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What is Advertising ?

 My View is that advertising is no more and no

less than a reasonable efficient way to sell. –
David Ogilvy in Ogilvy on Advertising
 We believe that advertising is the most effective
and efficient way to sell to the consumer. If we
should ever find better methods of selling our
type of products to the consumer, we’ll leave
advertising and turn to these other methods -
Howard Morgens – Former President – Procter
and Gamble – P and G had a global advertising
budget of USD 600000000 in 2004.
 In Defence of advertising - nobody says
that the printing press is evil because it
prints pornography it also prints the Bible .
Advertising is only evil when it advertises
evil things . – David Ogilvy
 Advertising creativity - what do you mean
by it ?
 Advertisement creativity should help sell
or build a brand image . Period .

 Advertisements work on the right appeal

and fail on the wrong appeal. A creative
maker has to keep this in mind all the
Why should advertising creatives
be carefully planned and executed?
 Because any kind of advertising increases
product sales ? Obviously No! In fact ,it could
help not selling the products.
 I have seen one advertisement actually sell not
twice as much, not three times as much, but 19
½ times as much as another. Both
advertisements occupied the same space. Both
had photographic illustrations. Both had carefully
written copy. The difference was that one used
the right appeal and the other used the wrong
appeal – John Caples – copywriter.
If you want to be a good creative
Ad maker then…..
Do your homework –research the product
or service you plan to advertise. This is
tedious but there is no other way.
 When O and M got the Mercedes account .
They interviewed engineers at Sttutgart
for three weeks . The resulting Ads
increased Mercedes sales from 10000 to
40000 in USA alone
Understand the positioning of your product
My own definition is “what the product does,
and who it is for ?” . I could have
positioned DOVE as a detergent bar for
men with dirty hands , but chose instead to
position it as a toilet bar for women with
dry skin .This is still working 25 years later
– David Ogilvy.
 Decide on what brand image you will give
to your product – it could make or break
your ad and then the product !
 You don’t agree ? Then why do you drink
Coke and your friend prefers Thums
Up ????
 Think of big ideas – if your ad does not have a striking
big idea it will fail for sure.
 Like using the dog as a symbol of telephone network
(Hutch), using a Deo to become the ultimate stud from a
hopeless loser (Axe) etc etc .
 Repeat a successful ad till it runs out of life
.Unfortunately most creative people pull the ads out
before they have outlived their age – the lagi !!!!
Sachchi!!!!!! Haaaa – ad on Sachin is my favorite
example .At the same time , for god sake , don’t make
one ad in 1978 and keep running it like Nirma .
 Develop Ambition – “when you reach for
the stars, you may not quite get one, but
you wont come up with a handful of mud
either” – Leo Burnett
 I once asked Sir Hugh Rigby , Surgeon to
King George V , “ What makes a great
Surgeon ?” Sir Hugh replied “ There isnt
much to choose between surgeons in
manual dexterity . What distinguishes the
great surgeon is that he knows more than
other surgeons” - David Oglivy
Same holds true for Creative Ad makers !
Never forget these lines !
 “I’m not saying that charming, witty and warm copy
won’t sell. I’m just saying that I've seen thousands of
charming, witty campaigns that didn’t. Lets say you are
a manufacturer. Your advertising isn't working and your
sales are going down. And everything depends on it,
your family’s future depends on it, other people’s
families depend on it. And you walk in this office and
talk to me, and you sit in that chair. Now, what do you
want out of me ? Fine writing ? Do you want
masterpieces? Do you want glowing things that can be
framed by copywriters? Or do you want to see the
goddamned sales curve stop moving down and start
moving up ?” – Reality in Advertising – R Reeves;
Can you be a Creative Ad maker
without using sex in your ads?
 The first Advertisement I ever produced
showed a naked woman . It was a mistake
, not because it was sexy, but because it
was irrelevant to the product – a cooking
stove . The test is relevance . – David
A few more essential attributes of a
creative ad maker 
 Start drinking and smoking
 Grow a pony tail
 Always give others near you a cold hard stare.
 Never agree with your teachers !

 Keep smiling will meet again next week. That's

when we talk serious advertising creativity.

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