page x Energy Resources – Page XX
Government and Economics – Page x Interesting Facts – Page xx
Food and Drink – Page x Native Animals – Page xx
Values and Beliefs – Page x Travel Video – Page xx
Family and Education – Page x References – Page xx
General Info About Japan
•My country is Japan. I chose it because I’ve always loved Japanese culture.
•Japan is an island off the East Asian coast.
•The official language of Japan is Japanese!
•The population is approximately, 127,185,332.


Geography and Climate
•Japan is known for its more mountainous region, but it can get really flat for the rice farms.
•The most populated city in Japan is Tokyo (Toe-ki-oh)!
•The least populated city in Japan is Utashinai, Hokkaido (oo-ta-she-ny, hok-aye-dough)
•The climate in Japan is usually temperate.
Government and Economics
•The government of Japan used to be a constitutional monarchy. That means that the emperor
has limited power. He is only regulated to ceremonial duties. Now, Japan has democracy.
•The current leader of Japan is Shinzō Abe. (Shin-zoh, Ah-bae)
•Japan’s economic freedom score is 72.3.
•Major exports are rice, and tobacco.
•The currency of Japan is Yen!
Food and Drink
Sushi, sashimi (sah-sha-me), yakitori, miso soup, tsukemono (t-suk-aye-moh-no) pickles, Udon,
and soba are very popular traditional meals in Japan.
Green tea, chuhai (chew-hi), awamori (aw-wah-more-i), amazake (ah-ma-zah-ki), arrowroot tea,
and ramune (rah-moon), are very good and traditional drinks.

At least two pictures showing food and drink from you country.
Values and Beliefs
•Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions.
•Shinto is a traditional religion of Japan and many practice it because they want to establish a
connection between current Japan and its ancient past.
•Buddhism is a more known religion that many in Japan practice because of the teaching of
Muhammed, and praise their god (Allah)
At least two pictures showing topic.
Family and Education
Families are usually nucular. They don’t live with everyone in the family, though sometimes the
grandparents do live with the family. It all depends on the culture of that particular family and
how much money they have and what they can afford.
Middle schools usually cover grades 7-9 when children are usually 13-15 years of age. There are
3.5 million primary school students in Japan as of 2012, down from over 5.3 million is 1990.
Customs and Traditions
They bow to each other to greet one another, that’s one of the most known ones, yet they don’t
expect foreigners to bow, or follow traditions. (if they’re nice, which most people in Japan are
well mannered.)
Japanese New Year, Greenery Day, showa (show-wah) day, and childrens day are just some of
the holidays Japan celebrates

At least two pictures showing holidays and/or customs.

Scientific Contributions
Japan has made power saving light bulbs, and Agar was discovered there.
Shinya Yamanaka (Yah-mah-nah-kah) is a Japanese Nobel prize winning stem cell researcher.
Energy Resources
Japan uses natural gases, but mostly fossil fuels like
most countries. Since they use so much though
they sometimes suffer from acid rain. Which is
pretty expensive.
Interesting Facts
Japan is made up of 6,852 islands.
The highest point in Japan in Mount Fuji, which stands at 3,776m
Due to gases produced by power plants, Japan sometimes suffers from acid rain.
At least two pictures showing interesting facts.
Native Animals
What are some unusual or interesting animals from your country?
What animal(s) native to your country or the region of your country did you find at the zoo?
You should have at least two pictures on this slide. They can be from the internet, but if you got
something at the zoo, please include it for extra credit and it must be identified and labeled as
having come from the zoo!
Video visit to Japan

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